Haier HCM050EB Kasutusjuhend

  • Tere! Olen tehisintellekti chatbot, kes on koolitatud aitama teid Haier HCM050EB Kasutusjuhend küsimustega. Olen dokumendi läbi vaadanud ja valmis andma lihtsaid ja arusaadavaid vastuseid.
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What The World Comes Home To _
_sssd gs Ussss_s
Read aH of the instructions before using this applianceo
_Afhen using this appliance, a}_ay_ e×e_:ise basic s_fe_y
1) Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this use
and care guide.
2) This freezer must be properly installed in accordance with the
installation instructions before it is used. See grounding instructions in the
installation section.
3) Never unplug your freezer by pulling on the power cord. Always grasp
the plug firmly and pull straight out from the outlet.
4) Repair or replace immediately, all electric service cords that have become
frayed or otherwise damaged. Do not usea cord that shows cracks or
abrasion damage along its length, the plug or the connector end.
5) Unplug your freezer before cleaning or before making any repairs.
Note: If for any reason this product requires service, we strongJy
recommend that a certified technician performs the service.
6) Do not useany electrical device or any sharp instrument in
defrosting your freezer.
7) If your old freezer is not being used, we recommend that you remove the
doors. This will reduce the possibilib, of danger to children.
8) After your freezer is in operation, do not buch the cold surfaces in the
freezer compartment, particularly when hands are damp or wet. Skin may
adhere to these extremely cold surfaces.
9) Do not refreeze foods, which have been thawed completely. The United
'_._.Thawedground meats, poultry, or fishthat have any off-odor or off-
color should not be refrozen and should not be eaten. Thawed ice cream
should be discarded. If the odor or color of any food is poor or
questionable, discard it. The food may be dangerous to eat/_
refrozen foods as soon as possible, to save as much of itseating qualib/
as you can_
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!i!iii!Ji
]O) This refrigerator shodd not be recessedor bdfin an encbsed cabineL Ut
is designed for freestandin9 installation onUy.
] ]) Do not operate your refrigerabr in the presence of expbsive fumes.
Risk of child entrapment. Before you throw away your dd
refrigerator or freezer, take off the doors. Leave the shdves
in pJace so that children r_ay r_ot easiJy dimb inside°
Thank you for using our Haler
producL This easy-b-use manual will
guide you in getting the best use of
your freezer.
Remember b record the model and
serial number. They are on a label in
back of the freezer.
Model number
Serial number
Dateof purchase
Staple your receipt to your manual, You wiJJ neecJ it to obtain
warran_ X service.
$afe_ Precautions .......................................................................... 1
Parts And Features ......................................................................... 4
mnstaJJlng Your Freezer .................................................................... 5
Unpacking Your Freezer .......................................................................... 5
Adiusfing Your Freezer............................................................................. 5
Proper Air Circulation ............................................................................. 5
Electrical Requirements ........................................................................... 6
Use of Extension Cords ........................................................................... 6
HnstallLimitations ................................................................................... 6
Freezer Features And Use.................................................................. 7
Operating Your Freezer .......................................................................... 7
Generd Features.................................................................................... 7
Food Storage Baskets.............................................................................. 8
Defrosting And Draining ........................................................................ 8
Food Storage Information........................................................................ 9
Normal Operating Sounds...................................................................... 9
Preper Freezer Care arid CJeanJng ............................................ ] 0
cleaning and Maintenance .................................................................. ] 0
Power Interruptions .............................................................................. ] ]
Vacation and Moving Care .................................................................. ] ]
TroubJeshooting .............................................................................. 12
Warranbi information .................................................................. 14
], Temperature Control Adiustment
2, Vinyl Coated Wire Basket
3, Interior Drain Plug (see insert}
4, Exterior Drain Plug
_pecki_g Yoo_ Free_e_ °
1. Remove aJJpackaging material This incJudesthe foam base and aJJ
adhesive tape balding the freezer accessories inside and
2. Inspect and remove any remains of packing, tape or printed
materiaJs before powering on the freezen
Adiusti g Yeur Freezer
®Yourfreezerisdesignedfor freestandinginstaJJationonJy.
