Brooks 9861 Kasutusjuhend

  • Tere! Olen tehisintellekti chatbot, kes on koolitatud aitama teid Brooks 9861 Kasutusjuhend küsimustega. Olen dokumendi läbi vaadanud ja valmis andma lihtsaid ja arusaadavaid vastuseid.
9000 Series
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
9000 Series™ Series
Model 9861
9000 Series Analog Thermal Mass Flow Controller
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
9000 Series
ESD (Electrostatic Discharge)
CAUTION: This instrument contains electronic components that are susceptible to damage by static electricity. Proper handling procedures must be observed
during the removal, installation or other handling of internal circuit boards or devices.
Handling Procedure:
1. Power to unit must be removed.
2. Personnel must be grounded, via a wrist strap or other safe, suitable means before any printed circuit card or other internal device is installed,
removed or adjusted.
3. Printed circuit cards must be transported in a conductive container. Boards must not be removed from protective enclosure until immediately before
installation. Removed boards must immediately be placed in protective container for transport, storage or return to factory.
This instrument is not unique in its content of ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive components. Most modern electronic designs contain components
that utilize metal oxide technology (NMOS, SMOS, etc.). Experience has proven that even small amounts of static electricity can damage or destroy these
devices. Damaged components, even though they appear to function properly, exhibit early failure.
Brooks Instrument designs, manufactures and tests its products to meet many national and international standards. These products must be properly
installed, operated and maintained to ensure they continue to operate within their normal specifications. The following instructions must be adhered to
and integrated into your safety program when installing, operating and maintaining Brooks Instrument products.
•To ensure proper performance, use qualified personnel to install, operate, update, program and maintain the product.
•Read all instructions prior to installing, operating and servicing the product. If this instruction manual is not the correct manual, please see back cover
for local sales office contact information. Save this instruction manual for future reference.
WARNING: Do not operate this instrument in excess of the specifications listed in the Instruction and Operation Manual. Failure to heed
this warning can result in serious personal injury and / or damage to the equipment.
If you do not understand any of the instructions, contact your Brooks Instrument representative for clarification.
Follow all warnings, cautions and instructions marked on and supplied with the product.
WARNING: Prior to installation ensure this instrument has the required approval ratings to meet local and national codes. Failure to heed this warning can
result in serious personal injury and / or damage to the equipment.
Install your equipment as specified in the installation instructions of the appropriate instruction manual and per applicable local and national codes.
Connect all products to the proper electrical and pressure sources.
Operation: (1) Slowly initiate flow into the system. Open process valves slowly to avoid flow surges. (2) Check for leaks around the flow meter inlet
and outlet connections. If no leaks are present, bring the system up to the operating pressure.
Please make sure that the process line pressure is removed prior to service. When replacement parts are required, ensure that qualified people use
replacement parts specified by Brooks Instrument. Unauthorized parts and procedures can affect the product's performance and place the safe
operation of your process at risk. Look-alike substitutions may result in fire, electrical hazards or improper operation.
Ensure that all equipment doors are closed and protective covers are in place to prevent electrical shock and personal injury, except when
maintenance is being performed by qualified persons.
WARNING: For liquid flow devices, if the inlet and outlet valves adjacent to the devices are to be closed for any reason, the devices must be completely
drained. Failure to do so may result in thermal expansion of the liquid that can rupture the device and may cause personal injury.
All pressure equipment with an internal pressure greater than 0.5 bar (g) and a size larger than 25mm or 1" (inch) falls under the Pressure Equipment Directive (PED).
The Specifications Section of this manual contains instructions related to the PED directive.
Products described in this manual are in compliance with EN directive 2014/34/EU.
All Brooks Instrument Flowmeters fall under fluid group 1.
Products larger than 25mm or 1" (inch) are in compliance with PED category I, II or III.
Products of 25mm or 1" (inch) or smaller are Sound Engineering Practice (SEP).
The Brooks Instrument (electric/electronic) equipment bearing the CE mark has been successfully tested to the regulations of the Electro Magnetic
Compatibility (EMC directive 2014/30/EU).
Special attention however is required when selecting the signal cable to be used with CE marked equipment.
Quality of the signal cable, cable glands and connectors:
Brooks Instrument supplies high quality cable(s) which meets the specifications for CE certification.
If you provide your own signal cable you should use a cable which is overall completely screened with a 100% shield.
