Admiral (Kelon) AW-24CR3FM1, AW-24CM3FM Omaniku manuaal

  • Tere! Olen tehisintellekti chatbot, kes on koolitatud aitama teid Admiral (Kelon) AW-24CR3FM1 Omaniku manuaal küsimustega. Olen dokumendi läbi vaadanud ja valmis andma lihtsaid ja arusaadavaid vastuseid.
I ®
Useand CareManual
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Remote Control
Mechanical Control
Thank you for purchasing an Admiral room air conditioner. Please read this "Use and Care Manuat" carefully
before insta/ing and using this applance, Keep this manual for future reference,
Mucl sse {;y_;as po co, uSers u_ a_e aco_ dco_ac_o_a:lmlr_ Lea _ e_t_ _e_tee IV_sn_.a _:_e_;se y
Ma_e _m en_o ;_'_es _tsa ;4_"y utizaf esle p_"ocluc_oCo_-_seve esle rnart_£Apaa co_-_u ts. o e_'_el utu_'o
For Service Call 1 877 465 3566
Air Conditioner Safety ............................................ 2-3
introduction and Partsidentification ................................ 4-5
Electrical Specifications ......................................... 6
Tips Before Installation ........................................ 7
installation Instructions ................................... 8-12
Operating Instructions
Careand Maintenance
TroubleShooting Guide
.... 17
.... 18
.... 19
introd_cci6n ................
Identificaci_nde las Piezas ,,,
Especificaciones El_ctricas ....
ConsejosAntes dela Instalaci_n
instrucciones de instaiaci_n ,,,
Instrucciones de Operaci_n ,,.
Cuidadoy Mantenimiento .....
Guiapara _aSolutiOn de Problemas.............
...... 20
..... 2_
...... 22
..... 23
...... 33
..... 34
...... 35
What YouNeed to KnowAboutSafety_instructions
Warning and _mportant Safety instructionsappearing in this manual are net meant to cover
al] possible conditions and situations that may occur. Commonsense, caution, and care
must be exercised when operating or cleaning teoJsand equipment.
Nways contact your deaJe5distributor, service agent, or manufacturer about problemsor
conditions you do not understand.
Thisis the safetyalert symbol,tt is usedto alert youto potentialpersonalinjury hazards
Obeyall safety messagesthat fol!owthis symbolto avoidpossib!einjury ordeath,
DANGERindicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
WARNING indicates a potentially tlazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION indicated a potentially Ilazardous situation whicl_, if not
avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury.
CAUTION used without the safety alert symbol indicated a
potentiaiiy hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in
property damage.
To reduce the risk of fire, electrical
' " r
shock, or _nju y when using your air
conditioner, follow these basic precautions:
- Plug into a grounded
3-prong outlet.
o Do not remove
ground prong.
Do not use
an adapter.
Do not use an extension cord.
Unplug air conditioning
before servicing.
Use two or more people to move
and install air conditioner.
The air conditioner should be connected to the
appropnate eJectrical receptacle as shown in the
chart on Page 6 (Receptacle and Fuse Types).
- The use of a time-delay fuse or time-delay circui_
breaker is recommended,
t A!! wiring must comply with _ocaland nationa!
electrical codes and be installed by a qualified
ele_rician, tf you have any questions, contact
a qualified electrician.
E ectrical Requirements
Plug into a grounded 3@rong outlet,
Do not remove ground prong,
Do not use an adapter.
Do riot use an extension cord
Failure to fo|low these instructions can
result in death, fire, or electrical shock.
Power Supply Cord
NOTE:"Yourunit's device may differ from the one shown.
A Reset Button B Test Buttes
This room air conditioeer is equipped with a power supplycord required
by UL This power supply cord contains state-of_theoart eJe_Xronicetha_
sense _eakageCu_nL #t_ cord is crush_, the e!eetronics detect _eakage
o_rrsnt and powe_ t wi}_ bie die_lneeted in a fraction of a seceded,
To test your power supply cord:
P!og power supp!y cord into a gro_nd_ 3,_prongoutlet,
2, Pr_e RESET
3, Press TEST (listen for click; Reset br_tton wiI! trip and pop out)_
4, Press and re_e_se RESET (listen for click; Reset button wi_ _etch
and remain hli,The power supply _rd is ready for operation
o The Res_ button must be pushed n for proper o_ration
o Tbe power s_pply cord m_st be _ep_aced_fit fai_sto trip when the
te_ button is p_ss_ or tails to rest.
