Human Care Full Body Sling, Full Body Sling Net Kasutusjuhend

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Slings/ Selar/ Harnais / Gurte / Tilbanden
Full Body Sling 25010 / Full Body Sling Net 25005
User manual / Bruksanvisning /
Noce d’ulisaon / Benutzerhandbuch /
Content Innehåll
Contenu Inhalt
Inhoud Sisältö
Bruksanvisning 15
Säkerhetsinstrukoner 16
Allmän beskrivning/Avsedd användning 17
Tekniska specikaoner 17
Produkteke 18
Överensstämmelse och standard 19
Upphängningsalternav 19
Byglar ll Human Cares lyar 20
Kompabilitet 21
Applicering av sele 22
Felsökning 24
Skötselinstrukoner 25
Noce d’ulisaon 27
Consignes de sécurité 28
Descripon générale/Ulisaon conforme 29
Spécicaon 29
Équee du produit 30
Conformités et normes 31
Suspensions possibles 31
Barres de suspension pour les lève-personnes
de Human Care 32
Compabilité 33
Applicaon de harnais 34
Résoluon des problèmes 36
Instrucons d’entreen 37
Gebrauchsanweisung 39
Sicherheitshinweise 40
Allgemeine Beschreibung/
Verwendungszweck 41
Technische Daten 41
Produkt-Eke 42
Konformitäten und Standards 43
Auängungsalternaven 43
Auänger für Human Care Lie 44
Kompabilität 45
Hebegurt-Anwendung 46
Fehlerbehebung 49
Pegehinweise 50
Gebruikshandleiding 52
Veiligheidsinstruces 53
Algemene beschrijving /Beoogd gebruik 54
Technische Specicaes 54
Productlabel 55
In overeenstemming met en standaarden 56
Bevesgingsmogelijkheden 56
Tiljukken voor Human Care lien 57
Compabel 58
Sling Applicae 59
Problemen oplossen 62
Onderhoudsinstruces 62
User Manual 3
Safety Instrucons 4
General Descripon / Intended Use 5
Technical Specicaons 5
Product Label 6
Compliances and Standards 7
Suspension Alternaves 7
Hanger Bars for Human Care Lis 8
Compability 9
Sling Applicaon 10
Troubleshoong 12
Care Instrucons 13
yöohje 64
Turvallisuusohjeet 65
Yleinen kuvaus / Käyötarkoitus 66
Tekniset edot 66
Tuotetarra 67
Vaamustenmukaisuudet ja standardit 68
Ripustusvaihtoehdot 68
Nostotangot Human Caren nosmiin 69
Yhteensopivuus 70
Liinan käyö 71
Vianmääritys 73
Hoito-ohjeet 74 3
User Manual
WARNING symbol indicates a poten-
ally hazardous situaon which, if not
avoided, could result in serious injury
to the user or damage to property
and/or the device itself.
INFORMATION symbol indicates
recommendaons and informaon for
proper, trouble-free usage.
WEIGHT CAPACITY symbol indicates
maximum user weight for the product.
Do not exceed this weight in any
CE MARKING symbol indicates product
meets requirements of EU Direcve
93/42/EEC (MDD) and/or EU
Regulaon 2017/745 (MDR).
RECYCLE according to local regulaons.
MEDICAL DEVICE symbol indicates
that the product is a medical device
according to the denion of
medical device in EU Direcve 93/42/
EEC (MDD) and/or EU Regulaon
2017/745 (MDR).
READ INSTRUCTIONS and ensure you
fully understand them before using
this product.
You must read the user manual for your device prior to usage. Keep this
booklet and informaon handy for future use.
Product modicaon is not per-
Before use, always check that the
product is not damaged or worn.
Human Care’s products are connuously
being developed and updated to provide our
customers with the highest quality. We reserve
the right to make design changes without prior
Always make sure that you have the most
recent version of the manual which is available
for downloading from our website at
Contact your local distributor if you have any
quesons about the product and its use.
Noce to user/paent in case of serious
Any serious incident that has occurred in rela-
on to the product, should be reported to the
local contact, who reports to the manufacturer,
and the competent authority of the country in
which the user/paent is established.
