MAN# 650114A
WARN Negative output used to drive bulb for warning output, only used in suicide pin mode. It is capable of switching
0.25A, equivalent to a 3 watt 12V bulb. Connect one wire from bulb to terminal and other wire to fused +12V.
If a larger or high power indicator is used a relay should be used to turn on the light. In this case connect one
side of the relay coil to the WARN terminal and the other side to fused +12v. The relay contacts will then be
used to power the light. Any 12v automotive relay can be used, such as the Dakota Digital, RLY-1 30A relay.
SPD Speed input required only if using lock on speed setting, leave unconnected otherwise.
For 2 wire pulse generators connect one wire to ground and the other wire to SPD terminal. If the signal is
being shared by a cruise control or ECM, make sure they all use a common ground for the pulse generator.
For 3 wire Hall-effect sensors, refer to the installation instructions for the sensor to determine wire color code.
Most 3 wire sensors use the following color code: RED – power, BLACK – ground, WHITE – speed signal.
For speed sensor integrated into a vehicle wiring harness, consult a service manual to determine the color
code and location of the speedometer signal.
L PIN Required if suicide safety pin mode set (switch 1). If not used leave
& R PIN unconnected. These are inputs from the switches on the suicide safety pin assemblies. The switch will
connect the R PIN or L PIN terminal to ground when the pin is fully actuated. If either of the switches fails to
close when pins are to be locked, the warning tone and output are activated.
IGN Should be connected to have +12v when key is ON. The auto-lock module will not operate unless it receives
the ignition signal.
GEAR Required if set to lock or unlock using park signal and using Dakota Digital gear sender (GSS in 1-wire gear
signal mode. Connect the 1-wire gear signal wire from sending unit to this terminal. If not used, leave
PARK Required if set to lock or unlock on park and a +12V park signal is used. When +12v is applied to the park
terminal, it is read as the vehicle being in park. If not used, leave unconnected.
NOTE: Use either the GEAR terminal or the PARK terminal, but do not use both. The unused terminal should be
left unconnected.
Module does not respond, no green light
Poor connection on IGN terminal.
Poor ground connection
Poor connection to PWR terminal
Check for broken or pinched IGN wire.
Check for broken or pinched ground wire.
Check for broken or pinched PWR wire.
Module does not lock with speed signal
Lock on speed option not selected
Speed setting two high
Poor connection on SPD terminal
Poor connection to lock relay
Check switch settings (see chart first page)
Select slower speed setting from chart (settings above
current setting on chart)
Check for broken or pinched SPD wire.
Check connections to dual relay pack.
Module locks at key on (park lock setting)
Poor connection to park input
Gear sender unit needs calibration or is not
operating correctly.
Red light stays off when placed in park, check that
GEAR terminal is connected to 1-wire gear signal OR
that PARK terminal is connected to 12v park signal.
Check for broken wires.
If red light stays off when placed in park and all
connections are ok, see instructions for gear sender.
Module locks at speeds that are too fast
or slow
Different setting needed on speed switches 4-6
For slower speeds use setting above current setting on
chart. For faster speeds use settings below current
setting on chart.
Unlock switch setting not as expected.
Poor connection on park input (park unlock)
Ignition terminal is constantly powered
Poor connection to unlock relay
Check switch 2 setting to chart
If red led doesn’t light or blink when placed in park,
check connection to park terminal being used.
If green light doesn’t go out when ignition turned off,
relocate feed to ignition terminal to 12v only with key on.
Check connections to dual relay pack.
Suicide pin mode selected
Door pins not fully locking
Door pins became unlocked
Broken wire from L PIN or R PIN terminal
Poor ground on safety pin switches
Poor connection on lock relay prevents locking
If not in suicide pin mode turn switch 1 off
Check that door pins for binding or obstructions.
Ensure that pins stay locked during normal operation
Check for broken wire from pin assembly switch to unit
check / relocate ground on pin assembly switches
Check connections on dual relay pack
Module repeatedly locks and unlocks
Module receiving both a park signal and a
speed signal (only if set to lock on speed and
unlock on park)
Noise on speed signal line (while in park)
Correct wiring so that no park signal is present when
there is a speed signal.
Reroute speed signal wire away from spark plug wires or
other noisy wires.