_ not use the power _pp_y cord as as an off/co switch_ The
power supp!y cord is designed _ a protective device,
A damaged power s_ppiy cord must be repiaced with a new power
s_pp!y cord obtained from the produ_ manufacturer and must not
be repair_Jo
The power supply cord contains no u_ servieeabJe parts. Opening
the tamp_resistant case voids a_iwarranty and performance claim&
Unpack the Air Conditioner
Use _o or more p_p]e to move and
install air conditioner.
Failure to do so can resu_ in back or
other injury.
Remove packaging materials
Remove and propedy dispose of packaging materials,
Remove tape and glue residue from surfaces before
turning on the air condit!oner, Rub a small amount
of iiquid dish soap over the adhesive with your fingers,
Wipe with warm water and dry_
Do not use sharp instruments, rubbing alcohol,
flammabie fluids, or abrasive cleaners to remove
tape or gJue, These products can damage the
sudace of your air conditioner.
Handle air conditioner with care.
Thank you for choosing this room air conditioner to cod your home This USE AND CARE MANUAL
p_vides information necessa_ for the proper care and maintenance of your new room air conditioner.
If property maintained, your air conditioner will give you many years of trouble free operation. To avoid
installation diffTculties_ read instructions completely before starting. This manual contains information for the
installation and operation of your room air conditioner.
I_ Mechanical control model
Air ¢-Jtet Cabinet Air Filter Co_ml Panel
Air Inlet
Fresh Air
Vent Le_r
Power Cord
Air Inlet
The figures in this manual are based on the external view of a standard model
Consequently, the shape may differ from that of the air conditioner you have selected.
Remote control model
Air Outlet Cabinet
Air Fi_er Control Panel
Air Inlet
Fresh Air
Vent Lever
Power Cod
Air In_et
Control Panel;
Remote Controller
The figures in this manual are based on the external view of a standard model,
Consequently; the shape may differ from that of the air conditioner you have selected,
1, A!l widng must comply with local and national
electrical codes and must be installed by a
licensed electrician If you have any questions
regarding the following instructions, contact a
iicensed electrician.
2, Check available power supply and resolve any
wiring problems BEFORE installing and operating
this uniL
3, For your safety and protection, this unit is
grounded through the power cord when
plugged into a matching wall outleL If you are
not sure whether your wall outlet is properly
grounded, please consult a licensed
4. The wail outlet (3_pin) must match the piug
(3-pin) on the power cord supplied with the unit.
DO NOT use plug adapters or extension cords,
See (Table 1) for receptacle and fuse information,
5. The rating plate on the unit contains electrical
and other technical data, The rating plate is
located on the front of the base pan. Make sure
to use the correct power supply according to the
rating plate d your air conditioner.
If the air conditioner has a serial plate rating
of t t5 volts and up to and including 7.5 amps,
the unit maybe on a fuse or circuit breaker
with other devices. However, the maximum
amps on a!! devices for that fuse or circuit
breaker can not exceed the amps of the fuse
for the circuit breaker.
If the air conditioner has a serial plate rating
of t 15 volts and greater than 7_5 amps it
must have its own fuse or circuit breaker,
and no other device or unit should be
operated on the fuse or circuit breaker.
If the air conditioner has a serial plate rating
of 230 volts, it must have its own fuse or
circuit breaker, and no other device or unit
should be operated on the fuse or circuit
To avdd the possibility of personal injury,
disconnect power to the unit before installing
or servicing.
Table I
Your Room Air Conditioner unit is designed to
be highly efficient and save energy. Follow these
recommendations for greater efficiency.
1 Select thermostat setting that suts yeur
comfo_ needs and leave the thermostat at
that chosen se_ing,
2._The air filter is very_efficient in removing airborne
particles. Keep the air filter clean Typicalfy, the filter
should be cleaned once a month. More
frequent cleaning may be necessary depending
on outdoor and indoor air qua_ity_
3. Use drapes curtains, or shades to keep direct
sunlight from heating your room, but DO NOT
obstruct the air conditioner. Aiiow three (3) inches
around unit to circufate.
