Brooks SLA5810 / SLA5820 / SLA5840, SLAMf10 / SLAMf20 paigaldusjuhend

  • Tere! Olen tehisintellekti chatbot, kes on koolitatud aitama teid Brooks SLA5810 / SLA5820 / SLA5840 paigaldusjuhend küsimustega. Olen dokumendi läbi vaadanud ja valmis andma lihtsaid ja arusaadavaid vastuseid.
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
Models SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20
Elastomer Sealed Pressure Controllers
Models SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20
Model SLA5810/20
Model SLAMf10/20
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
Models SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20
ESD (Electrostatic Discharge)
CAUTION: This instrument contains electronic components that are susceptible to damage by static electricity. Proper handling procedures must be observed
during the removal, installation or other handling of internal circuit boards or devices.
Handling Procedure:
1. Power to unit must be removed.
2. Personnel must be grounded, via a wrist strap or other safe, suitable means before any printed circuit card or other internal device is installed,
removed or adjusted.
3. Printed circuit cards must be transported in a conductive container. Boards must not be removed from protective enclosure until immediately before
installation. Removed boards must immediately be placed in protective container for transport, storage or return to factory.
This instrument is not unique in its content of ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive components. Most modern electronic designs contain components
that utilize metal oxide technology (NMOS, SMOS, etc.). Experience has proven that even small amounts of static electricity can damage or destroy these
devices. Damaged components, even though they appear to function properly, exhibit early failure.
Brooks Instrument designs, manufactures and tests its products to meet many national and international standards. These products must be properly
installed, operated and maintained to ensure they continue to operate within their normal specifications. The following instructions must be adhered to
and integrated into your safety program when installing, operating and maintaining Brooks Instrument products.
To ensure proper performance, use qualified personnel to install, operate, update, program and maintain the product.
Read all instructions prior to installing, operating and servicing the product. If this instruction manual is not the correct manual, please see back cover
for local sales office contact information. Save this instruction manual for future reference.
WARNING: Do not operate this instrument in excess of the specifications listed in the Instruction and Operation Manual. Failure to heed
this warning can result in serious personal injury and / or damage to the equipment.
If you do not understand any of the instructions, contact your Brooks Instrument representative for clarification.
Follow all warnings, cautions and instructions marked on and supplied with the product.
WARNING: Prior to installation ensure this instrument has the required approval ratings to meet local and national codes. Failure to heed this warning can
result in serious personal injury and / or damage to the equipment.
Install your equipment as specified in the installation instructions of the appropriate instruction manual and per applicable local and national codes.
Connect all products to the proper electrical and pressure sources.
Operation: (1) Slowly initiate flow into the system. Open process valves slowly to avoid flow surges. (2) Check for leaks around the flow meter inlet
and outlet connections. If no leaks are present, bring the system up to the operating pressure.
Please make sure that the process line pressure is removed prior to service. When replacement parts are required, ensure that qualified people use
replacement parts specified by Brooks Instrument. Unauthorized parts and procedures can affect the product's performance and place the safe
operation of your process at risk. Look-alike substitutions may result in fire, electrical hazards or improper operation.
Ensure that all equipment doors are closed and protective covers are in place to prevent electrical shock and personal injury, except when
maintenance is being performed by qualified persons.
WARNING: For liquid flow devices, if the inlet and outlet valves adjacent to the devices are to be closed for any reason, the devices must be completely
drained. Failure to do so may result in thermal expansion of the liquid that can rupture the device and may cause personal injury.
All pressure equipment with an internal pressure greater than 0.5 bar (g) and a size larger than 25mm or 1" (inch) falls under the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED).
The Specifications Section of this manual contains instructions related to the PED directive.
Products described in this manual are in compliance with EN directive 2014/34/EU.
All Brooks Instrument Flowmeters fall under fluid group 1.
Products larger than 25mm or 1" (inch) are in compliance with PED category I, II or III.
Products of 25mm or 1" (inch) or smaller are Sound Engineering Practice (SEP).
The Brooks Instrument (electric/electronic) equipment bearing the CE mark has been successfully tested to the regulations of the Electro Magnetic
Compatibility (EMC directive 2014/30/EU).
Special attention however is required when selecting the signal cable to be used with CE marked equipment.
Quality of the signal cable, cable glands and connectors:
Brooks Instrument supplies high quality cable(s) which meets the specifications for CE certification.
If you provide your own signal cable you should use a cable which is overall completely screened with a 100% shield.
“D” or “Circular” type connectors used should be shielded with a metal shield. If applicable, metal cable glands must be used providing cable screen clamping.
The cable screen should be connected to the metal shell or gland and shielded at both ends over 360 Degrees.
The shield should be terminated to an earth ground.