“D” or “Circular” type connectors used should be shielded with a metal shield. If applicable, metal cable glands must be used providing cable screen clamping.
The cable screen should be connected to the metal shell or gland and shielded at both ends over 360 Degrees.
The shield should be terminated to an earth ground.
Card Edge Connectors are standard non-metallic. The cables used must be screened with 100% shield to comply with CE certification.
The shield should be terminated to an earth ground.
For pin configuration : Please refer to the enclosed Instruction Manual.
European Pressure Equipment Directive (PED)
European Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Essential Instructions
Read before proceeding!
9000 Series
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
Dear Customer,
We appreciate this opportunity to service your ow measurement and control requirements with a Brooks
Instrument device. Every day, ow customers all over the world turn to Brooks Instrument for solutions to their
gas and liquid low-ow applications. Brooks provides an array of ow measurement and control products for
various industries from biopharmaceuticals, oil and gas, fuel cell research and chemicals, to medical devices,
analytical instrumentation, semiconductor manufacturing, and more.
The Brooks product you have just received is of the highest quality available, offering superior performance,
reliability and value to the user. It is designed with the ever changing process conditions, accuracy requirements
and hostile process environments in mind to provide you with a lifetime of dependable service.
We recommend that you read this manual in its entirety. Should you require any additional information concerning
Brooks products and services, please contact your local Brooks Sales and Service Ofce listed on the back cover
of this manual or visit
Yours sincerely,
Brooks Instrument
9000 Series
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
Section 1 Introduction
Paragraph Page
Number Number
1-1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 1-1
1-2 How to Use This Manual .......................................................................................................................... 1-1
1-3 Product Support References .................................................................................................................... 1-2
1-4 Notice and Caution Statements ................................................................................................................ 1-2
1-5 Product Warranty ...................................................................................................................................... 1-2
1-6 How to Order a 9000 Series Device ......................................................................................................... 1-2
1-7 Industry Standard References .................................................................................................................. 1-2
1-8 Glossary of Terms and Acronyms ............................................................................................................. 1-3
1-9 Description ................................................................................................................................................ 1-4
1-10 Specications for 9000 Series Devices .................................................................................................... 1-6
Section 2 Theory of Operations and Features
Paragraph Page
Number Number
2-1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2-2 General Description .................................................................................................................................. 2-1
2-3 Theory of Operation ................................................................................................................................. 2-3
2-4 Standard Features .................................................................................................................................... 2-6
2-5 Optional Features ..................................................................................................................................... 2-7
Section 3 Installation
Paragraph Page
Number Number
3-1 General ..................................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3-2 Receipt of Equipment ............................................................................................................................... 3-1
3-3 Recommended Storage Practice .............................................................................................................. 3-2
3-4 Return Shipment ....................................................................................................................................... 3-2
3-5 Transit Precautions ................................................................................................................................... 3-2
3-6 Removal from Storage .............................................................................................................................. 3-2
3-7 Gas Connections ...................................................................................................................................... 3-3
3-8 Mechanical Installation ............................................................................................................................. 3-3
3-9 In-Line Filter .............................................................................................................................................. 3-3
3-10 Flow Controller Installation Arrangement .................................................................................................. 3-3
3-11 Purge the Gas Supply Line Before MFC Installation ................................................................................ 3-3
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
9000 Series
3-12 Position and Mount the 9000 Series MFC ................................................................................................ 3-4
3-13 Connect to a Gas/Vapor Supply Line ....................................................................................................... 3-5
3-14 Connect to Power Supply ......................................................................................................................... 3-5
Section 4 Operational Checks and Performance
Paragraph Page
Number Number
4-1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4-2 Zero the MFC ........................................................................................................................................... 4-1
4-3 Check the MFC for Proper Sequencing .................................................................................................... 4-4
4-4 Check the MFC for Full Flow .................................................................................................................... 4-4
4-5 Check the MFC for Proper Calibration ..................................................................................................... 4-5
4-6 MFC Flow Response Check ..................................................................................................................... 4-5
Section 5 Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Paragraph Page
Number Number
5-1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 5-1