4_Start },our air conditioner before outdoor
air becomes hotico_d and uncomfo_abie This
avoids an initial period of discomfort while
the unit is cooling or heating off the room
5 When outdoor temperature is cool
enough, use HIGH or LOW FAN
only.. This circulates indoor air; providing
some coo_ing comfort and utilizes less
electricity than when operating on a
"four RoomAir Conditioner was designed
for easy installation in a single or double-hung
window. NOTE*. This unit is NOT designed for
,vertical (s_ider type) windows
To avoid insta|iation/operating difficul_ise,
read the ;instructions thoroughly,
NOTE: Save the shipping carton and packing
materials for future storage or transpo_ of the unit
P_ease check the contents d the hardware kit against
the corresponding model check list, pdor to
installation of the unit
See tis_ below.(Fig.A)
(_> 3/4 _ Screws 410}
i/4 _ Screws (23)
Top Channel(1 )
O LockWashers(4}
(_ 1_!/2 xt/4 Boffs(4)
@ !i4" Nuts(4)
_ Shut[er C_amp(2)
_ Gasket(10)
Side CuAair_ RH(1)
Side CuAain LH(I )
End Cap &
Leveling Legs(2)
NOTE: Surplus screw(s) for spare use,
Tools Needed for Window Installation:
Screw Drivers: Both Philiips and Flat Head
,_ Power Drill: 1/8 inch diameter drill bit
Measuring Tape
'_ Scissors
Carpenter's Levei
d this unit.
1, Select the Best Location
A, Your room air conditioner was designed to
fit easily into a eingte or double hung window However
since window designs vary, it may be necessary to
make some modifications for safe and proper
B. Make sure window and frame is structuraiiy
sound and free from dry and rotted wood
C. For maximum efficiency, install the air conditioner
on side of the house or building which favors more
shade than sunlighL If the unit is in direct sunlighL
it is advisable to provide an awning over the unit,
D Provide su_cient clearance around the cabinet
to allow for ample air circulation through the uniL
See (Fig.B). The rear of the unit should be outdoors
and not in a garage nor inside d a building.
Keep unit as far away as possible from obstacles and
obstructions and at !east 30" above the floor or
ground Curtains and other objects within a room
should be prevented from blocking the air flow.
Window opening requirements
'see table be!o_
Mira WindOW
Min. Window
31,2 _'
43,0 _
E. Be eerta n the proper electnca! outlet is within reach
d the insta!lation, Use only a single outlet circuit rated
at proper current: (see table 1 on page 6 ), All wiring
should be in accordance with local and national
eiectdcal codes_
R Your unit was designed to evaporate oondeasatbn
under normal conditions. However under extreme
humidity conditions, excess condensation may cause
the basepan to overflow to the outside.
The unit should be instalied where condensation
rumoff cannot ddp on pedestrians or neighboring
Wa_, or
2, Preparation to Remove the
Air Conditioner SHde_Out Chassis
A, Remove totai of (4) PhHips sc:rews securing
the chassis to the cabinet. There are (2) screws
on each side The set d screws closest to the
front of the unit secure the front pane! to the
cabinet The set of screw closest to the rear of
the unit secure the cabinet to the chassis.
See (Fig, 1).
& Remove the front panel assembly from the
cabinet by gentty pulling it,
C, Grasp the pull hande at the front of the
siide-out chassis and carefuliy slide the
air conditioner out of the cabinet. See (Fig_ 2),
Please seek assistance for this procedure.
Note: Screws must be reinstalled upon
completion of the window installation to
secure slide-out chassis
3. Assembly of the upper & lower channels to
the cabinet
A " L° Shaped TOp Channd: Stick the double
adhedng seal to the" L" shaped top channel, and
then Install the "L" shaped top channet to the
cabinet as shown in (Fig. 3) using (5) 1/4" screws.
& "n" Shaped Bottom Channel installed as shown
in (Fig, 3) using (4) 1/4" screws.