Card Edge Connectors are standard non-metallic. The cables used must be screened with 100% shield to comply with CE certification.
The shield should be terminated to an earth ground.
For pin configuration : Please refer to the enclosed Instruction Manual.
European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)
European Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Essential Instructions
Read before proceeding!
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
Models SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20
Dear Customer,
We appreciate this opportunity to service your flow measurement and control requirements with a Brooks
Instrument device. Every day, flow customers all over the world turn to Brooks Instrument for solutions to their
gas and liquid low-flow applications. Brooks provides an array of flow measurement and control products for
various industries from biopharmaceuticals, oil and gas, fuel cell research and chemicals, to medical devices,
analytical instrumentation, semiconductor manufacturing, and more.
The Brooks product you have just received is of the highest quality available, offering superior performance,
reliability and value to the user. It is designed with the ever changing process conditions, accuracy requirements
and hostile process environments in mind to provide you with a lifetime of dependable service.
We recommend that you read this manual in its entirety. Should you require any additional information concerning
Brooks products and services, please contact your local Brooks Sales and Service Office listed on the back cover
of this manual or visit
Yours sincerely,
Brooks Instrument
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
Models SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
Models SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20
Paragraph Page
Number Number
Section 1 Introduction
1-1 Scope .........................................................................................................................................1-1
1-2 Purpose......................................................................................................................................1-1
1-3 Description .................................................................................................................................1-1
1-4 Specifications .............................................................................................................................1-2
Section 2 Installation
2-1 General ......................................................................................................................................2-1
2-2 Receipt of Equipment.................................................................................................................2-1
2-3 Recommended Storage Practice ...............................................................................................2-1
2-4 Return Shipment ........................................................................................................................2-1
2-5 Transit Precautions ....................................................................................................................2-2
2-6 Removal from Storage ...............................................................................................................2-2
2-7 Gas Connections........................................................................................................................2-2
2-8 In-Line Filter ...............................................................................................................................2-2
2-9 Installation ..................................................................................................................................2-3
2-10 Electrical Interface......................................................................................................................2-4
Section 3 Operation
3-1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................3-1
3-2 Theory of Operation for Pressure Control ..................................................................................3-1
3-3 Features .....................................................................................................................................3-1
3-4 Analog I/O Mode of Operation....................................................................................................3-3
3-5 Communications Features .........................................................................................................3-4
3-5-1 RS485 Communications Features .............................................................................................3-4
3-5-2 Profibus Communications Features ...........................................................................................3-5
3-5-2 DeviceNet Communications Features........................................................................................3-5
Section 4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting
4-1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................4-1
4-2 Troubleshooting..........................................................................................................................4-1
Section A CE Certificate
CE Certificate of Mass Flow Equipment ................................................................................................A-1
Warranty, Local Sales/Service Contact Information....................................................................... Back Cover
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
Models SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20
Figure Page
Number Number
1-1 Typical Configurations................................................................................................................1-7
1-2 SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20 Analog/RS485 Connections and Pinouts ...................................1-7
1-3 SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20 Profbus Connections and Pinouts..............................................1-8
1-4 SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20 DeviceNet Connections and Pinouts..........................................1-9
1-5 Dimensions - Models SLA5810/20, Thru-Flow, RS485 .............................................................1-10
1-6 Dimensions - Models SLA5810/20, Thru-Flow, Profibus ...........................................................1-10
1-7 Dimensions - Models SLA5810/20, Thru-Flow, DeviceNet........................................................ 1-11
1-8 Dimensions - Models SLAMf10/20, Thru-Flow, RS485 .............................................................1-11
1-9 Dimensions - Models SLAMf10/20, Thru-Flow, Profibus...........................................................1-12
1-10 Dimensions - Models SLAMf10/20, Thru-Flow, DeviceNet .......................................................1-12
2-1 Shielded Cable Hookup Diagram - Analog/RS485 ..................................................................... 2-5
2-2 Shielded Cable Hookup Diagram - Profibus...............................................................................2-5
2-3 Shielded Cable Hookup Diagram - DeviceNet ...........................................................................2-6
2-4 Common Electrical Hookups Voltage I/O Version ......................................................................2-6
2-5 Recommended I/O Wiring Configuration for Current Signals (Non-Isolated Power Supply)......2-7
2-6 Recommended I/O Wiring Configuration for Current Signals (Isolated Power Supply) .............2-7
3-1 Model SLA5810/20 System Block Diagram (Downstream version) ...........................................3-2
3-2 Externally Accessible Adjustment for all SLA5810/20 Controllers..............................................3-3
4-1 Bench Troubleshooting Circuit ...................................................................................................4-3
Table Page
Number Number
1-1 Flow Ranges and Pressure Ratings...........................................................................................1-3
1-2 Specifications .............................................................................................................................1-3
1-3 Communication Protocols ..........................................................................................................1-4
1-4 Certifications SLA58XX..............................................................................................................1-5
1-5 Certifications SLAMfXX..............................................................................................................1-6
2-1 Recommended Filter Size..........................................................................................................2-2
Models SLA5810/20 amd SLAMf10/20
Section 1 Introduction
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
1-1 Scope
Thank you for purchasing a Brooks Instrument Digital Pressure Product. This
manual, X-PR-SLA5800-SLAMf-Series-RevB-PC-eng is an installation and
operation manual for your instrument.