5-2 Routine Maintenance ................................................................................................................................ 5-1
5-3 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................ 5-2
5-4 System Troubleshooting Guide ................................................................................................................ 5-2
5-5 MFC Troubleshooting Checklist ................................................................................................................ 5-5
5-6 MFC Removal ........................................................................................................................................... 5-5
5-7 Packaging the MFC .................................................................................................................................. 5-6
5-8 MFC Return Shipping ............................................................................................................................... 5-6
Section 6 Product Description Code
Paragraph Page
Number Number
6-1 9861 Product Description Code ................................................................................................................ 6-1
Section A Essential Instructions
Warranty, Local Sales/Service Contact Information ................................................................................Back Cover
9000 Series
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
Figure Page
Number Number
1-1 9000 Series Analog Thermal Mass Flow Controller ................................................................................. 1-1
1-2 9000 Series Dimensions ........................................................................................................................... 1-8
2-1 MFC Components .................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2-2 Bypass Assembly Functional Diagram ..................................................................................................... 2-2
2-3 Measurement and Control Electronics ..................................................................................................... 2-2
2-4 Control Valve Assembly ............................................................................................................................ 2-3
2-5 Thermal Sensor Operation ....................................................................................................................... 2-3
2-6 MFC Theory of Operation Block Diagram ................................................................................................ 2-5
3-1 Typical High Temperature Vapor Supply Arrangement ............................................................................. 3-3
3-2 9000 Series Mounting Attitude Positions .................................................................................................. 3-4
3-3 9000 Series Controller with 9-Pin D Connector and Cardedge Connector .............................................. 3-6
3-4 9000 Series Controller with 15-Pin D Connector and Cardedge Connector ............................................ 3-6
3-5 9000 Series Cardedge Connector Pinouts ............................................................................................... 3-7
4-1 MFC Installation ....................................................................................................................................... 4-2
4-2 Auto Zero Circuit ....................................................................................................................................... 4-3
4-3 Voltage Output (Setpoint) Versus Gas Flow ............................................................................................ 4-5
5-1 MFC Can Side Label ................................................................................................................................ 5-4
Table Page
Number Number
1-1 Industry Standard References .................................................................................................................. 1-2
1-2 Product Terms and Acronyms ................................................................................................................... 1-3
2-1 MFC Component Functions ...................................................................................................................... 2-1
2-2 Conversion Factors .................................................................................................................................. 2-4
2-3 Gas Flow Correction Factors .................................................................................................................... 2-4
4-1 Environmental Factors That Affect MFC Performance ............................................................................. 4-1
4-2 Zero Drift ................................................................................................................................................... 4-3
5-1 System Troubleshooting Guide ................................................................................................................ 5-3
9000 Series
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
Section 1 Introduction
1-1 Introduction
The 9000 Series (Model 9861) remains the optimum choice for critical
precursor and dopant vapor delivery in semiconductor, MOCVD, and
optical ber manufacturing. The 9000 Series products are thermal mass
ow controllers and meters designed for challenging high-temperature
delivery of condensable precursors and dopants. A high-purity, high-leak
integrity metal ow path ensures compatibility with all processes gases
and vapors. The patented IsoSensor™ is a high-stability ow sensor
compatible with the elevated environmental temperatures [≤ 150°C (≤
300°F)] found in heated gas lines and gas boxes (baking systems).
The ultra-low drift performance of the IsoSensor™ reduces the need
for frequent re-zeroing and recalibration typical in high temperature
Figure 1-1 9000 Series Analog Thermal Mass Flow Controller
1-2 How to Use This Manual
This manual is intended to provide the user with all the information
necessary to install, operate, troubleshoot, and maintain these thermal
mass ow devices. The manual is organized in the following sections:
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 Theory of Operation and Features
Section 3 Installation
Section 4 Operation
Section 5 Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Section 6 Product Description Code
Section A Essential Instructions
Warranty, Local Sales/Service Contact Information
It is recommended that this manual be read in its entirety before
attempting to operate or repair these devices.
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
9000 Series
Section 1 Introduction
1-3 Product Support References
Refer to for Brooks sales and service
locations and to obtain other documents that support the 9000 Series.
Those documents include:
1-4 Notice and Caution Statements
Warning, caution and notice statements are located throughout this
manual in the ANSI format.
A WARNING statement indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, COULD result in death or serious injury.
A CAUTION statement indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, MAY result in minor or moderate injury. It may
also be used to alert against unsafe practices.
A NOTE statement describes specic information that requires
special attention.