NOTE: For 24K , the bottom channel has been
factor/,instafled, and their shapes may differ
from the other, but their functions are simila_
4, Assembly of the side shutte_
(curtains) to the cabinet,
Siide the shutters into the top and bottom
channels as shown in (Fig, 4). The shutters are
identified (on each frame) as "left" & "right"_ Attach
the shu_ers to the cabinet using (4) 1/4" screws
on each side,
Fig, t
For 24K
Fig 3
Fig, 4
& Installation of Mounting Brackets and
First Sealing Strip
:NOTE: Windows come in a variety of different
style& Therefore it may be necessary to modify
or improve your pa_icu]ar installation
A Attach the bracket assembly to gO°angle suppo_
brackets (Fig, 5) using (2) t t/2" bolts
Two bo_ts per bracket, Secure with the (2)
1/4" lock washers and (2) 1/4"nuts. DO NOT
immediately tighten, these boIts as it may be
necessary to adjust the depth of the bracket
assembty, depending on the depth of your window siII.
See (Fig, 7),Install the two leveling screws into the
90" suppoA brackets. Test the bracket assembly in the
w[ndew before cabinet insta{_ation, if the _eveling
screws are distanced too far away 'from the wali to
provide stabi{ity it may be necessa_ for you to fil_
this area with a solid piece of wood See (Fig: 8)
B, Measure the inside window sill width and find the
center as shown in (Fig, 6), Align the V-slot in each
bracket on these marks and mount the brackets to the
sill using 3/4" screws provided Brackets shouid be
perpendicular to the inside window sill, See (Fig: 6),
Fig, 5
Meas_mer_ f_{ Mc,de_ AWo24CR_FMi_ i 2,#" W nt_r_ sH
Mea_ment _or Mode_ AW-24CM3FM = 12,6
Fig, 6
_,_ .............. (2) 3_ _'screws pet b_acge_
C For proper condensation run-off it wili be necessa_
to adjust the ang!dpiteh d the window brackets, This is
accomplished by adjusting the distance d the leveting
screw on the outer wall, The maximum angfetpitch
should not exceed more than 3/16'L See (Fi'g.7),
Fig, 7
D Cut the seal strip to fit the underside of the bo_:om
window sash Remove the peekoff backing on the
seal and attach it to this sash. See (Fi9, 9).
Fig, 8
Use a solid piece of wood to provide stability This
will be required when sills are extra deep,
See (Fig 8)_
Fig, 9
& Installation of the cabinet
A Align one hole in the bottom of the cabinet with one
hole in the bracket assembly Secure the _binet to the
bracket using (3) 1/4" screws provided Repeat the
same procedure on the opposite side of the cabinet,
See (Fig. 10)
B Ensure the "L" shaped mounting channel is
positioned in front d the sash. The "U" shaped
bottom channe_ d the cabinet should be positioned
in the track provided on the bracket assembly Pu!!
the window down unfii it rests just behind the front
d the "L" shaped mounting channel See (Fig 11).
C, Check to make sure that the cabinet is slanted
slightiy downward on the outside tf necessary,
re-adjust suppo_ bracket as shown in (Fig. 7).
7_ Secure Shutters
Carefully slide the air conditioner back into the
cabineL(Please seek assistance for this procedure).
B. Reinstall the slide_oubchassis security screws
(removed eadier) on both sides d the cabinet
See (_g. 12).
Secure the top of the frames to the window sash with
(2) 3/4" screws
C_ Now, secure bottom frame d shutters using one
shutter ctamp and one 3!4" screw on each side(Fig: 12).
8. Reinstalling Front Panel Assembly
A, Position the front pane_ on the cabinet .starting at the
top, The front panel lock tabs must be inseAed into the
retaining s_ots in the cabinet. Repeat this procedure on
all sides.
B. Secure the front grille to the cabinet using the Phiiips
screws removed earlier(Fig. 1).
Fig 10
'Wi_daw _h
Fig.I 1
9.Completethe installation
A. Cut the foam to fit the opening between the top of
the inside and outside window See (F_g_I3)
B, Some instaliations may require additional sealing
around the window and air conditioner Check for any
air leaks and seal where necessary.