If you have purchased a Brooks
Digital Mass Flow Product with DeviceNet
or Profibus
Communications, a separate Instruction Manual shall also be
provided as part of the operating documentation.
1-2 Purpose
The Brooks models SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20 are pressure
measurement devices designed for accurately measuring and rapidly
controlling the upstream or downstream pressure in a flow system. This
instruction manual is intended to provide the user with all the information
necessary to install, operate and maintain the Brooks
PC. This manual is
organized into the following sections.
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Installation
Section 3 Operation
Section 4 Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Section A Essential Instructions
Back Cover Warranty, Local Sales/Service Contact Information
It is recommended that this manual be read in its entirety before attempting to
operate or repair these Digital products.
1-3 Description
Brooks Instrument’s digital elastomer sealed pressure measurement and
control product line offers unparalleled flexibility and performance. The
SLA5800/SLAMf Series of Elastomer Seal pressure measurement and
control devices are the most accurate, repeatable, and responsive controller
on the market today!
Brooks offers traditional analog options as well as RS485 digital
communications (“S-protocol”, based on HART). Brooks also offers control
interfaces via digital network protocols like DeviceNet, a high speed (up to
500k baud) digital communication network, and Profibus. Brooks'
communication capabilities and device-profiles have been certified by the
ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vendor's Association) and the ITK (Interoperability
Test Kit). Other network protocols are in development. Talk to your Brooks
representative about your specific needs.
The process and command data may be 'wired' either using traditional 5 volt
analog connections or digital communications networks; The measurement
and control performance is the same!
The SLA5800/SLAMF Series microprocessor uses a multi-point calibration to
deal with any residual integral sensor non-linearity, yielding a highly accurate
process signal.
The SLA5800/SLAMf Series family of products utilizes a modular system in
Models SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20
Section 1 Introduction
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
both it's mechanical and electrical construction. This modularity allows for
simplified customer ordering and factory configuration, enabling Brooks to
easily meet the ever changing needs of our global customers.
This flexibility yields products for pressure measurement and control, using
either traditional analog connections or leading edge network-communication
Brooks SLA5800 and SLAMf Series of pressure controllers can directly
replace existing analog pressure controllers with the advantage of improved
digital accuracy. Both analog and digital applications will see settling time
and accuracy improvements.
1-4 Specifications
PC-based Support Tools
Brooks Instrument offers a variety of PC-based process control and service
tools to meet the needs of our customers. SmartDDE may be used with any
unit supporting RS485 in a multidrop configuration, thus allowing users to
control and monitor their Brooks devices. The Brooks Expert Support Tool
may be used to monitor, diagnose and tune SLA Enhanced Pressure
Controllers. The Brooks Expert Support Tool interfaces with the SLA
Enhanced Pressure Controllers via a service diagnostic port located on the
top lid of the device (SLA58XX) or just inside the top cover (SLAMf).
Models SLA5810/20 amd SLAMf10/20
Section 1 Introduction
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
Table 1-1 Flow Ranges and Pressure Ratings
Table 1-2 Specifications
*Alarm modes are dependent on the communications interface. These are described in the corresponding digital communication interface manual.
**Hazardous area certifications have a temperature range limitation of 0-65°C.
Pressure AccuracyPressure Accuracy
Pressure AccuracyPressure Accuracy
Pressure Accuracy
+0.25% of Transducer F.S., F.S. > 300 psia
(Including Linearity and Hysteresis)(Including Linearity and Hysteresis)
(Including Linearity and Hysteresis)(Including Linearity and Hysteresis)
(Including Linearity and Hysteresis)
+0.12% of Transducer F.S., F.S. 300 psia
Flow Accuracy (N2 equivalent)Flow Accuracy (N2 equivalent)
Flow Accuracy (N2 equivalent)Flow Accuracy (N2 equivalent)
Flow Accuracy (N2 equivalent) N/A
Control RangeControl Range
Control RangeControl Range
Control Range 20:1 Typical - Application specific
Repeatability & ReproducibilityRepeatability & Reproducibility
Repeatability & ReproducibilityRepeatability & Reproducibility
Repeatability & Reproducibility 0.20% S.P.