Safety Instrucons
Check that the client is sing securely in the
sling before starng to li him/her.
Check that the li is balanced when moving,
raising and/or lowering the client. If you
are using a Human Care li with telescopic
hanger bar, it is important that the bar hooks
are in the same posion on both sides.
Our slings have been designed and tested
for indoor use with one client at a me and
must only be used for transferring a person.
This product is not a swing.
Make sure no sharp objects are in contact
with the sling.
The process of liing and moving a person
always involves risks. Therefore, you must read
the user manuals for the li and the liing
equipment carefully. Always make sure that
the liing equipment you are using is intended
for use with the li. As a care provider, you are
responsible for the clients safety and you must
know whether the client will be able to cope
with the liing process. The sling must be ed
to meet the client’s specic needs. If you are in
any doubt, please contact the supplier.
Carry out a careful visual inspecon of the
sling every me you use it.
Check that the right sling is being used for
the client. The model, size and material must
meet the client’s needs.
Plan the moving and liing process so that it
is as safe as possible.
Before raising the client, check that the sling
is correctly aached to the li/hanger bar
once the li straps are stretched.
It is important that the hooks of the hanger
bar are in the correct posion, with the
opening of the hook facing upwards on both
sides to securely hold the straps in place.
Recheck the posion of the hooks once the
li straps are stretched.
It is important to always check that the loops
are at the boom of all hooks (see pictures)
and securely placed below the locking pin on
all hooks. 5
General Descripon / Intended Use
Full Body Sling/Full Body Sling Net
The Human Care Full Body Sling and Full Body
Sling Net are designed primarily for moving pe-
ople who need full body support. The sling puts
the paent in a reclining posion which reduces
the load on the paent’s legs.
The slings are designed for two-, three- and
four-point suspension.
Technical Specicaons
It is crucial to use the right size of sling for the
client. To help dierenate our sizes, they are
colour coded for quick idencaon. The colour
code is found next to the slings label in the
shape of a loop. This loop can also be used to
properly store or hang the sling.
*The weights given are only guidelines and are not a substute for individual tests. Discrepancies can
occur, tolerances ± 1 cm, 0,3”.
Item Part No.: Size
A (cm/
B (cm/
C (cm/
Weight Capacity*
Weight Capacity
Full Body Sling 25010-S Small Red 31/12,2 85/33,5 90/35,4 30-60/66-132 300/661
Full Body Sling 25010-M Medium Yellow 40/15,7 92/36,2 91/35,8 55-90/121-198 300/661
Full Body Sling 25010-L Large Green 40/15,7 98/38,6 100/39,4 85-120/187-265 300/661
Full Body Sling 25010-XL Extra large Blue 44/17,3 105/41,3 102/40,2 110-150/243-331 300/661
Full Body Sling 25010-XXL Extra extra large White 44/17,3 111/43,7 106/41,7 140-200/309-441 300/661
Full Body Sling 25010-XXXL Extra extra extra large Pink 44/17,3 118/46,5 108/42,5 190-300/419-661 300/661
Full Body Sling Net 25005-JM Junior Medium White 22/8,7 71/28 80/31,5 15-40/33-88 300/661
Full Body Sling Net 25005-S Small Red 26/10,2 76/29,9 86/33,9 30-60/66-132 300/661
Full Body Sling Net 25005-M Medium Yellow 26/10,2 85/33,5 95/37,4 55-90/121-198 300/661
Full Body Sling Net 25005-L Large Green 34/13,4 96/37,8 95/37,4 85-120/187-265 300/661
Full Body Sling Net 25005-XL Extra large Blue 36/14,2 105/41,3 106/41,7 110-140/243-309 300/661
Full Body Sling 25010 Full Body Sling Net 25005
Product Label
The label on the sling contains the following
1. Human Care company logo
2. This way up arrow and marking the centre
line of the sling
3. CE and MD marking
4. Product name and size
5. Picture showing the sling in use
6. Part number
7. Safe Working Load
8. This side facing out” – outside of the
sling, not in touch with the client
9. Manufacturer
10. Date and country of producon
11. Instrucon labels
a. Do not use fabric soener
b. Visual inspecon
c. Latex Free
d. Read the manual before use
12. Serial number
13. Washing instrucons
a. Machine Wash Temperature
b. Do Not Bleach
c. Tumble Dry, Low Heat
d. Do Not Dry Clean
e. Never Iron
14. Owner name. (For example, write the
client’s name or another unique idener)
15. Indicate bi-annual inspecon
16. UDI: (01) EAN/GS1/GTIN (11) manu-
facturing date (21) serial number
17. Unique Product Code
18. QR code to user manual
Full Body Sling,
SWL < 300kg / < 661lbs
This side facing out
Human Care HC AB
Årstaängsvägen 21B
117 43 Stockholm
Due date next periodic inspection (every 6 months), mark:
(01) 0 7350011 05011 6 (11) 230306 (21) 335298050017
881608 800540
1 2
18 7
Suspension Alternaves
Our slings are designed with the premise that
all people are dierent with varying liing
requirements, needs or desires.