HtshouJdnotbe recessedor buiJt-in.
PJacethefreezeron a floor strongenoughto supportit fuJJyJoaded.
®When moving thefreezer,nevertiJtit morethana 45-degree angJe.
Thiscoulddamage thecompressorandthe sealedsystem.
ff thefreezer istiJtedJetit standin an uprightposition for at [east24
hoursprior to pJugging.Thisis to a[[o,utherefrigerant to serf[e.
Proper Air Cir¢o etio
Toassure your freezer works at the maximum efficiency it
was designed for, you shouJdinstaJJit in a Jocation where there
is proper air circuJation, pJumbing and eJectricaJconnections_
The foJlowing are recommended clearances around the refrigerator:
Sides............... 4" (102mm}
Top....................4" ('[02mm}
Back.................. 4 _(] 02ram)
E_ec_ri_e_ _eq_ise_e_t
® Make sure there is a suitable power Outlet (] ] 5 volts, "[5 amps outlet)
with proper grounding to power the freezer,
Avoid theuseof threeplug adaptersor cuttingoff thethird grounding in
order to accommodatea f_'o plug oufleLThisisa dangerouspractice
sinceit providesno effectivegrounding for the freezerand may resultin
Use ef E×t÷HsieH Ce od
Avoid the use of an extension cord because of potential safety hazards
under certain conditions, Hfit is necessary to use an extension cord, use
only a 3-wire extension cord that has a 3-blade grounding plug and a
3-slot outlet that wiJJaccept the plug. The marked rating of the extension
cord must be equal to or greater than the electrical rating of the
Bimi ti@Hs
Do not instal[ your freezer in any location not properly insulated or
heated e,g. garage etc_Your freezer was not designed to operate in
temperature settings below 55 ° Fahrenheit,
Select a suitable location for the freezer on a hard even
surface away from direct sunlight or heat source e,g. radiators,
baseboard heaters, cooking appliances etc. Any floor unevenness
should be corrected.
©Oer +ing Your Freezer
®Once the freezer is in its proper pJace,oJug it in an dectricd outJet
having 115 vdts and 15 amps. Turn on power switch+Green J+ghtwiJJ
come on indicating that the freezer is in operation.
®Set the temperature, on the temperature contrd knob+ '1" bring the
warmest and "W bring the coJdest.BitiaHy set the temperature on "H'+
PJacefood ins+dethe freezen After using the freezer for 24 hours set the
freezer to ),'our desired setting.
®Hncase you unpJug your freezer or experience an dectricd outage,
dJow 5 minutes before pJugging it back in.
General Fe_tureg
AdjustabJe temperature did: (see fig+ # 1)
Your freezer will automat+cdJy maintain
the temperature JeveJyou seJect The
temperature contrd did has 3 settings
pJusOFF. '1" is the warmest, "HF is the
cddest+ Turning the did to OFF stops
coding the freezen Set the did to "IF
and allow 24 hours to pass before
adjust+ng the temperature to your needs.
(Note: Jf the freezer hos been
OJoced in a horizontd or
tiJted position for any period
of time wait 24 hoots before
OJngging the unit in+)
ternpelatme contrd did
fig+# 1
Feed 5ter_ge B_sket5
(see fi% # 2}
Yourfreezerhasa basket.Removablebasketsallow you
to storefood moreaccessiblyor you can removethemif not needed.
fig. # 2
Defres@ g Draining
Defrostwheneverthefrostbecomes1/4" thicL Never usea sharpor
metallicinstrumentto removethefrost, asit may damagethecooling
coils.(A puncturedcoil wiJJvoid thewarranty)
Turnthe temperature control to OFF position and unplug the unit.
Remove the drain plug from the inside of the freezer (seefig. #3a}.