Linearity Included in accuracy
Response Time (Response Time (
Response Time (Response Time (
Response Time (
Settling time withinSettling time within
Settling time withinSettling time within
Settling time within System dependent
±2% F.S. for 0-100% command step)±2% F.S. for 0-100% command step)
±2% F.S. for 0-100% command step)±2% F.S. for 0-100% command step)
±2% F.S. for 0-100% command step)
Zero StabilityZero Stability
Zero StabilityZero Stability
Zero Stability <
+ 0.001% F.S. per 30 days
Temperature CoefficientTemperature Coefficient
Temperature CoefficientTemperature Coefficient
Temperature Coefficient ±0.1% of F.S. per °C
Pressure CoefficientPressure Coefficient
Pressure CoefficientPressure Coefficient
Pressure Coefficient N/A
(Flow Measurement Only)(Flow Measurement Only)
(Flow Measurement Only)(Flow Measurement Only)
(Flow Measurement Only)
Attitude SensitivityAttitude Sensitivity
Attitude SensitivityAttitude Sensitivity
Attitude Sensitivity The accuracy of the Pressure Sensor is not attitude dependent
Operating Temperature RangeOperating Temperature Range
Operating Temperature RangeOperating Temperature Range
Operating Temperature Range -14 to 65
C (7 to 149
Transducer Pressure RatingsTransducer Pressure Ratings
Transducer Pressure RatingsTransducer Pressure Ratings
Transducer Pressure Ratings 15 psia/1.03 bara for < 15 psia full scale
15 psig/1.03 barg for < 15 psig full scale
100 psia/6.9 bara for < 100 psia full scale
100 psig/6.9 barg for 15-100 psig full scale
300 psia/20.7 bara for 100-300 psia full scale
300 psig/20.7 barg for 100-300 psig full scale
3000 psia/206.9 bara for 300-3000 psia full scale
4500 psia/310.3 bara for 3000-4500 psia full scale
Leak Integrity (external)Leak Integrity (external)
Leak Integrity (external)Leak Integrity (external)
Leak Integrity (external) 1x10
atm. cc/sec He
Valve TypeValve Type
Valve TypeValve Type
Valve Type Normally Closed, Normally Open
Primary Wetted MaterialsPrimary Wetted Materials
Primary Wetted MaterialsPrimary Wetted Materials
Primary Wetted Materials 316L Stainless Steel, High Alloy Stainless Steel, Viton
Optional Buna-N, Kalrez
, Teflon
, and EPDM
Status LightsStatus Lights
Status LightsStatus Lights
Status Lights MFC Health, Network Status
Sensor Output, Control Valve Output, Over Temperature, Power Surge/Sag, Network Interruption
Diagnostic/Service PortDiagnostic/Service Port
Diagnostic/Service PortDiagnostic/Service Port
Diagnostic/Service Port
RS485 via 2.5 mm jack (Located under the top cover in SLAMf version)
SLA58510/20 & SLAMf10/20SLA58510/20 & SLAMf10/20
SLA58510/20 & SLAMf10/20SLA58510/20 & SLAMf10/20
SLA58510/20 & SLAMf10/20
Flow Ranges and PrFlow Ranges and Pr
Flow Ranges and PrFlow Ranges and Pr
Flow Ranges and Pr
e Ratings:e Ratings:
e Ratings:e Ratings:
e Ratings:
Pressure ControllerPressure Controller
Pressure ControllerPressure Controller
Pressure Controller
Pressure ControllerPressure Controller
Pressure ControllerPressure Controller
Pressure Controller
Flow RangesFlow Ranges
Flow RangesFlow Ranges
Flow Ranges
Pressure EquipmentPressure Equipment
Pressure EquipmentPressure Equipment
Pressure Equipment
Control ModeControl Mode
Control ModeControl Mode
Control Mode
N2 Eq. Ratings (lpm) N2 Eq. Ratings (lpm)
N2 Eq. Ratings (lpm) N2 Eq. Ratings (lpm)
N2 Eq. Ratings (lpm)
Full Scale PressureFull Scale Pressure
Full Scale PressureFull Scale Pressure
Full Scale Pressure
Full Scale PressureFull Scale Pressure
Full Scale PressureFull Scale Pressure
Full Scale Pressure
Directive (PED)Directive (PED)
Directive (PED)Directive (PED)
Directive (PED)
Min. F.S.Min. F.S.
Min. F.S.Min. F.S.
Min. F.S.
Max. F.S.Max. F.S.
Max. F.S.Max. F.S.
Max. F.S.