To make all our clients feel as comfortable as
possible in our slings, most of them can be used
with 2 or 3-point suspensions. Some slings can
also be used with a 4-point suspension. Below
the opons are displayed.
2-point suspension
Suitable for most liing situaons providing a good
seang posion. 2-point suspension is available with
oor lis, xed and portable ceiling lis.
Two-point suspension with crossed leg support:
Thread the strap on one leg secon through the strap
on the other leg secon before aaching them to the
hanger bar.
Two-point suspension with overlapping leg support:
This method is suitable for liing clients with
amputated legs, for example. Extension straps can
be aached to the liing straps to prevent the client
from leaning too far back in the seated posion.
Two-point suspension with separate leg support:
Put the client’s legs in each leg secon and aach the
liing straps to the hanger bar. Note: This method
increases the risk of the client sliding out of the sling
An individual assessment of the client’s needs
must always be carried out before choosing an
alternave connecon method.
Compliances and Standards
Human Care is an ISO 13485:2016 cered
Swedish medical device company. The Quality
Management System is in compliance with US
21 CFR part 820.
The product is CE marked in accordance with EU
Direcve 93/42/EEC (MDD) and/or EU Regula-
on 2017/745 (MDR), as class I medical device.
The CE mark is on the product.
This sling has been tested in accordance with
ISO 10535.
Hanger Bars for Human Care Lis
3-point suspension
Oers an elongated sing posion and more even
weight distribuon. The 3-point suspension is suitable
especially for clients carrying an increased risk of
pressure sores or who need addional space for the
upper body.
Thread the le leg secon through the loop on the
right leg secon. Aach the leg secon liing straps
to the leg hooks and the back secon liing straps to
the li.
4-point suspension
A spacious sing posion making it suitable for larger
clients or when using a stretcher. 4-point suspension
is available with both xed and portable ceiling lis
or oor lis.
Accessory Descripon Part no.
2-point hanger bar For staonary li HeliQ. 3 widths: 35 cm/13,8”: 72754
45 cm/17,7”: 72755
60 cm/23,6”: 72757
2-point hanger bar For portable lis Roomer S / Altair,
2 widths:
45 cm/17,7”: 55751
55 cm/21,7”: 55764
4-point hanger bar For staonary li HeliQ 92938
4-point suspension 4-point suspension accessory (49 cm). Enables 4-point liing with
the Altair and Roomer S lis. The suspension bar is placed on the
lis single leg hook.
HeliQ HeliQRoomer S / Altair
(55751 45 cm, 17,7” / 55764 55 cm, 21,7”)(7275x) (92938) 9
Human Care Group slings are designed for use
with all Human Care lis and hanger bars. The
products are also compable with products of
other suppliers ulizing the same aachment
method for securing slings to a hanger bar and
li. However, due to the wide range of products
worldwide, Human Care cannot be responsible
for any errors that may result from improper
use or applicaon of combinaons of slings,
hanger bars and lis of other suppliers. The use
of the combined system is at the prescribers
own risk and liability.
To ensure the safety of the client and caregiver,
Human Care recommends the following mini-
mum requirements:
1. When using slings with lis and hang-
er bars, made by manufacturers other
than Human Care, the combined system
needs to be designed with the same sling
aachment method for the hanger bar of
oor lis and ceiling lis, meaning loop
style slings are combined with a loop style
hanger bar, clip style slings are combined
with a clip style hanger bar.