1-5 Product Warranty
Product warranty information can be found on the back cover of this
manual and on the Brooks website at
This information provides general warranty information, limitations,
disclaimers, and applicable warranty periods according to product group.
1-6 How to Order a 9000 Series Device
Refer to Section 6.
1-7 Industry Standard References
Table 1-1 Industry Standard References
Number Reference Description
MIL-STD-810 Method 514.4, Category 1, Transportation Requirement
Method 516.4, Procedure 1, Functional Shock Test
SEMI E12 Standard temperature and pressure
SEMI E16 Guideline for determining and describing MFC leak rates
SEMI E17 Guideline for MFC transient characteristics tests
SEMI E18 Guideline for temperature specications of the MFC
SEMI E27 Standard for MFC and MFM linearity
SEMI E28 Guideline for pressure specications for the MFC
SEMI E52 Practice for referencing gases used in digital MFCs
SEMI E54 Sensor actuator network connections for DeviceNet
9000 Series
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
Section 1 Introduction
Table 1-1 Industry Standard References
Number Reference Description
SEMI E56 Test method for determining accuracy, linearity,
repeatability, short-term reproducibility, hysteresis of
thermal MFCs
SEMI E66 Test method for determining particle contribution by MFCs
SEMI E67 Test method for determining reliability of MFCs
SEMI E68 Test method for determining warm-up time of MFCs
SEMI E69 Test method for reproducibility and zero drift for thermal
SEMI E80 Test method for determining attitude sensitivity of MFCs
SEMI E16-90 Guidelines for determining and describing mass ow
controllers leak rates
SEMI F19 Specication for the nish of the wetted surface of electro
polished 216L stainless steel components
SEMI F20 Specications for 316L stainless steel bar, extruded
shapes, plate, and investment castings for components
used in ultra-high purity semi manufacturing applications
SEMI F36 Guide for dimensions and connections of gas distribution
SEMI F37 Method for determination of surface roughness parameters
for gas distribution system components
SEMI F44 Guideline for standardization of machined stainless steel
weld ttings
SEMI F45 Guideline for standardization of machined stainless steel
reducing ttings
SEMI F47 Specications for semiconductor processing equipment
voltage sag immunity
SEMI S2 Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines
SEMI S9 Dielectric testing
SEMI S10 Risk assessment
SEMI S12 Decontamination of elded products
1-8 Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
Table 1-2 Product Terms and Acronyms
Term Denition
Analog An analog signal is one in which a base carrier’s
alternating current frequency is modied in some way,
such as by amplifying the strength of the signal or varying
the frequency, in order to add information to the signal.
Reduces or restricts the ow of gas through the MFC in
order to maintain a specied ow range.
Control Valve
An electromagnetic solenoid control valve that is used to
open and/or close the ow of gas through the MFC. Refer
to Figure 8 for a detailed description.
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
9000 Series
Section 1 Introduction
Table 1-2 Product Terms and Acronyms
Term Denition
Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is a chemical process
often used in the semiconductor industry for the deposition
of thin lms of various materials.
Diffusion is the spontaneous spreading of matter (particles
or molecules), heat, momentum, or light.
A digital system is one that uses discrete numbers,
especially binary numbers, or non-numeric symbols such
as letters or icons, for input, processing, transmission,
storage, or display, rather than a continuous spectrum of
values (an analog system).
The distinction of digital versus analog refers to method of
input, data storage and transfer, internal workings, and the
kind of display.
A process technology that is used in some semiconductor
designs where a pure silicon crystalline structure is
deposited or grown on a bare wafer, enabling a high-purity
starting point for building the semiconductor device.
Horizontal On Vertical
Horizontal On Side
Mass Flow
Mass Flow Controller
Mass Flow Meter
Printed Circuit Board
Plasma Etching
Plasma etching removes organic and inorganic
contamination, increases wetability, increases bond
strength, and removes residues.
Rate of Temperature Differential
Return Material Authorization
Standard Cubic Centimeters per Minute
Semiconductor Equipment Manufacturing International
Measures the gas temperature difference across the
sensor and feeds this information to the PCB assembly.
Standard Liters per Minute
9000 Series
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
Section 1 Introduction
Table 1-2 Product Terms and Acronyms
Term Denition
Sputtering is a non chemical method of depositing thin
lms of material, usually metals, onto a wafer.