Module H CategoryModule H Category
Module H CategoryModule H Category
Module H Category
SLA5810/SLAMf10 Downstream 0.003 50* 1 psi 1500 psia/103 bara Sound Engineering
(Pressure Regulator) 0.1 10 1500 psi 4500 psia/310 bara Practices (SEP)
SLA5820/SLAMf20 Upstream 0.003 50* 1 psi 1500 psia/103 bara Sound Engineering
(Back Pressure Regulator) 0.1 10 1500 psi 4500 psia/310 bara Practices (SEP)
* Consult sales agent or Brooks Instrument for flow limitations < 10 psi F.S. pressure
Models SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20
Section 1 Introduction
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
Communication ProtocolCommunication Protocol
Communication ProtocolCommunication Protocol
Communication Protocol
Electrical Connection (SLA58xx)Electrical Connection (SLA58xx)
Electrical Connection (SLA58xx)Electrical Connection (SLA58xx)
Electrical Connection (SLA58xx) 1 x 15-pin Male Sub-D, (A) 1 x 15-pin Male Sub-D 1 M12 with threaded
1 x 9-pin Female Sub-D coupling nut (B)
Electrical Connection (SLAMf)Electrical Connection (SLAMf)
Electrical Connection (SLAMf)Electrical Connection (SLAMf)
Electrical Connection (SLAMf) PG11 Cable Gland, 1/2” NPT (F) Conduit, M20 x 1.5 Conduit N/A
Analog I/OAnalog I/O
Analog I/OAnalog I/O
Analog I/O 0-5 V, 1-5 V, 0-10 V, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA N/A
Power Max./PurgePower Max./Purge
Power Max./PurgePower Max./Purge
Power Max./Purge From +13.5 Vdc to +27 Vdc From +11 Vdc to +25 Vdc
Power Requirements Watts, Max.Power Requirements Watts, Max.
Power Requirements Watts, Max.Power Requirements Watts, Max.
Power Requirements Watts, Max. Valve Orifice > 0.032”: 8.7 Watts Valve Orifice > 0.032”: 10 Watts
Valve Orifice 0.032”: 5.2 Watts Valve Orifice 0.032”: 7 Watts
Without Valve: 2 Watts Without Valve: 4 Watts
Voltage Set Point Input SpecificationsVoltage Set Point Input Specifications
Voltage Set Point Input SpecificationsVoltage Set Point Input Specifications
Voltage Set Point Input Specifications
Nominal RangeNominal Range
Nominal RangeNominal Range
Nominal Range 0-5 Vdc, 1-5 Vdc or 0-10 Vdc N/A
Full RangeFull Range
Full RangeFull Range
Full Range (-0.5)-11 Vdc N/A
Absolute Max.Absolute Max.
Absolute Max.Absolute Max.
Absolute Max. 18 V (without damage) N/A
Input ImpedenceInput Impedence
Input ImpedenceInput Impedence
Input Impedence >990 kOhms N/A
Current Set Point Input SpecificationsCurrent Set Point Input Specifications
Current Set Point Input SpecificationsCurrent Set Point Input Specifications
Current Set Point Input Specifications
Nominal RangeNominal Range
Nominal RangeNominal Range
Nominal Range 4-20 mA or 0-20 mA N/A
Full RangeFull Range
Full RangeFull Range
Full Range 0-22 mA N/A
Absolute Max.Absolute Max.
Absolute Max.Absolute Max.
Absolute Max. 24 mA (without damage) N/A
Input ImpedenceInput Impedence
Input ImpedenceInput Impedence
Input Impedence 100 Ohms N/A
Flow Output (Voltage) SpecificationsFlow Output (Voltage) Specifications
Flow Output (Voltage) Specifications
Flow Output (Voltage) Specifications
Flow Output (Voltage) Specifications
Nominal RangeNominal Range
Nominal RangeNominal Range
Nominal Range 0-5 Vdc, 1-5 Vdc or 0-10 Vdc N/A
Full RangeFull Range
Full RangeFull Range
Full Range (-1)-11 Vdc N/A
Min Load ResistanceMin Load Resistance
Min Load ResistanceMin Load Resistance
Min Load Resistance 2 kOhms N/A
Flow Output (Current) SpecificationsFlow Output (Current) Specifications
Flow Output (Current) SpecificationsFlow Output (Current) Specifications
Flow Output (Current) Specifications
Nominal RangeNominal Range
Nominal RangeNominal Range
Nominal Range 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA N/A
Full RangeFull Range
Full RangeFull Range
Full Range 0-22 mA N/A
Max. LoadMax. Load
Max. LoadMax. Load
Max. Load 380 Ohms N/A
Analog I/O Alarm Ouput*Analog I/O Alarm Ouput*
Analog I/O Alarm Ouput*Analog I/O Alarm Ouput*
Analog I/O Alarm Ouput*
Type Open Collector N/A
Max. Closed (On) CurrentMax. Closed (On) Current
Max. Closed (On) CurrentMax. Closed (On) Current
Max. Closed (On) Current 25 mA N/A
Max. Open (Off) LeakageMax. Open (Off) Leakage
Max. Open (Off) LeakageMax. Open (Off) Leakage
Max. Open (Off) Leakage 1μA N/A