2. The involved paent lis and sling must be
CE marked in accordance with the medical
device direcve, MDD 93/42/
EEG / upcoming MDR 2017/75 and comply
with standard requirements for paent lis
as stated in EN ISO 10535.
3. The caregiver must follow the manufactu-
rers instrucon manuals and recommen-
daons with respect to the use, care,
client, caregiver, cleaning, and inspecon
of the slings and lis.
4. Dierent products on the assembled li
system: i.e., li, hanger bar, sling, scale and
other accessories may have dierent max.
loads. It is always the lowest maximum
allowable load indicated for the respecve
products and the system that applies for
the enre system.
Always check the markings on all individual
products in the system.
5. Individual risk assessment, including a
praccal test of the system and validaon
with the specic combinaon used are
required to arm that the size of the sling
is correct for the intended use and compa-
ble to the width and design of the hanger
bar. The combined system needs to be
documented by the competent assessor.
If there are any quesons, please contact your
local Human Care oce or distributor.
Sling Applicaon
Liing the paent from a lying posion
1. Lay the paent on the side. Posion the
sling so that the centre of the sling lines up
with the paent’s spine. Take note of the
marking on the sling “This way out, back”.
The boom part of the sling must be
directly under the paents coccyx.
Roll the paent over to the other side and
pull the sling through. Lay the paent on
the back. If the bed is height-adjustable,
raise the head of the bed so that the pa-
ent is in a semi-sing posion.
2. Pull the leg secons through between
the paent’s legs. Lower the li to the
height of the paent’s stomach. When a
three-point suspension is used, you should
thread the le leg secon through the loop
on the outside of the right leg secon. At-
tach the leg secon liing straps to the leg
hooks on the li. Aach the back secon
liing straps to the li. Hold the li away
from the paents face with one hand as
you raise the li.
Alternave: The sling can also be used for
two- or four-point suspension. In this case
the loop on the right leg secon is not
used. Instead the leg secons are crossed.
3. Pause in this posion and check that all the
liing straps are securely aached to the
hooks. 11
4. Connue liing the paent. It may be ne-
cessary to lower the bed slightly. Raise the
paent’s legs slightly while turning him/
her away from the bed. It is a good idea
to put your arm around the paent while
you are moving him/her to create a greater
sense of security.
Liing the paent from a sing posion
1. Pull the sling down behind the paent’s
back. Take note of the marking on the sling
This way out, back”. The boom edge
of the sling must be behind the paent’s
2. Pull the leg secons through to the front.
Pull the leg secons up between the pa-
ent’s legs. Lower the li to the height of
the paent’s stomach. When a three-point
suspension is used, you should thread the
le leg secon through the loop on the
outside of the right leg secon. Aach the
leg secon liing straps to the leg hooks
on the li. Aach the back secon liing
straps to the li. Hold the li away from
the paent’s face with one hand as you
raise the li.
Alternave: The sling can also be used for
two- or four-point suspension. In these ca-
ses the loop on the right leg secon is not
used. Instead the leg secons are crossed.
3. Pause in this posion and check that all the
liing straps are securely aached to the
4. Connue liing the paent. It is a good
idea to put your arm around the paent
while you are moving him/her to create a
greater sense of security.
Descripon Acon
The client is at risk of sliding out The sling may be too large.
The sling is not correctly ed - the length of the loops should be
stretched at the same me.
The client is unbalanced when lied The instrucons on the individual test log have not been followed or
a new assessment needs to be carried out.
The sling is too small This can be uncomfortable for the client. The sling can cut into the
client’s esh and/or his/her back may not have enough support.
Note: It is important that the right sling is used for each client and that it is individually tested to
ensure that it meets the client’s need and the transfer situaon. 13
Care Instrucons
Check for wear and tear
Check the sling for wear and tear. It is important
to check the fabric, the edging, the seams and
the liing straps.
Damaged liing equipment must not be used.
Human Care slings are intended for individual
use. To avoid infecons or transmission of bac-
teria, it is important to clean the slings properly.