Volumetric Flow
Valve Test Point
µ in. Ra Micro Inch rough Average
% FS
Percent of Full Scale Flow
1-9 Description
Brooks Instrument’s 9000 Series is a metal-sealed analog/digital thermal
mass ow measurement and control instrument that offers unparalleled
performance in critical low pressure precursor and dopant vapor delivery.
The 9000 Series is designed for use in high temperature ambient
environments between 0–150°C (32–302°F). The result is a highly
accurate, robust, and responsive MFC for challenging conditions.
High temperature capability ensures reliable delivery of condensable
gases and precursors
Digital measurement and control enhances accuracy (±1% of
setpoint) and repeatability (±0.15% FS)
Ultra-high purity ow path (10 or 4µ in. Ra) ensures integrity and
purity of the gas/vapor
Ultra-stable ow sensor (≤0.6% per year w/o auto-zero) reduces
maintenance resulting in superior uptime and lower COO
All metal diaphragm-free control valve design optimizes reliability
1-9-1 Ultra High Purity Flow Path
The Brooks 9861 model device is constructed with a 4 μ in. Ra max
surface nish.
Overall reduced surface area and un-swept volumes for faster dry-
down during purge steps
Long-term sensor and device stability for maximum yield and
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
9000 Series
Section 1 Introduction
1-9-2 Ultra High Purity Process Connections
9000 Series supports all metal seal/UHP industry gas connection
interface standards for full OEM and process coverage.
1/4-in. VCR on 1-1/2-in. body
3/8-in. VCR on 1-1/2-in. body
1-9-3 Analog and Digital Communication Interfaces
The 9000 Series supports analog 0–5 Vdc and RS-485 communication
protocols. Analog connections can be accessed via the RS-485 or
analog-only connector option utilizing the dual RJ11 ports, the Cardedge
connector, or the 9-pin/15-pin D connector. RS-485 is a multi-drop
connection that allows a maximum of 32 devices to be connected on the
same network. A range of low prole adapter cables facilitate replacing
previously installed devices eliminating the need to carry multiple devices
of the same gas/range but different electrical connectors.
1-10 Specications for 9000 Series Devices
Do not operate this instrument in excess of the specications
listed in this manual. Failure to heed this warning can result in
serious personal injury and/or damage to the equipment.
It is the users responsibility to select and approve all materials
of construction. Careful attention to metallurgy, engineered
materials, and elastomeric materials is critical to safe operation.
Specications and features are subject to change without notice.
9000 Series
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
Section 1 Introduction
Settling Time (to within 2% of setpoint)
Fast Start 1.0 sec (per SEMI E17-91)
Soft Start Linear 20% per sec (0 to 100% in 5 sec)
Accuracy (N
35% to 100% F.S. ±1% setpoint (per SEMI E56-96)
< 35% F.S. ±0.35% full scale (per SEMI E56-96)
Repeatability (full scale) ±0.15% (per SEMI E56-96)
Linearity (full scale) ±0.5% (per SEMI E27-92)
0.007% per psi (N
Zero 0.05% full scale per °C
Span 0.1% full scale per °C
Leak Integrity 1 x 10
atm-cc/sec (He) (per SEMI E16-90)
Automatic Zero Optional (customer programmable)
Zero Drift 0.6% per year without auto-zero
Thermal Siphoning and Attitude Sensitivity < 0.1% full scale (30 psi SF
Standard Flow Range 3 sccm to 10 slm (N
Control Range (full scale) 2-100%
Valve Leak Rate 1% full scale
Gases All
Ambient Temperature Range 0-150°C (32-302°F)
Maximum Operating Pressure 620 kPa (90 psia)
1.33-350 kPa (10 torr - 50 psia)
Warm-up Period 30 minutes
Mounting Position HOV or HOS
Valve Normally closed solenoid
Input/Output Signal
Setpoint Input
Output Monitor
Digital Input/Output RS485L (via RJ11 ports)
External: TTL signal
Controller (RS485) +15 Vdc (160 mA max.), -15 Vdc (160 mA max.)
Meter (Analog) +15 Vdc (50 mA max.), -15 Vdc (50 mA max.)
Power Consumption 9861 = 5 watts max.
Surface Finish 4µ inch Ra
Fittings 1/4” VCR
, 3/8” VCR
Valve Position Downstream
Materials Wetted Components: 316L SS/KM-45/304/7MO+
Weight 1.2 kg (2.65 lbs)
Traceability National Institute of Standards and Technology (N.I.S.T.)