Max. Open (Off) VoltageMax. Open (Off) Voltage
Max. Open (Off) VoltageMax. Open (Off) Voltage
Max. Open (Off) Voltage 30 Vdc N/A
Analog I/O Valve Override Signal Specifications**Analog I/O Valve Override Signal Specifications**
Analog I/O Valve Override Signal Specifications**Analog I/O Valve Override Signal Specifications**
Analog I/O Valve Override Signal Specifications**
Floating/Unconnected Instrument controls valve to command set point N/A
VOR < 0.3 VdcVOR < 0.3 Vdc
VOR < 0.3 VdcVOR < 0.3 Vdc
VOR < 0.3 Vdc Valve Closed N/A
0.3 Vdc < VOR < 4.8 Vdc0.3 Vdc < VOR < 4.8 Vdc
0.3 Vdc < VOR < 4.8 Vdc0.3 Vdc < VOR < 4.8 Vdc
0.3 Vdc < VOR < 4.8 Vdc Undefined N/A
VOR > 4.8 VdcVOR > 4.8 Vdc
VOR > 4.8 VdcVOR > 4.8 Vdc
VOR > 4.8 Vdc Valve Open N/A
Input ImpedenceInput Impedence
Input Impedence
Input Impedence
Input Impedence 60 kOhms N/A
Absolute Max. InputAbsolute Max. Input
Absolute Max. InputAbsolute Max. Input
Absolute Max. Input (-25 Vdc) < VOR < 25 Vdc (without damage) N/A
*The Alarm Output is an open collector or "contact type" that is CLOSED (on) whenever an alarm is active.
The Alarm Output may be set to indicate any one of various alarm conditions.
** The Valve Override Signal (VOR) is implemented as an analog input which measures the voltage at the input and controls the
valve based upon the measured reading as shown in this section.
*** Available on SLA5810/20/40 only.
Table 1-3 Communication Protocols
Models SLA5810/20 amd SLAMf10/20
Section 1 Introduction
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
Table 1-4 Certifications - SLA58XX
Mark Agency Certification
Standard Details
Class I, Div 2, Group A, B, C, D
Class I, Zone 2, IIC T4
Class II, Zone 22
Standards E73889 Vol 3, Sec 4
II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc EN60079-0:2012
EN 60079-15:2010 KEMA 04ATEX 1118X
II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc IEC 60079-0:2011
IEC 60079-15:2010 IECEx DEK 14.0072X
EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Directive 2011/65/EU
EN:61326-1:2013 EMC
*ATEX/IECEx Special Conditions for safe use:
1. The module shall be installed in a suitable enclosure providing a degree of protection of
at least IP54 according to EN 60529 / IEC 60529, taking into account the environmental
conditions under which the equipment will be used.
2. When the temperature under rated condition exceeds 70 °C at the cable or conduit entry
point, or 80 °C at the branching point of the conductors, the temperature specification of
the selected cable shall be in compliance with the actual measured temperature values.
3. Provisions shall be made to prevent the rated voltage from being exceeded by transient
disturbances of more than 40%.
4. The equipment shall only be used in an area of not more than pollution degree 2, as
defined in IEC 60664-1.
Models SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20
Section 1 Introduction
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
Mark Agency Certification Applicable Standard Details
Class I, Div 2, Group A, B, C, D
Class I, Zone 2, IIC T4
Class II, Zone 22 IP66 UL & CSA Standards E73889 Vol 3, Sec 4
UL (Listed)
Class I, Div 2, Group A, B, C, D
Class I, Zone 2, IIC T4
Class II, Zone 22 IP66 UL & CSA Standards E73889 Vol 1, Sec 25
II 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 Gc
II 3 D Ex tc IIIC T 85
C Dc
Ex nA IIC T4 Gc
Ex tc IIIC T 85
C Dc
IEC KEM 07.0043X
Ex nA IIC T4
Ex tD A22 IP66 T85
CE EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
Directive 2011/65/EU
EN:61326-1:2013 EMC
ATEX Special Conditions:
1. When the temperature under rated condition exceeds 70 °C at the cable or conduit entry point, or 80 °C at the
branching point of the conductors, the temperature specification of the selected cable shall be in compliance with
the actual measured temperature values.
2. Provisions shall be made to prevent the rated voltage from being exceeded by transient disturbances of more than
IECEx Special Conditions:
1. When the temperature under rated condition exceeds 70 °C at the cable or conduit entry point, or 80 °C at the
branching point of the conductors, the temperature specification of the selected cable shall be in compliance with
the actual measured temperature values.
