Practical handling
Position the nylon sheet centrally on the mattress, so that the
“this side up” label faces the user.
Secure the sheet under the mattress using the wings or position
loosely on top of the mattress. Due to the non-slip surface on
the back side, this is not displaced during turning/moving.
Position 4WayGlide - mini centrally on top of the sheet with the
nylon side against the nylon sheet so that the “this side up”
labels are facing each other.
Position the user on the mattress, using a ceiling or oor hoist.
If a standing/sitting hoist is used or if the user is able to move
him/herself to the edge of the bed, it may be benecial to turn
the mattress, so that the user is seated in the middle of the
long side (140 cm) of the mattress. The user can now easily
turn him/herself or can easily be turned in the bed, after which
the mattress is in the correct position for further moving and
If the user is able to move him/herself, he/she can push
him/herself away from the mattress and turn (Illustration 1).
If assistance is needed, a carer grasps the functional handles
under 4WayGlide - mini under the user’s shoulders and hips,
stands with one foot in front of the other and pulls the user over
to the edge of the bed using weight transference. (If necessary,
a second carer can push against the mattress.) Carer A
bends slightly at the knee, and, with elbows close to the body,
straightens up, thus turning the user on their side. Alternatively,
the carer can pull the user towards him/herself: The carer
moves to the opposite side of the bed, grasps the opposite
functional handles and rolls the user towards him/herself, again
using weight transference.
The positioning wedge is positioned at the user’s back. The
user is rolled or leans against the wedge until he/she nds
a comfortable side position – other parts of the body can be
positioned as required.
Raising the bed headboard
When the bed headboard is raised, the user will tend to slide
down a little until either the legs stop the downward movement
or the carer places one or more pieces of loose non-slip
material between the two nylon surfaces. If required, one carer
can secure the excess material from 4WayGlide - mini under
the mattress.
Seated on the edge of the bed
Self-supportive users can rotate themselves using natural
movement. Alternatively, a carer can lift the user’s legs over the
edge of the bed, possibly using a sling. The user is then raised
to the seated position on the edge of the bed, by means of
weight transference and the lever arm principle.
The non-slip material along the edge of the mattress ensures
that the user does not slide.