Do not overfill the bag in order to insert bag into machine properly and achieve good sealing.
Ensure that the opening of the bag is dry for good sealing eect. If the food contains moisture or the bag is wet, select the " "
function, which will extend the sealing time and the eect will be better.
Before sealing, clean and straighten the opening of the bag to ensure that nothing is stuck in the sealing position, and ensure that
the bag is flat and without wrinkles, grease or damage.
Before vacuumizing, you can gently press the bag to discharge part of the air, which will reduce the load of product vacuumizing.
Avoid sharp objects such as fish bones and hard shells, and use a puncture-resistant bag if needed.
When vacuumizing, if the vacuum value does not meet the requirements for unknown reasons, the product will continue
vacuuming without sealing. Please check whether the bag is leaking or placed incorrectly.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are not suitable for vacuum storage at room temperature, because fresh fruits and vegetables have a
respiration eect and will release heat, which will lead to the bag extending easily. It is recommended that such items be packed in
crisper jars and refrigerated in the refrigerator, which will be more eective.
Food must be cooled down before vacuum packaging, since hot food may damage the machine.
Perishable foods are generally cooled or refrigerated, and their retention period can be extended after vacuum packaging, but there
is no guarantee that they will never deteriorate.
Fill 2/3 size of the bag with water, seal only the bag (without vacuumizing), and freeze for some time. The bag can then be used in
an ice bucket or to treat sport injuries.
Many foods such as cheese and cooked food are packaged in regular commodity bags. Now, even if food packaging has been
opened, vacuum packaging bags can still be used to keep them tasty and fresh.
Mixed ingredients for cakes and scones, such as flour and rice, nuts and condiments will stay fresh longer if vacuum-packed.
This vacuum sealer machine can also be used for storage of photos, important documents, stamps, books, jewelry, cards, cosmetics,