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Fabric Interconnect F2-12
Installation Guide
Part No: E74400-01
November 2016
Oracle Fabric Interconnect F2-12 Installation Guide
Part No: E74400-01
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Using This Documentation .................................................................................  9
Product Documentation Library .........................................................................  9
Feedback .......................................................................................................  9
Understanding the Switch ................................................................................. 11
Installation Task Overview .............................................................................. 11
Switch Overview ...........................................................................................  13
Front Panel Components ................................................................................. 14
Rear Panel Components .................................................................................. 15
Confirming Specifications .................................................................................  17
Physical Specifications ...................................................................................  17
Electrical Specifications .................................................................................. 18
Environmental Specifications ........................................................................... 18
Airflow Precautions .......................................................................................  19
Rack Compatibility ........................................................................................  20
Rack Precautions ...........................................................................................  20
Preparing for Installation ..................................................................................  23
Shipping Kit .................................................................................................  24
Record the MAC IDs ................................................................................ 25
Assign IP Addresses to the SP and SCP Through DHCP .................................  26
Handling Precautions .....................................................................................  26
ESD Precautions ...........................................................................................  27
Installation Tools ...........................................................................................  27
Installing the Switch .........................................................................................  29
Stabilize the Rack ....................................................................................  29
Mark the Rack ......................................................................................... 30
Install the Rackmount Hardware .................................................................  32
Install the Cable Management Comb ...........................................................  37
Route the Power Cords and Management Cables ............................................ 38
Install the Switch .....................................................................................  39
Install an I/O Module ...............................................................................  42
Remove a Filler Panel ............................................................................... 47
Connecting Cables ............................................................................................  51
Chassis Cable Requirements ............................................................................  51
I/O Module Cable Requirements ......................................................................  52
Standard MT and PrizmMT Cables ..................................................................  53
Standard MT and PrizmMT Cable Precautions ...................................................  55
General Cable Precautions ..............................................................................  56
(Optional) Assemble the QSFP Cables .........................................................  58
(Optional) Assemble the SFP+ Cables .........................................................  60
Route the Cables ...................................................................................... 62
Connect the RJ-45 Ethernet Cables .............................................................  63
Connect the PrizmMT Cables .....................................................................  66
Connect the QSFP Cables .......................................................................... 69
Connect the LC Cables .............................................................................  71
Secure Cables to the Cable Management Comb .............................................  73
Powering On the Switch ...................................................................................  75
Connect the SER MGT Cable ....................................................................  75
Connect a Serial Management Device to the SER MGT Port ............................  77
Connect Power Cords ...............................................................................  77
Power On the Switch ................................................................................  81
Log In to the SP (SER MGT) ....................................................................  82
Assign a Static IP Address to the SP ...........................................................  83
Assign a Static IP Address to the SCP .........................................................  85
Log In to the SP (Network Management) .....................................................  86
Verifying Functionality ......................................................................................  89
Verify LED Status ....................................................................................  89
Chassis Status LEDs ......................................................................................  90
1GBase-T Cable Status LEDs ..........................................................................  91
Power Supply Status LEDs .............................................................................  92
Fan Module Status LED .................................................................................  93
I/O Module Status LEDs ................................................................................  93
I/O Module Port LEDs ...................................................................................  94
6 Oracle Fabric Interconnect F2-12 Installation Guide • November 2016
Verify That the Switch Is Operational ..........................................................  94
Verify Connectivity ..................................................................................  96
Run the Oracle Fabric OS Configuration Wizard ..........................................  102
Oracle Fabric OS Configuration Wizard Parameters ...........................................  104
Log In to the Oracle Fabric OS Interface ....................................................  105
Log In to the Oracle Fabric Manager Interface .............................................  106
Glossary ..........................................................................................................  109
Index ................................................................................................................  115
8 Oracle Fabric Interconnect F2-12 Installation Guide • November 2016
Using This Documentation
Overview – Describes how to prepare for and install the Oracle Fabric Interconnect F2-12.