Standard Temperature and Pressure 0°C and 760 mm Hg per (SEMI E 12-96)
Performance Specifications
Operating Limits
Electrical Characteristics
Mechanical Characteristics
Calibration References
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
9000 Series
Section 1 Introduction
2 X 8-32 UNC-2B X .18/[4.6] DP.
mounting holes
15 pin “D”
connector standard
data label
Access for
zero adjustment
Top label includes model,
range, gas + serial number
Block part number
X.XX = dimensions in inches
[XX.X] = dimensions in millimeters
Fitting type
Overall Inlet
1/4" VCR Male
4.88 in./124.0 mm
0.94 in./23.9 mm
0.94 in./23.9 mm
9000 Series
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
Section 2 Theory of Operation and Features
2-1 Introduction
This section provides a general description of a typical MFC and how it
operates. Standard and optional features are also described herein.
2-2 General Description
Figure 2-1, MFC Components, below shows a typical MFC and its
primary components. Component functions are listed in Table 2-1, MFC
Component Functions, below.
Interface Connector
Block (3)
Outlet Fitting (9)
Inlet Fitting (1)
PCB Cover
Bypass Assembly (2)
Parallel Sensor (4)
PCB Assembly (5)
Control Valve Ass’y (8)
Jet (6)
Plunger Assembly (7)
Figure 2-1 MFC Components
Table 2-1 MFC Component Functions
Component) Component Function
Bypass Assembly (2) Restricts the ow of gas through the MFC. Refer to
Figure 2-2, Bypass Assembly Functional Diagram,
on p. 1-6 for further details.
Parallel Sensor (4) Measures the gas temperature across the sensor
and feeds this information to the PCB assembly.
Refer to Figure 2-2, Bypass Assembly Functional
Diagram, on p. 1-6 and to Figure 2-5, Thermal
Sensor Operation, on p. <?> for further details.
PCB Assembly (5) Electronic circuitry, which stores bypass/sensor
infor mation, and also provides the ability to ne
tune the MFC in order to achieve proper ow
and response times. Refer to Figure 2-1, MFC
Components, above, and to Figure 2-6, MFC
Theory of Operation Block Diagram, on p. <?> for
Jet (6) A preset orice that restricts the ow of gas to
reduce upstream and downstream pressure
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
9000 Series
Section 2 Theory of Operation and Features
Table 2-1 MFC Component Functions
Component) Component Function
Plunger Assembly (7) Moves the coil inside the valve assembly to allow
ow through the MFC.
Control Valve Assem-
bly (8)
Opens and/or closes gas ow through the MFC.
Refer to Figure 2-3, Measurement and Control
Electronics, below, and to Figure 2-4, Control Valve
Assembly, on p. <?> for further details.
Electrical Interface
Connector (10)
Communication interface from the MFC to the tool’s
software. Refer to “3-14 Connect to Power Supply”
on p. <?> for further details.
Sensor measurements represent total ow as long as the splitting ratio
constant (where constant = Q
S/QB )
= Q
+ Q
Figure 2-2 Bypass Assembly Functional Diagram
Figure 2-3 Measurement and Control Electronics
9000 Series
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
Section 2 Theory of Operation and Features
Coil Assembly
Flat Spring
Wiring to PCB
Figure 2-4 Control Valve Assembly
2-3 Theory of Operation
To obtain accurate and stable ow rates to the tool, each MFC measures
and controls three areas: gas temperature, gas properties, and gas
2-3-1 Gas Temperature
Each MFC utilizes a thermal sensor tube to measure the mass ow rate
(m) of gas passing through the MFC. Each gas molecule has a specic
ability to pick up heat. This property (Cp) directly relates to mass and
physical structure of the molecule. Gas is heated in a tube and resistive
temperature devices measure the temperature gradient along the tube.
This process is described in the following formula and shown in Figure
2-5, Thermal Sensor Operation, below.