Fig, t3
C, In ve_ humid areas, the water removal may be
excessive enough to overflow the unit or increase the
noise of the air conditioner if this occurs you may wish
to attach a drain hose (not included) to the drain plug
atlowing condensations to run off conveniently
See (Fig, 14)_
Fig, 14
The mode knob controls fan speeds and cooling
speeds, To set desired cootJng temperature simpty
rotate the mode knob dia_ to the appropriate
The thermostat automatically controts the coo_ing
cycle (compressor) of the air conditioner to maintain
room temperature, However, the fan motor will
continue to operate after the compressor (cooling
cycle) is completed.
LOW FAN will circulate the air at a minimum speed
without cooJing,
MED FAN wiii circuiate the air at a middie speed
,without cooling,
HIGH FAN wili circulate the air at a maximum speed
without cooling,
LOW COOL provides cooling, automatically with
minimum air circulation Recommended for night-
time use,
MED COOL provides coo)ing automaticaiiy with
midd!e air circulation. Recommended for night°
time use.
HIGH COOL provides coo_ing, automaticaiiy with
quick cooling or for extremely hot days. Once room
is cooled, reduce setting to LOW COOL,
OFF will completely shut-off the uniL
NOTE:: After setting the mode, aliow 3
minutes before switching to another mode.
Fresh, Air Ventilation is usua!ly kept in the dosed
position, Use only when clearing smoke andtor
odors from the room, Pull to open.
Ther_stat Mode knob
Fig, 15
When using FAN control, turn slowiy atbwing
When using THERMOSTAT, be sure to aibw
three minutes betere changing temperature
Adjusting too quick!y may cause an overload
resulting in a blown fuse,
Fig, 16
You cats easity operate this air conditioner by pressing
relevant button on the contro_ panel as well as the
remote control
The air conditioner wilt be staAed when is ene@ized
or wiJl be stopped when it is in operation, if you press
this button.
Mode button
Each time Mode button is pressed_ the operation
mode is changed in sequence:
Control Pane_
Cooling (with tan speed Lo_ Med H{gh): Compressor
cycles to maintain Temperature Set Point_ Fan remains
on at selected speed during compressor OFF cycle
Cooling (Auto Fan Speed}: Compressor cycles to maintain
Temperature Set Point, Fan speed is controiied from room
temperature, Fan remains on during compressor OFF cycle.
Fan Only; Circulates a_d filters room air a_selected speed
Energy Saving _w_thfan speed Lo Med, High):
Fan cycles ON and OFF with compressor over a wider
Energy Saving (with Auto Fan Speed}: Fan cycles ON and
OFF with compressor at a wider range d temperatures Fan
speed during ON cycle is dependent on room temperature,
indication symbols of LED on control panel;
_;" Auto fan _eed @ Ceofng
_ Low Nh _eed _ Fan srgy
Display _t tsmp
D_ay _t timer
+ Medium tan s_ed
High fa_ s_ed
Above LED _ghts o_ whe_ the _e_eva_tme_ _s_nused
NOTE: After setting _he mode, allow three (3) minutes before switcMng to another mode. in the FAN ONLY Mode,
Room Temperature disp!ay range s from 0'_C(32_'F)to 38'_0 (99°F} Room Temperature betow 32_F,the
_'emperature display L0. Room Temperature above 99_K the Temperature display H1.
Fan Speed Button: Used to seiect fan speed !n sequence auto, Jew,medium_ and high.
High Highest fan speed for maximum cooling
Medium Norma!fan speed for average cooling
Low Lowest and quietest speed, greater dehumidification
Auto Works in Coo_iegand £nergy_Savingmode to vary fan speed based on room temperature.
Timer But_oa: Used to set or cance! timer operation
When the unit is in operation you can set OFF TIMER_ When the unit is OFK you can set ON TIMER Timer
setting range is 0 to 24 hours.
if the OFF TIMER is sol the time LED disptays the remaining time to turn off the unit for only 12 seconds,
then LED shifts to display set temperature, if you press TIMER button within the 12 seconds, OFF TIMER
will be cancelled.
if the ON TIMER is set, the timer LED displays the _ma ning time to turn on the unit_ ff you want to
cance_ ON TIMER, press TIMER button
V Button
Used to set room temperature in COOUNG mode or used to set time in TIMER mode.