Audience – Installers, technicians, system administrators, and authorized service providers.
Required knowledge – Advanced experience installing network hardware.
This document uses the terms virtualization switch and switch to refer to the Oracle Fabric
Interconnect F2-12.
Product Documentation Library
Documentation and resources for this product and related products are available at http://www.
Provide feedback about this documentation at
Using This Documentation 9
10 Oracle Fabric Interconnect F2-12 Installation Guide • November 2016
Understanding the Switch
These topics describe the switch and the installation process.
“Installation Task Overview” on page 11
“Switch Overview” on page 13
“Front Panel Components” on page 14
“Rear Panel Components” on page 15
Related Information
“Confirming Specifications” on page 17
“Preparing for Installation” on page 23
“Installing the Switch” on page 29
“Connecting Cables” on page 51
“Powering On the Switch” on page 75
“Verifying Functionality” on page 89
Installation Task Overview
Perform these steps in the order presented to install the switch.
Step Description Links
1. Familiarize yourself with the switch. “Switch Overview” on page 13
“Front Panel Components” on page 14
“Rear Panel Components” on page 15
2. Understand supplied power, environmental, and
airflow characteristics and rack precautions.
“Physical Specifications” on page 17
“Electrical Specifications” on page 18
“Environmental Specifications” on page 18
“Airflow Precautions” on page 19
“Rack Compatibility” on page 20
“Rack Precautions” on page 20
3. Verify shipped components and accessories. “Shipping Kit” on page 24
Understanding the Switch 11
Installation Task Overview
Step Description Links
4. Record the MAC IDs. “Record the MAC IDs” on page 25
5. If DHCP is to assign specific IP addresses to the SP
and SCP, configure the DHCP server.
“Assign IP Addresses to the SP and SCP Through
DHCP” on page 26
6. Heed handling and ESD precautions. “Handling Precautions” on page 26
“ESD Precautions” on page 27
7. Ready the rack for the switch. “Stabilize the Rack” on page 29
“Mark the Rack” on page 30
“Install the Rackmount Hardware” on page 32
“Install the Cable Management Comb” on page 37
“Route the Power Cords and Management Cables” on page 38
8. Install the switch and I/O modules (if necessary). “Installation Tools” on page 27
“Install the Switch” on page 39
“Remove a Filler Panel” on page 47
“Install an I/O Module” on page 42
9. Understand cable requirements and precautions. “Chassis Cable Requirements” on page 51
“I/O Module Cable Requirements” on page 52
“Standard MT and PrizmMT Cables” on page 53
“General Cable Precautions” on page 56
10. Connect data cables. “(Optional) Assemble the QSFP Cables” on page 58
“(Optional) Assemble the SFP+ Cables” on page 60
“Route the Cables” on page 62
“Connect the RJ-45 Ethernet Cables” on page 63
“Connect the PrizmMT Cables” on page 66
“Connect the QSFP Cables” on page 69
“Connect the LC Cables” on page 71
“Secure Cables to the Cable Management Comb” on page 73
11. If you are not using DHCP-assigned IP addresses,
connect the serial management device.
“Connect the SER MGT Cable” on page 75
“Connect a Serial Management Device to the SER MGT
Port” on page 77
12. Apply power to the switch. “Connect Power Cords” on page 77
“Power On the Switch” on page 81
13. If you are not using DHCP-assigned IP addresses,
log in to the SP through the SER MGT port.
“Log In to the SP (SER MGT)” on page 82
“Assign a Static IP Address to the SP” on page 83
“Assign a Static IP Address to the SCP” on page 85
14. Log in to the SP through the network management
“Log In to the SP (Network Management)” on page 86
15. Verify switch functionality. “Verify LED Status” on page 89
“Verify That the Switch Is Operational” on page 94
“Verify Connectivity” on page 96
16. Administer the switch. “Run the Oracle Fabric OS Configuration Wizard” on page 102
“Oracle Fabric OS Configuration Wizard
Parameters” on page 104
“Log In to the Oracle Fabric OS Interface” on page 105
“Log In to the Oracle Fabric Manager Interface” on page 106
12 Oracle Fabric Interconnect F2-12 Installation Guide • November 2016
Switch Overview
Related Information
“Switch Overview” on page 13
“Front Panel Components” on page 14
“Rear Panel Components” on page 15
Switch Overview
The switch is a complete access switching and I/O platform designed to consolidate and
virtualize the switching infrastructure for server and storage systems deployed in high-
performance enterprise clouds.