Sensor output = mCp T
Expansion Rod
0 L
No Flow
Tube Length
Figure 2-5 Thermal Sensor Operation
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
9000 Series
Section 2 Theory of Operation and Features
2-3-2 Gas Properties
The thermal sensor relies on established thermal mass properties from
the gas being used. The temperature dependence is associated with the
molecule’s rotational and vibrational degrees of freedom represented
by N. Since a mole of any perfect gas occupies the same volume at
standard conditions (22,414.00 cc/mol at 0 degrees C at 1 atm pressure),
molar specic heat is essentially specic heat (J/gm/K) multiplied by
standard density (gm/mol). Therefore, the following formula can be
expressed where ps is the standard density.
x ps = (J/gmK) x gm/mol = J/mol x K
The conversion factor (CF) then becomes,
CF = (Ngas/NN
) x (C
x ps) N
/ (C
x ps)gas
N is shown in Table 2-2, Conversion Factors, below. For example, a ow
of 5 sccm nitrogen corresponds to a ow of 3.66 sccm of phosphine
) in Table 2-3, Gas Flow Correction Factors, below.
Table 2-2 Conversion Factors
Gas Type N
Monatomic 1.04
Diatomic 1.00
Triatomic 0.94
Polytomic 0.88
Table 2-3 Gas Flow Correction Factors
Gas Thermal MFC
2-3-3 Gas Pressure
Inlet pressure is often overlooked as a source of potential zero error on
MFCs. Many high density, low viscosity gases exhibit slight changes in
zero output as a function of MFC inlet pressure. Gases such as tungsten
hexauoride (WF6) and many uorocarbons are especially sensitive to
this problem.
Under certain conditions, lighter gases such as H2 and He may experi-
ence oscillation problems if inlet pressures are too high. A simple way of
minimizing this problem is to keep the inlet pressure as low as possible.
9000 Series
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
Section 2 Theory of Operation and Features
MFC theory of operation is described in greater detail in Figure 2-6, MFC
Theory of Operation Block Diagram, below.
Hysteresis Network (Tuning)
Soft Start
Valve Assembly
(Normally Closed)
(Bypass/Sensor Measurement)
Speed Up
Linearity Correction
Sensor Voltage Out (Variable)
Setpoint Voltage In (Reference)
Valve OFF/ON
Figure 2-6 MFC Theory of Operation Block Diagram
Refer to this block diagram during the following discussion.
Installation and Operation Manual
Part Number: 541B194AAG
August, 2018
9000 Series
Section 2 Theory of Operation and Features
When voltage is applied to the MFC valve assembly, the valve assembly
opens and allows gas to pass into the inlet port and through the bypass
assembly and sensor. As gas passes through the bypass assembly,
the sensor measures the gas temperature across the upstream and
downstream area of the sensor and relays that information to the
printed circuit board (PCB) circuitry that consists of several ampliers
and a speed up network. The temperature difference across the sensor
determines indi cated gas ow.
When a specied amount of gas ow is needed at the process chamber,
the tool initiates a setpoint voltage command from 1-5 Vdc. For example,
if the bypass assembly allows up to 90 sccm ml/min of gas and the
setpoint command is 4 Vdc, only 80% of the maximum ow range (or
72 sccm ml/min) would ow through the MFC outlet port. If the setpoint
were reduced to 2 Vdc, only 18 sccm ml/min would ow through the
MFC outlet port.
When gas is exhausted out of the bypass assembly it enters the valve
assembly area. Inside the valve assembly, gas travels through a preset
orice (called a jet) and into the plunger area. The jet helps to control
upstream and downstream pressure uctuations. The plunger pushes on
the valve coil, which in turn, regulates the proper amount of gas owing
out of the outlet port.
An accurate amount of gas must enter the process chamber at a steady
ow rate and at a specied response time without any pressure uctua-
tions. Information stored within the PCB circuitry provides the means to
perform tuning and calibration functions before the unit is shipped. This
tuning and calibration process adjusts the MFC to precise ow rates and
response times in accordance to customer requirements.
2-4 Standard Features
2-4-1 Attitude
Each MFC is built for a specic attitude, either Horizontal On Side
(HOS), or Horizontal or Vertical (HOV). Further details are described in
the installation instructions in Chapter 3.
2-4-2 Calibration Conditions
MFCs ordered as Atmosphere are calibrated with the MFCs outlet
exhausting to atmosphere. MFCs order as Vacuum are calibrated with
the MFCs to vacuum.
2-4-3 Standard Temperature and Pressure Operating Range
MFCs are calibrated at 0°C and operate up to 760 mm Hg.
2-4-4 Calibration Traceability
MFCs use the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as
a guideline.