All slings should be machine washed and dried
as soon as possible. Slings should always be
cleaned aer use in a wet situaon.
Always refer to the label of the sling before
Periodic inspecon
A periodic inspecon must be carried out at
least every 6 months. See Human Care’s peri-
odic inspecon log which can be found on our
website at
Product lifeme
The product´s expected lifeme 3 years or
150-180 mes washing, if the product is used
as intended and maintained according to the
manufacturer´s instrucons, depending on the
intensity of use and maximum load applied
during use. If the product label is no longer
legible, the product should be discarded.
Warranty and support
If you need informaon or support, please
contact your Human Care oce,, or distributor.
Once the product has reached the end of its life,
it should be disposed according to your coun-
trys rules, especially for the separate collecon
of electrical and electronic products.
Correct disposal helps prevent negave
consequences for the environment and human
Approved Disinfectants Soluons to Avoid
Chemical Disinfecon: 70% Ethanol, 45% isopropanol or similar Steam sterilizaon
Thermal Disinfecon: Wash 65°C (149°F) for a minimum of 10 minutes1Iodine based disinfectants
Thermal Disinfecon: Wash 71°C (160°F) for a minimum of 3 minutes1Gas sterilizaon
Note: Add 8 minutes to both thermal disinfecon opons to ensure heat has penetrated the fabric.
Finish with a rinse cycle.1
1 Ref: HSG (95) 18: Hospital Laundry Arrangements for Used and Infected Linen, Department of Health, NHS (Naonal Health Service, England)
Disinfecon Procedure
Human Care slings are intended to be used with
one paent at a me. To avoid possible trans-
mission of infecous diseases, it is important to
clean the sling if it has become soiled or if it is to
be used by a dierent paent.
Overview of Sling Material Care
Polyester Net
Trevira / So Air Mesh
Polyester/Polyester Net
Venlated Polyester
Polyester Tricot
Coated Nylon
jMachine Wash Maximum Temperature 60°C (140°F) (slings with padding)
bMachine Wash Maximum Temperature 75°C (167°F)
TTumble Dry Low, Maximum Temperature 30°C - 54°C (86°F - 130°F)
VTumble Dry Low, Maximum Temperature 60°C (140°F )
UDo Not Tumble Dry
CDo Not Iron
KDo Not Dry Clean
HDo Not Bleach
Do Not Use Fabric Soener
dDo Not Wash
Dispose of Aer Use
Disinfecon Permied (see list of approved disinfectants) 15
VARNING symbolen indikerar en
potenellt farlig situaon som, om
den inte undviks, kan leda ll allvarlig
personskada eller skada på egendom
och / eller själva enheten.
INFORMATIONS symbolen anger
rekommendaoner och informaon
för korrekt och problemfri användning.
VIKTKAPACITET symbolen indikerar
maximal användarvikt för produkten.
Överskrid inte denna vikt under några
CE MARKING symbolen indikerar a
produkten uppfyller kraven i EUs direk-
v 93/42/EEC och/eller EUs förordning
ÅTERVINNING enligt lokala föreskrier.
LÄS INSTRUKTIONER och se ll a du
förstår dem innan du använder den
här produkten.
Du måste läsa bruksanvisningen för din enhet innan du använder den. Håll
denna broschyr och informaon ll hands för framda användning.
Anpassningar av produkten är
inte llåtet.
Kontrollera alld a produkten
inte är skadad eller sliten innan
den används.
Human Cares produkter utvecklas och uppda-
teras konnuerligt för a våra kunder ska få
bästa kvalitet. Vi förbehåller oss räen a göra
förändringar av produkten utan a informera
om dea i förväg.
Säkerställ a du alld har den senaste versionen
av bruksanvisningen, vilken nns llgänglig för
nedladdning på vår hemsida,
Kontakta din återförsäljare om du har frågor
rörande produkten eller hur den ska användas.
Meddelande ll användare / paent vid
allvarlig händelse
Alla allvarliga incidenter som inträar vid an-
vändande av produkten, ska rapporteras ll den
lokala kontakten, som rapporterar ll llverka-
ren, och den behöriga myndigheten i det land
där användaren/paenten är bosa.