The virtualization switch can be configured many ways through I/O modules appropriate for
your data center. Through I/O modules, the switch can support up to 48 4x IB ports, 24 16Gb
FC ports, 48 10GBASE-T ports, 48 40G Ethernet ports, or a mixture of these ports to provide
network and gateway capabilities.
Additionally, the switch has a dedicated port block, which also supports limited customization.
Through the port block, the switch supports 4 12x IB ports, 4 1GBASE-T ports, and 2 4x
IB/40GbE combination ports provide both network and gateway capabilities.
If you configure the 2 4x IB/40GbE ports for IB, then the switch can support a maximum of
50 4x IB ports.
Understanding the Switch 13
Front Panel Components
If you configure the 2 4x IB/40GbE ports for GbE, then the switch can support a maximum
of 50 40GbE ports.
For more information, see “Rear Panel Components” on page 15.
Separate, dedicated, and optimized on-board SP, ABD, and SCP manage chassis functionality,
Ethernet traffic, and IB fabric respectively, through user-friendly CLIs and web interfaces.
The virtualization switch ships preconfigured for network management through DHCP.
However, the procedures in this document are serial management focused, with instructions to
configure static IP addresses if desired.
Related Information
“Installation Task Overview” on page 11
“Front Panel Components” on page 14
“Rear Panel Components” on page 15
Front Panel Components
The front panel is the fan and power supply end of the switch. This end of the switch is installed
to the cold aisle.
No. Description
1 RFID tag
2 Fan modules 0 to 3, starting from the left most fan.
3 Chassis status LEDs
14 Oracle Fabric Interconnect F2-12 Installation Guide • November 2016
Rear Panel Components
No. Description
4 Power supplies 0 and 1, starting from the left most power supply.
Related Information
“Installation Task Overview” on page 11
“Switch Overview” on page 13
“Rear Panel Components” on page 15
Rear Panel Components
The rear panel is the data cable connection end of the switch. This end of the switch is installed
to the hot aisle.
The switch can be populated with any mixture of Oracle F2 I/O modules as needed for your
deployment. The illustration shows an example of one hardware configuration for the switch.
No. Description
1 SER MGT connector
2 PrizmMT connectors:
Ports 1 to 4 – 12x IB, which can be used for high-speed inter-switch links connecting leaf
switches, virtualization switches, and spine switches together.
Ports 5 and 6 – Either 4x IB or 40 GbE
3 1GBASE-T RJ-45 connectors – Any one of these connectors can be used for network
Understanding the Switch 15
Rear Panel Components
No. Description
4 I/O module slots 0 to 11 with slot 0 as the left most slot.
5 Power receptacles for PS1 (AC1 inlet)
6 Power receptacle for PS0 (AC0 inlet)
7 Oracle F2 10 Gb and 40 Gb Ethernet module
8 Filler Panel
9 Oracle F2 Dual Port 16Gb Fibre Channel module
10 Oracle F2 Long Range InfiniBand module
11 Oracle F2 Quad Port 10GBASE-T module
Related Information
“Installation Task Overview” on page 11
“Switch Overview” on page 13
“Front Panel Components” on page 14
16 Oracle Fabric Interconnect F2-12 Installation Guide • November 2016
Confirming Specifications
These topics describe the specifications of the switch and related precautions for installation.
