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SimHub Manual
For AlphaWindSim V2.0
(added wind curving and remote)
e: support@alphawindsim.eu
p: (+31) 223 74 60 10
1.Download and install the SimHub software
2.Connect the USB cable to your computer and to
the controller box.
3.Open SimHub and click on “Arduino” on the left
4.Click on “My Hardware”and after that “Open
arduino setup tool”
5.Click on “Single Arduino”. A new window will
open as shown below;
6.On the left side scroll down until you see
“ShakeItPWM OUTPUTS” and set “fans
enabled” to 2 (default is 0)
PWM Output 1 pin = 9
PWM Output 2 pin = 10
7.Now on the right side select Arduino Uno and
the Serial Port and click on “Upload to Arduino”
(The serial port should start with “USB-SERIAL CH340 or Arduino
8.When the upload is confirmed close this screen
an return to SimHub Arduino screen to select
the right COM port. (The selected com port should start