MEDICAL DEVICE symbolen indikerar
a produkten är medicinsk utrust-
ning enligt denionen av medicinsk
utrustning i EUs direkv 93/42/EEC
(MDD) och / eller EU-förordningen
2017/745 (MDR).
Kontrollera a vårdtagaren sier säkert i
selen innan lyet.
Kontrollera a lyen är i balans när vård-
tagaren föryas, höjs eller sänks. Om du
använder en Human Care ly med teleskop-
bygel, är det vikgt a bygelkrokarna är i
samma posion på båda sidor.
Ly och föryning av en person medför alld
en risk. Läs därför noga igenom bruksanvisning
för både ly och lyllbehör. Förvissa dig alld
om a de lyllbehör du använder fungerar
ihop med lyen. Som vårdgivare är du ansvarig
för vårdtagarens säkerhet och du måste känna
ll dennes möjlighet a klara lysituaonen.
Lyselen skall vara anpassad och utprovad för
vårdtagarens särskilda behov. Vid tveksamheter
kontakta leverantören.
Genomför en noggrann visuell inspekon av
selen varje gång du använder den.
Kontrollera a rä sele används ll vårdta-
garen. Modell, storlek och material skall vara
anpassade ll vårdtagarens behov.
Planera föryningen/lyet så a det sker
så säkert som möjligt.
Kontrollera a selen är korrekt kopplad ll
lyen när banden är sträckta, men innan
vårdtagaren har lämnat underlaget.
Det är vikgt a bygelns krokar har rä
posion, med öppningen på krokarna vänd
uppåt på båda sidor för a selöglorna ska sit-
ta säkert på plats. Kontrollera åter krokarnas
posion när banden sträckts.
Det är vikgt a alld kontrollera a selög-
lorna är placerade i boen av alla krokar
(se bild nedan) och säkert placerade under
urkrokningsskyddet på alla krokar. 17
Allmän beskrivning/Avsedd användning
Full Body Sling/Full Body Sling Net
Human Care Full Body Sling och Full Body Sling
Net är föryningsselar som framförallt är tänk-
ta för personer som behöver e bra stöd för
hela kroppen. Användaren får en llbakalutad
siposion vilket gör a belastningen på benen
Full Body Slings är anpassade för två-, tre- och
Tekniska specikaoner
Det är avgörande a använda en för vårdtaga-
ren lämplig storlek på sele. För a underläa
a skilja emellan våra storlekar har selarna
färgkoder. Färgkoderna hias inll selens eke
i form av en ögla. Öglan kan också användas för
lämplig förvaring eller upphängning av selen.
*De angivna vikterna är endast riktlinjer och ersäer inte en individuell utprovning. Avvikelser kan
förekomma med toleransen ± 1 cm.
Arkel Art. Nr. Storlek Färgkod A (cm) B (cm) C (cm) Personvikt* (kg) Maximal brukarvikt (kg)
Full Body Sling 25010-S Small Röd 31 85 90 30-60 300
Full Body Sling 25010-M Medium Gul 40 92 91 55-90 300
Full Body Sling 25010-L Large Grön 40 98 100 85-120 300
Full Body Sling 25010-XL Extra large Blå 44 105 102 110-150 300
Full Body Sling 25010-XXL Extra extra large Vit 44 111 106 140-200 300
Full Body Sling 25010-XXXL Extra extra extra large Rosa 44 118 108 190-300 300
Full Body Sling Net 25005-JM Junior Medium Vit 22 71 80 15-40 300/661
Full Body Sling Net 25005-S Small Röd 26 76 86 30-60 300
Full Body Sling Net 25005-M Medium Gul 26 85 95 55-90 300
Full Body Sling Net 25005-L Large Grön 34 96 95 85-120 300
Full Body Sling Net 25005-XL Extra large Blå 36 105 106 110-140 300
Full Body Sling 25010 Full Body Sling Net 25005
Ekeen på selen innehåller följande informaon:
1. Human Cares företagslogotyp
2. Denna sida upp-pil, markerar även mien
3. CE- och MD-märkning
4. Produktnamn och storlek
5. Bild som visar selen i bruk
6. Arkelnummer
7. Säker arbetslast
8. This side facing out”(Denna sida ut) se-
lens utsida; ej i kontakt med vårdtagaren
9. Tillverkare
10. Tillverkningsdatum och -land
11. Instrukonsekeer
a. Ej sköljmedel
b. Okulärbesikning
c. Latexfri
d. Läs manual innan användning
12. Serienummer
13. Tvänistrukoner
a. Maskintvästemperatur
b. Ej blekmedel
c. Torktumling; låg temperatur
d. Ej kemtvä
e. Ej strykning
14. Ägarens namn (Märk t.ex. med
vårdtagarens namn eller en annan unik
15. Ange halvårlig inspekon
16. UDI: (01) EAN/GS1/GTIN (11) produkons-
datum (21) serienummer
17. Unik produktkod
18. QR kod ll bruksanvisning
Full Body Sling,
SWL < 300kg / < 661lbs
This side facing out
Human Care HC AB
Årstaängsvägen 21B
117 43 Stockholm
Due date next periodic inspection (every 6 months), mark:
(01) 0 7350011 05011 6 (11) 230306 (21) 335298050017
881608 800540
1 2
18 19
Våra selar är uormade baserat på det faktum
a människor är olika och a vi alla har våra
egna önskemål och krav.