2. Provisions shall be made to prevent the rated voltage from being exceeded by transient disturbances of more than
3. The equipment shall only be used in an area of not more than pollution degree 2, as defined in IEC 60664-1.
SLAMf UL Listed Installation Instructions:
1. The hazardous locations classes, groups and division as described under products covered.
2. WARNING – EXPLOSION HAZARD – Do not disconnect equipment unless power has been removed or the area
is known to be non-hazardous.
3. WARNING – EXPLOSION HAZARD - Substitution of any components may impair suitability for Class I, Division 2.
4. To maintain type 4X/IP66 rating zero screw must be installed.
UL Recognized versions of SLAMf - Conditions of Acceptability:
1. These devices are to be used within their ratings.
2. These devices are to be mounted in a suitable enclosure in the end product rated not less than IP40.
3. The wiring terminals are suitable for field wiring.
4. The suitability of the wiring method is to be determined in the end-use application.
5. These devices are intended to be powered by a class 2 power source.
6. These devices were evaluated for use in a maximum ambient temperature of 65°C.
KOSHA Special Conditions:
1. The equipment shall only be used in an area of not more than pollution degree 2, as defined in KS C IEC 60664-1.
2. When the temperature under rated condition exceeds 70 °C at the cable or conduit entry point, or 80 °C at the
branching point of the conductors, the temperature specification of the selected cable shall be in compliance with
the actual measured temperature values.
3. The surge protector should be installed to prevent a transient voltage. (140% of rated voltage)
Table 1-5 Certifications - SLAMfXX
Models SLA5810/20 amd SLAMf10/20
Section 1 Introduction
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
Figure 1-2 SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20 Analog/RS485 Connections and Pinouts
RS485 Communications
The Brooks Digital Series is equipped with RS485 communication capability. Refer to Figure 1-2 (Analog I/O pin
connections), that enables the device to communicate via a personal computer for process control.
Baud rate selections for the Brooks Digital Series related to RS485 are: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 and 38400
baud and can be selected via the Brooks Expert Support Tool (BEST).
The RS485 is essentially a multidrop connection. It allows a maximum of 32 devices to be connected to a
computer system. IBM-compatible PC's are not equipped with RS485 ports as standard. An RS232/USB to RS485
converter or RS485 interface board is therefore required to connect an RS485 network to a standard PC. The
RS485 bus, a daisy chain network, meaning that the wires are connected at the units.
Note: Aux Input is used for Remote Transducer Pressure Controllers only.
Figure 1-1 Typical Configurations
Models SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20
Section 1 Introduction
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
Figure 1-3 SLA5810/20 and SLAMF10/20 Profibus Connections and Pinouts
The Brooks SLA58xx/SLAMfxx is now equipped to support the Profibus communication protocol. Profibus is a
fieldbus-based automation standard of Profibus and Profinet International (PI). Via a single bus cable, Profibus
links controller or control systems with decentralized field devices (sensors and actuators) on the field level and
also enables consistent data exchange with higher ranking communication systems. A 9-pin sub-D connector is
included on every device and is galvanic isolated from the main electronics as defined by the EN 50170 Profibus
standard to allow easy network connection separate from the main connector. The main 15-pin sub-D connector
or termination board is still needed for the power supply, but also allows for the standard analog I/O signals,
analog valve override, and (open-collector) alarm signaling to be used separate from the network connection.
The communication electronics allows for automatic baud rate detection ranging from 9600 baud to 12 Mbaud,
thus making the need for any hardware baud rate selection methods not required. For selecting the device
address, which must be unique on the network, two rotary switches are provided. This allows a user to easily
select any address number ranging from 0 to 126. This can provide fast device replacement without complex
network configurations. The Profibus-DP piggyback board is equipped with a zero command pushbutton, allowing
the user to give a manual command to the device to (re)balance the flow sensor electronics. This command can
also be issued through the protocol.
The Profibus-DP communication option supports the following message types:
Cyclic data exchange (Write/Read data).
Read inputs (e.g. status, flow, temperature, totalizer, etc.).
Read outputs (e.g. commands, setpoint).
Global control commands (e.g. fail safe, sync).
Get configuration (i.e. read number of I/O bytes and composition).
Read diagnostics information (i.e. get error and alarm status).
Set parameters (i.e. select gas number, engineering units, I/O configuration
Set parameters (i.e. select gas number, engineering units, I/O configuration etc.).
Check configuration (i.e. check I/O composition).
Note: Aux Input is used for
Remote Transducer Pressure Controllers only.
