
1.0 Ohutuse Ettevaatusabinõud
ESAB keevitus- ja plasmalõikusseadme kasutajad omavad lõplikut vastutust kindlustamaks, et kõik kes
töötavad seadmega ja asuvad seadme kõrval järgivad vastavaid tööohutuse ettevaatusabinõusid. Ohutuse
ettevaatusabinõud peavad vastama nõudeile, mis kehtivad sellist tüüpi keevitus ja plasmalõikuse seadmetele.
Järgnevaid soovitusi on vaja järgida lisaks tavalistele reeglitele, mis rakendatakse töökohas.
Ainult välja õppetatud personaal, kes tunneb töövõtteid keevitus ja plasmalõikuse seadmega, peab teostama
kõiki töid. Seadme väärkasutamine võib tekitada ohtlikke olukordi mille tulemusena võib olla kasutaja vigastus
või seadme rikke.
1. Ükskõik, kes kasutab keevituse ja plasmalõikuse seadet peab tundma:
- tema tööd
- avariilülitide asukohti
- tema töövõimalusi
- vastavaid ohutuse ettevaatusabinõusid
- keevitust ja / või plasmalõikust
2. Kasutaja peab kindlustama:
- et loata ja mittevajalikud isikuid ei paikneks seadme töötsoonis tema käivitamisel.
- et kõik kasutavad kaitsevahendeid kaarleegi süttimisel.
3. Töökoht peab:
- sobima oma eesmärgiks
- olema vaba tuuletõmbest
4. Isiklikud kaitsevahendid:
- Alati peab kandma soovitatavaid isiklikuid kaitsevahendeid, nagu näiteks kaitseprille, tulekindlaid
kaitseriideid ja sobivaid kindaid.
- Ärge kandke liiga vabat riietust ja aksessuarid, nagu näiteks salle, käevõrusid, jne. Nende tööpinkidesse
sattumise tulemuseks on kehavigastus või põletus.
5. Üldised ettevaatusabinõud:
- Peab kindlustama tagasipöörduva kaabli turvalise ühenduse.
- Töid kõrgepingeseadmetega võib teostada ainult kvalitseeritud elektrik.
- Vastavad tulekustutamisseaded peavad olema silmnähtavalt märgistatud ja paiknema ligidal.
- Seadme määrimist ja hooldust ei tohi teostada seadme kasutamise ajal.
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Read and understand the instruction manual before installing or operating.
Arc welding and cutting can be injurious to yourself and others. Take precausions when welding.
Ask for your employer’s safety practices which should be based on manufacturers’ hazard data.
S Install and earth the welding unit in accordance with applicable standards.
S Do not touch live electrical parts or electrodes with bare skin, wet gloves or wet clothing.
S Insulate yourself from earth and the workpiece.
S Ensure your working stance is safe.
FUMES AND GASES - Can be dangerous to health
S Keep your head out of the fumes.
S Use ventilation, extraction at the arc, or both, to take fumes and gases away from your breathing zone
and the general area.
ARC RAYS - Can injure eyes and burn skin.
S Protect your eyes and body. Use the correct welding screen and filter lens and wear protective
S Protect bystanders with suitable screens or curtains.
S Sparks (spatter) can cause fire. Make sure therefore that there are no inflammable materials nearby.
NOISE - Excessive noise can damage hearing
S Protect your ears. Use earmuffs or other hearing protection.
S Warn bystanders of the risk.
MALFUNCTION - Call for expert assistance in the event of malfunction.
Read and understand the instruction manual before installing
or operating.
Class A equipment is not intended for use in residential locations where
the electrical power is provided by the public low--voltage supply
system. There may be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnic
compatibility of class A equipment in those locations, due to conducted
as well as radiated disturbances.
Do not dispose of electrical equipment together with normal waste!
In observance of European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment and its implementation in accordance with national law, electrical equipment
that has reached the end of its life must be collected separately and returned to an
environmentally compatible recycling facility. As the owner of the equipment, you should
get information on approved collection systems from our local representative.
By applying this European Directive you will improve the environment and human
A-klassi (400 V CE) seade ei ole mõeldud kasutamiseks elamu-
piirkondades, kus elektritoide tuleb avalikest madalpingesüs-
teemidest. Nii ülekantavate kui ka väljakiiratavate häirete tõt-
tu võib nendes piirkondades olla probleeme A-klassi seadmete
elektromagnetilise ühilduvuse tagamisel.
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Read and understand the instruction manual before installing or operating.
Arc welding and cutting can be injurious to yourself and others. Take precausions when welding.
Ask for your employer’s safety practices which should be based on manufacturers’ hazard data.
S Install and earth the welding unit in accordance with applicable standards.
S Do not touch live electrical parts or electrodes with bare skin, wet gloves or wet clothing.
S Insulate yourself from earth and the workpiece.
S Ensure your working stance is safe.
FUMES AND GASES - Can be dangerous to health
S Keep your head out of the fumes.
S Use ventilation, extraction at the arc, or both, to take fumes and gases away from your breathing zone
and the general area.
ARC RAYS - Can injure eyes and burn skin.
S Protect your eyes and body. Use the correct welding screen and filter lens and wear protective
S Protect bystanders with suitable screens or curtains.
S Sparks (spatter) can cause fire. Make sure therefore that there are no inflammable materials nearby.
NOISE - Excessive noise can damage hearing
S Protect your ears. Use earmuffs or other hearing protection.
S Warn bystanders of the risk.
MALFUNCTION - Call for expert assistance in the event of malfunction.
Read and understand the instruction manual before installing
or operating.
Class A equipment is not intended for use in residential locations where
the electrical power is provided by the public low--voltage supply
system. There may be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnic
compatibility of class A equipment in those locations, due to conducted
as well as radiated disturbances.
Do not dispose of electrical equipment together with normal waste!
In observance of European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment and its implementation in accordance with national law, electrical equipment
that has reached the end of its life must be collected separately and returned to an
environmentally compatible recycling facility. As the owner of the equipment, you should
get information on approved collection systems from our local representative.
By applying this European Directive you will improve the environment and human