För a erbjuda alla våra vårdtagare bästa be-
kvämlighet när de sier i våra lyselar, kan de
esta av dem användas med 2 eller 3-punkts-
upphängning. Vissa selar kan också användas
med 4-punktsupphängning. Nedan visas
Passar de esta lysituaoner och ger en bra si-
ställning. 2-punktsupphängning nns llgänglig för
staonära, mobila och portabla lyar.
Tvåpunktsupphängning med korsade bendelar:
Trä öglan på ena bendelen genom öglan på den andra
bendelen innan de fasts på bygeln.
Tvåpunktsupphängning med bendelarna omlo:
Denna metod är exempelvis lämplig för a lya
vårdtagare med amputerade ben. Förlängningsband
kan fästas på bendelarnas öglor för a undvika a
vårdtagaren lutar bakåt för mycket i siande läge.
Tvåpunktsupphängning med separerade bendelar:
Placera vårdtagarens ben i selens bendelar och fäst
lyöglorna i bygeln. Notera: Denna metod ökar risken
för a vårdtagaren kan glida ur selen.
En individuell bedömning av vårdtagarens be-
hov måste alld genomföras innan en alternav
upphängning väljs.
Överensstämmelse och standard
Human Care är e svenskt ISO 13485:2016-cer-
erat medicintekniskt företag. Kvalitetsstyr-
ningssystemet uppfyller US 21 CFR del 820.
Denna sele har testats i överensstämmelse med
ISO 10535.
Lyselen är CE-märkt enligt EU direkv 93/42/
EEC (MDD) och/eller EU förordning 2017/745
(MDR), som klass 1 medicinteknisk produkt.
CE-märknigen nns på selen.
Byglar ll Human Cares lyar
Erbjuder en utvidgad siställning och en mer jämn
vikördelning. 3-punktsupphängning lämpar sig speci-
ellt för vårdtagare med ökad risk för trycksår eller som
behöver extra utrymme för överkroppen.
Trä den vänstra bendelen genom hällan på den högra
bendelens utsida. Fäst bendelens lyöglor på ben-
kroken och ryggdelens lyöglor på lyen.
Skapar en rymlig siposion vilket gör den lämplig för
större vårdtagare eller när en bår används. 4-punkts-
upphängning nns llgänglig för både staonära,
mobila och portabla lyar.
Tillbehör Beskrivning
2-punktsbygel För den staonära lyen HeliQ.
3 bredder:
35 cm: 72754
45 cm: 72755
60 cm: 72757
2-punktsbygel För de portabla lyarna Roomer S och Altair, 2 bredder: 45 cm: 55751
55 cm: 55764
4-punktsbygel För den staonära lyen HeliQ. 92938
4-punkts-upphängning Tillbehör, 4-punktsupphängning (49 cm). Möjliggör 4-punktsly med lyarna Altair
och Roomer S. Placeras på lyens benkrok.
HeliQ HeliQRoomer S / Altair
(55751 45 cm / 55764 55 cm)(7275x) (92938)