Defrosting usually takes a few hours. Todefrost faster keep the
freezer door open,
Fordraining, placea tray beneaththeouterdrain plug. Pulloutthe
drain dial (seefig. #3b} and rotateit sothat thearrow pointsdown-
ward. ThiswiJJJetthewater flow out in thetray.When done,pushthe
drain dial in and turn thearrow tothe up position.Re-pbg thedrain
plug insidethefreezer compartmenLNote: monitor thecontainerunder
thedrain to avoid overflow.
®Wipe theinteriorof thefreezerand replacetheelectricalplug in
Resetthe temperature control to the desired setting,
fig. # 3a fig. # 3b
Feed Storage
Frozen Food:
" Wipe containers before storing to avoid needless spiJJs_
®Hot food should be allowed to cool before storing in the freezen
This will prevent unnecessary energy use.
,, When storing meats, keep in the original
packaging or rewrap as necessary.
" Proper freezer storage requires correct packaging_ All foods must be in
packages, which do not allow the flow of air or moisture in, or out_
Improper storage wiJJresult in odor and taste transfer and wiJJresult in
the drying out of the improperly packaged food_
®Follow package or container instructions for proper storage.
o Packaging Reco_endatlons:
Plasticcontainer's with air tight lids
Heavy duty aluminum foil
Plasticwrap made from saran film
Sdf-seding plastic bags
®Do not refreeze defrosted/thawed foods.
" It is recommended that the freezing date be marked on the packaging.
®BoilingwateBgurgling soundsor slightvibrationsthat are the resultof
therefrigerant circulatingthroughthecoolingcalls.
" ThethermostatcontrolwiJJclickwhen it cycleson and off.
Warning: To avoid e[edric shockalways unpJug your
freezer before cleaning. Hgnoring this warning may
resuJtin death or injury_
Caulion: Before using cJeaning products, always read and
foJJowmanufacturer's instructions and warnings to
avoid personal injury or product damage.
® Prepare a cJeaning solution of 3-4 tabJespoons of
Baking soda mixed with warm waten Use sponge or
soft cloth, dampened with the cleaning solution, to
wipe down your freezer.
® Rinsewith dean warm water and dry with a soft cloth.
Do not use harsh chemicals, abrasives, ammonia,
chlorine bJeach,concentrated detergents, solvents or
metal scouring pads_ SOME of these chemicals may
dissolve, damage and/or discdor your freezer.
Door Go,k÷ts:
CJean door gaskets every three months according to
genera[ instructions. Gaskets must be kept dean and
pliable to assure a proper seal
Petrdeum je[JyappJied lightly on the hinge side of gas-
ketswiJJkeep the gasket pJiabJeand assure a good
@wer Hterr i@HS
OccasiondJy there may be power interruptions due to thunderstorms or
other causes_Remove the power cord from AC outJetwhen a power
outage occurs_When power has been restored, repJug power cord to
AC oufleL Hfoutage is for a proJonged period, inspect and discard
spoiJed or thawed food in freezen CJean freezer before reusing.
V c ti@ M@vi g C r÷
For Jong vacations or absences, empty food from freezer, move the
temperature DHALto the OFF position and dean the door gaskets
according to _GeneraJ cJeaning_ section_ Prop doors open, so air can
circuJate inside_When moving always move the freezer
verticaJJy.Do not move with the unit Jying down. PossibJedamage to the
sealed system couJdoccun
Freezer Does Not Operate:
®Check if thermostat control is not in the "OFF" position.
®Check if freezer is plugged in.
" Check if there is power at the ac outret, By checking the circuit breaker:
®Wait for 30-40 minutes to see whether freezer will start. Compressor
c'ycle must be complete to operate.
Food temperature appears too war_:
®Frequent door openings.
Allow time for recentJyadded warm food to _ach
freezer temperature.
®Check gaskets for proper seak
Clean condenser coiJs(for modeJswith exposed condenser coiJs}.
Adiust temperature control to comer setting.
Food temperature is too cored:
®if temperature control setting is too cold, adiust to a warmer setting
and allow several hours for temperature to adjust.
Freezer runs too fr÷quentJy:
,, Thismay be normalto maintain constanttemperatureduring
high temperatureand humid days.