“Physical Specifications” on page 17
“Electrical Specifications” on page 18
“Environmental Specifications” on page 18
“Airflow Precautions” on page 19
“Rack Compatibility” on page 20
“Rack Precautions” on page 20
Related Information
“Understanding the Switch” on page 11
“Preparing for Installation” on page 23
“Installing the Switch” on page 29
“Connecting Cables” on page 51
“Powering On the Switch” on page 75
“Verifying Functionality” on page 89
Physical Specifications
Dimension Metric U.S.
RU 2 2
Width 448.0 mm 17.64 in.
Depth 804 mm 31.65 in.
Height 87 mm 3.43 in.
Weight (base chassis) 40.1 kg 88.2 lbs
Weight (fully configured) 55.2 kg 121.4 lbs
Confirming Specifications 17
Electrical Specifications
Related Information
“Electrical Specifications” on page 18
“Environmental Specifications” on page 18
“Airflow Precautions” on page 19
“Rack Compatibility” on page 20
“Rack Precautions” on page 20
Electrical Specifications
Parameter AC Requirement
Voltage 200 VAC to 277 VAC single phase, 50 to 60 Hz
Current (per input) 16A maximum per input
Current (total) 13A maximum total for all inputs at 208 VAC
Power 2700W (Total input power is approximately equally divided among the
operating power supplies.)
Related Information
“Physical Specifications” on page 17
“Environmental Specifications” on page 18
“Airflow Precautions” on page 19
“Rack Compatibility” on page 20
“Rack Precautions” on page 20
Environmental Specifications
Parameter Metric Operating U.S. Operating
Temperature 5˚C to 35˚C 41˚F to 95˚F
Humidity 5% to 85% noncondensing, 27˚C maximum wet
5% to 85% noncondensing, 80˚F maximum wet
Elevation (Oracle requirement) Maximum 3000 meters at 40˚C Maximum 9840 feet at 104˚F
Related Information
“Physical Specifications” on page 17
18 Oracle Fabric Interconnect F2-12 Installation Guide • November 2016
Airflow Precautions
“Electrical Specifications” on page 18
“Airflow Precautions” on page 19
“Rack Compatibility” on page 20
“Rack Precautions” on page 20
Airflow Precautions
Caution - Proper airflow is essential for keeping the switch's internal temperatures within a safe
operating range.
Air flows from the front (fan end) of the switch to the rear (connector end) of the switch.
Follow these guidelines to ensure unrestricted airflow in the switch:
Install the switch so that the front faces the cool aisle and the rear faces the warm aisle.
Do not direct warm air into the switch.
Prevent recirculation of air within a rack or cabinet.
Ensure that either a module or a filler panel is in place while the switch is operating.
Route cables so that they do not interfere with airflow.
Related Information
“Physical Specifications” on page 17
Confirming Specifications 19
Rack Compatibility
“Electrical Specifications” on page 18
“Environmental Specifications” on page 18
“Rack Compatibility” on page 20
“Rack Precautions” on page 20
Rack Compatibility
This switch and rackmounting hardware is designed for installation into an Oracle Sun Rack II
or compatible rack or cabinet.
Related Information
“Physical Specifications” on page 17
“Electrical Specifications” on page 18
“Environmental Specifications” on page 18
“Airflow Precautions” on page 19
“Rack Precautions” on page 20
Rack Precautions
Caution - Equipment Loading. Always load equipment into a rack from the bottom to the
top so that the rack does not become top heavy and tip over. Deploy your rack's anti-tilt legs to
prevent the rack from tipping during equipment installation.
Caution - Elevated Operating Ambient Temperature. If the switch is installed in a closed
or multi-unit rack assembly, the operating ambient temperature of the rack environment might
be greater than the room ambient temperature. Therefore, install the equipment only in an
environment compatible with the ambient temperature specified for the switch.
Caution - Reduced Air Flow. Install the equipment in a rack so that the amount of air flow is
adequate for the safe operation of the equipment.
Caution - Mechanical Loading. Mount the equipment in the rack so that the weight is
distributed evenly. A hazardous condition can exist with uneven mechanical loading.
20 Oracle Fabric Interconnect F2-12 Installation Guide • November 2016