Models SLA5810/20 amd SLAMf10/20
Section 1 Introduction
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
The Brooks SLA58xx/SLAMfxx is also available with DeviceNet
communication capability. DeviceNet is an open
digital protocol capable of high speeds and easy system connectivity. Brooks Instrument has several of its devices
available on this popular networking standard, and is a member of ODVA
(Open DeviceNet Vendors Association),
the governing standard body for DeviceNet.
is similar to the RS485 standard in that it is a multi-drop connection that allows a maximum of 64 devices to
be connected on the same network. Baud rate selections for DeviceNet
products are 125K, 250K and 500K and can
be selected via MAC ID switches mounted on the device.
The DeviceNet
communication link also provides access to many of the Brooks SLAMf Digital Series functions for
“control and monitor” operations, including:
Accurate setpoint adjustment and flow output measurement (including units of measure selection)
PID Settings (controller only)
Valve Override (controller only)
Calibration Gas Select
Soft Start Control (controller only)
Figure 1-4 SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20 DeviceNet Connections and Pinouts
Note: Aux Input is used for Remote
Transducer Pressure Controllers only.
Models SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20
Section 1 Introduction
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
Figure 1-6 Dimensions - Models SLA5810/20, Thru-Flow, Profibus
Figure 1-5 Dimensions - Models SLA5810/20, Thru-Flow, RS485
Note: Aux Input is used for Remote
Transducer Pressure Controllers only.
Note: Aux Input is used for Remote
Transducer Pressure Controllers only.
Models SLA5810/20 amd SLAMf10/20
Section 1 Introduction
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
Figure 1-8 Dimensions - Models SLAMf10/20, Thru-Flow, RS485
Figure 1-7 Dimensions - Models SLA5810/20, Thru-Flow, DeviceNet
Note: Aux Input is used for Remote
Transducer Pressure Controllers only.
Note: Aux Input is used for Remote
Transducer Pressure Controllers only.
Models SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20
Section 1 Introduction
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
Figure 1-10 Dimensions - Models SLAMf10/20, Thru-Flow, DeviceNet
Figure 1-9 Dimensions - Models SLAMf10/20, Thru-Flow, Profibus
Note: Aux Input is used for Remote
Transducer Pressure Controllers only.
Note: Aux Input is used for Remote
Transducer Pressure Controllers only.
Section 2 Installation
Models SLA5810/20 and SLAMF10/20
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
2-1 General
This section contains the procedures for the receipt and installation of the
instrument. Do not attempt to start the system until the instrument has been
permanently installed. It is extremely important that the start-up procedures
be followed in the exact sequence presented.
2-2 Receipt of Equipment
When the equipment is received, the outside packing case should be
checked for damage incurred during shipment. If the packing case is
damaged, the local carrier should be notified at once regarding his liability. A
report should be submitted to the nearest Brooks Instrument location listed
on the Global Service Network page on our website:
2-3 Recommended Storage Practice
If intermediate or long-term storage of equipment is required, it is
recommended that the equipment be stored in accordance with the following:
a. Within the original shipping container.
b. Stored in a sheltered area, preferably a dry, temperature controlled room
c. 15°C (32°F) minimum, 35°C (149°F) maximum.
d. Relative humidity 45% nominal, 60% maximum, 25% minimum.
e. Upon removal from storage a visual inspection should be conducted to
verify the condition of equipment is "as received".
2-4 Return Shipment
Prior to returning any instrument to the factory for any reason, visit our
website for instructions on how to obtain a Return Materials Authorization
Number (RMA #) and complete a Decontamination Statement to accompany
it: All instruments returned to Brooks also
require a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for the fluid(s) used in the
instrument. Failure to provide this information will delay processing of the
Instrument must have been purged in accordance with the following:
Section 2 Installation
Models SLA5810/20 and SLAMf10/20
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B198AAG
January, 2017
2-5 Transit Precautions
To safeguard against damage during transit, transport the instrument to the
installation site in the same container used for transportation from the factory
if circumstances permit.
2-6 Removal from Storage
Upon removal from storage, a visual inspection should be conducted to verify
the condition of the equipment is “as received.” If the equipment has been in
storage in conditions in excess of those recommended
(See Section 2-3), the device should be subjected to a pneumatic pressure
test in accordance with applicable vessel codes.
2-7 Gas Connections
Prior to installation ensure all piping is clean and free from obstructions.
Install piping in such a manner that permits easy access to the instrument if
removal becomes necessary.
2-8 In-Line Filter
It is recommended that an in-line filter be installed upstream from the
pressure controller to prevent the possibility of any foreign material entering
the sensor or control valve. The filtering element should be replaced
periodically or ultrasonically cleaned.
Table 2-1 Recommended Filter Size
Maximum Flow Rate Recommended Filter
100 sccm 2 micron
500 sccm 5 micron
1 to 5 slpm 10 micron
10 to 50 slpm 40 micron