Doorsmay have beenopenedfrequentlyor for an extended
period of time_
®Checkgasketfor proper seal.
®Checkto seeif doorsare completelydosed_
" Checkfreezercompartmentfor blockagefrom
frozen food packages,containers,etc.
Freezer has an odor:
®interior needs cleaning,
Foods improperly wrapped or seaJd are giving off odors.
What is covered and for how
This warranty covers dl defects in work-
manship or materials for a period of:
] 2 months labor
(ranHome Service}
12 months ports
5 years seo_ed system
Thewarranty commences on the date
the item was purchased and the original
iourchase receipt must be presented to
the authorized service center before
warranty repairs are rendered_
EXCEPTIONS: ¢ommer¢ioJ or
RentoJ Use worronty
90 days Jabot (toffy°in onJy)
90 doys ports
No other worronty oppJies
Whot is covered°
1. The mechanical and eJectrical parts,
which serve as a functional, purpose
of this appJiance for a period of 12
months. This includes dI parts except
finish, and trim_
2. The components of the seaJedsystem
e.g_ hermetic compressor, condenser
and evaporator from manufacturing
defects for a period of 5 years from
the date of purchase. Any damages
to such components caused by
mechanicaJ abuse or improper
handJing or shipping wiJJnot be
Whot wlJJ be done?
1_We will repair or replace, at our dis-
cretion any mechanical or eJectricd
part which proves to be defective in
normal usage during the warranty
period so specified.
2. There wiJJbe no charge to the
purchaser for parts and Jabor on any
covered items during the initial 12
month period. Beyond this period
onJy parts are covered in the remain-
ing warranty. Labor is not provided
and must be paid by the customen
3. Contact your nearest authorized
service centen For the name of the
nearest service center pJeasecdJ
Damagesfrom improper installation.
Damagesin shipping.
Damagefrom misuse,abuse,accident,
alteration,Jackof proper careand
maintenanceor incorrectcurrentor
Damagefrom otherthan househoJduse.
Damagefrom serviceby other thanan
authorizeddeaJeror servicecenter.
Decorativetrimsor repJaceabJe
Transportationand shipping.
Labor(after theinitiaJ 12 months).
The remedy provided in this warranty is
excJusiveand is granted in Jieuof aJJ
other remedies.
Thiswarranty doesnotcover incidental
or consequentialdamages,sotheabove
Jimitationsmay not appty toyou. Some
Statesdo notdJow Jimitationson how
Jongan impJiedwarrant),-Jasts,sothe
aboveJimitationsmay not appJytoyou.
Thiswarranty givesyou specificJega!
rights,and you may haveother rights,
which vary, from stateto state_
Haier AmericaTradingL.LC.
New York, NY 10018.
])Ufiliceesfeaparafoexdusivamenfeparasuuso especificado, segOnse
describe en esfa guia de usoy cuidados.
2) Esfe congelador debe ser insfalado adecuadamenfe siguiendo las
insfrucciones de insfalaci6n anfes de ufilizarse. Observe las insfrucciones
para conecfarlo a fierra en la secci6n de insfalaci6n.
3} Nunca desconecfe su congelador firando del cord6n el_cfrico. Suiefe siem-
pre la clavi]a firmemenfe y refirela del confacfo evifando forcerla.
4)Repare o reemplace inmedia_amen_ecualquier corc_6nel_c_ricoque
mues_reraspaduras o da_os. No ufilice ning0n cord6n que mues_re
se_alesc_eabrasi6n o 9rie_asen suextensi6n, claviia o _erminal
de conexi6n.
Desconec_esucongelador an_esc_elimpiarlo o an_esde hacer cualquier
reparaci6n. No_a: Si por alguna raz6n es_eproduc_o necesi_aser
reparac_o,recomendamos fuer_emen_eque la reparaci6n se Ileve a
cabo por un _cnico calificado.
No emplee ningOn aparafo el_c_ricoo ins_rumen_opunzocoMan_epara
descongelar su refrigerador.
Si suanfiguo congelador no es_ siendo ufilizado, recomendamos
qui_arle las pueMas. Esfo reducir_ los riesgos de acciden_esinfanfiles.
Una vez que su congelador seencuen_reoperando, no foque las
superficies frias en el comparfimen_o del congelador, especialmen_e
si sus manos seencuen_ranhOmedaso too]arias. Su piel puede
adherirse a es_assuperficies ex_remadamen_efrias.
9} No congde ahmenbs que hayan sido previamente descongdados en su
btahdad. EUDepartamento de AgricuUtura de UosEstadosUnidos, en su
BoUetinde Casa y Jardin No. 69 indica que: _L_.Ustd puede vdver a
congdar, sin correr ning0n riesgo, aqueHos ahmentos congdados que
hayan sido descongdados y que a0n contengan cristdes de
hieUoo que a0n seencuentren frios con una temperatura por
debaio de los 4,5°C (40°F)'L
'L_.Carnesmdidas, aves, o pescados descongdados que despidan dor
extraBo o muestrendecdoraci6n no deben vdver a congdarse y no deben
consumirse, El hdado descongdado debe desecharse, Si el dor o color de
cierto dimento es deficiente o cuestionable, des6chdo, Td dimento podria
resdtar pdigroso si Io ingiriese7
'L_Jnduso el descongdar parcidmente y volver a congdar los dimentos
disminuye sucdidad de consumo, especidmente si se trata de frutas,
verduras y dimentos preparados, La cdidad de consumo de las carnes
roias es menormente afectada en comparaci6n a la de muchos otros
dimentos, Utilice losdimentos que hayan vudto a congdarse Io m6s
pronto posiNe para evitar que sufran mayor deterioro en su
cdidad de consumo7
10} Estecongdador no debe de serempotrado o cdocado dentro
de un gabinete de cocina, Ha sido diseBado exdusivamente
para ser instddo por separado,
11} No opere su congdador en la presencia de gases explosivos,
pH referenciurutH°
Gracias por ufilizar nuestro
produc_o Haien Este sencillo
manual le orientar6 con respec_o d
meior uso que puede darle a
su refrigeradon
Recuerde _omarnora dd moddo y
n6mero de serie. Ambos se
encuentran impresos en una
efiqueta en la parte posterior dd
N4mero de Modela
N/;mero de Serie
Fecha de Compra
Agrafer le ticket de caisse au guide. |J cJevra Btre pr_sent_ po_r tout
service apr_s-vente sous g_r_ntie°
Instru¢¢iones Precautorias ....................................................... ]
Partes y Fun¢iones .................................................................... 5
InstaJa¢i6n deJ ¢ongeJador ..................................................... 6
Desempaque deU Congdador. .......................................................... 6
Aiuste deU Congdador. ..................................................................... 6
Circdad6n Apropida deU Aire ........................................................ 6
Requisitos EU_ctricos......................................................................... 7
Limitantes de Instdaci6n ............................................................................ 6
El usode Cuerdas de extensi6n ................................................................. 6
Caracteristkas y Uso dd ¢ongelaclor ................................... 8
Operaci6n del Congdador ............................................................... 8
Caracteristicas Generdes ................................................................. 8
Canastas para Guardar Alimentos ................................................... 8
Remoci6n de la Escarcha y DesagiJe................................................. 9
hformaci6n Sobre el Almacenamier4o de Alimentos ......................... ]0
Ruido Normal de Operaci6n .......................................................... ]0
Li_pieza y Cuiclaclo Apropiaclos deJ ¢ongeJacloro ............ 11
Limpieza y Mantenimiento ............................................................. 11
Interrupciones de la Corriente EI6drica ........................................... 12
Cuidado en Vacaciones o en MucJanza.......................................... 12
llesolucion de Problemas ...................................................... 13
Infor_aci6n de Garantla .............................................................. 15
1_Aiuste de Contrd de Temperatura
2. Canastas de AJambre
Recubierto Con ViniJo
3_ Tap6n dd DesagOe hterior
(vea eJdetaJJe)
4. Tap6n dd DesagiJe Exterior