NOTE: "Temperature setting range isfrom 19_C (66'_F:)to 31 ':_C(88'_F).
Remote control
The appliance wii! be started when it is
energized or wit[be stop_d when it is
in operation, if you press this button
Used to se_ec!the o_ration mode
Used to set room temperature in COOLING
mode or used to set time in T]MER mode,
Used to seiect the high fan speed mode_
Used to select the Mid fan s_ed mode
Used to select the Low fan speed mode,
Used to seiect the Auto fan s_ed mode°
Used to set or ca_'_l timer operation_
Power Saver BU_ON
Used to se]÷ct the Energy-saving mode
* When Changing modes doting operation_ ,sometimes the uni_ does not always _spend e_ once. Wet_ 3 min#te_
, Wait 3 rain#tee before rest_fag the app#ance,
Remote control
s How to Insert the Batteries
Remove the batte_ cover according to the arrow direction_
_nsed new batteries making sure that the (+) and (o) of
batte_ are matched correct_y_
Reattach the cover by sliding it back into position.
* Use 2 LR5 AA (1.5 volt) batteries. De not #so recha_ge_bte
batteries, Replace batteries with new e_ee of the same type
when the display becomes dim_
Do ne_ mix old batteries with new ones. Dispose of old batteries
if the reptaeement is done within one (1) minute, the remote control
wilt keep original presetting_
How to Use
To operate the room air conditioner, aim:
the remote _ntroi to the s_gnal receptor
The remote control wHi operate the air
conditioner at a distance d up to 23 feet
when pointing at signat receptor of indoor
disconnectthepowercordfromtheelectrical outlet,
1, DO NOT use gasoline, benzine, thinner or
other chemicals on the air conditioner as these
substances may cause damage to the paint finish
and deformation of p_astic paAs.
2, Never attempt to pour water directly in
front of the unit as this will cause deterioration of
the elect:fica_ insulation.
DO NOT forget to instal_ the air filter, }fthe air
conditioner is left to operate without the air filter,
dust is not removed from the room and may
cause your air conditioner to faii.
When the air fi!ter iniet grille and cabinet are dirty
wipe with, lukewarm water (be!ow 40°C/104_).
Use of mfld detergent is recommended
Removal of Air Filter
If the air filter becomes clogged with dust air_flow
is obstructed and reduces efficiency The air filter
shoufd be c_eaned once a month, More frequent
cIeaning may be necessary depending on outdoor
and indoor air quality
Air Filter Removal:
The air fiJter on the above model is focated
behind the air intake front grille
To remove the air fiiter, open the air inlet
grille and take the air filter,
To reinstait the air filter, reverse the above
Cleaning of Air Filter
1. Remove dust clogged in the fiiter by
tapping it or vacuum c_ean it,
2 Wash the filter weii with lukewarm water beiow
40°0 (i04_F) whiie rubbing lightly: To get better
results_ wash it with soapy water or a neutral
3. Rinse the fiiter well using clean water then
dry completely,
End_f-Season Care
1 Operate the fan a_one for half a day to d_ out
the inside of the unit.
2, Turn off power and remove plug from wall socket.
3 Clean filter
4 Store in a dry location
Air conditioner wiil
not operate
inefficient or no cooling
Noisy unit
No power to the unit.
Dirty air fi_ter
Inappropriate capacity
for application.
Blacked air flow.
Power interruption settings
change too quickly or
compressor overload tripped.
Check connection of power cord to
power source.
Check fuse or circuit breaker.
Set FAN CONTROL to position other
than "OFF"
C_ean or replace air fiiter
Check with dealer to determine proper unit
capacity for application.
Remove obstruction from grii_ or
outdoor !ouvers.
Let fan run to restaA compressor
(in approximately 10 minute8)_
Loose pa_s,
Formation of mold, mildew or
algae on wet surfaces
Tighten Joose parts,
Provide additionaJ suppoA to unit
Remove drain plug and drain base pan,
Water dripping outside Condensation run-off is norma Add f exibie tubing to redirect water flow,
during hot and humid weather (See Fig. 14, Page 12)
Unit is not propedy angied to
allow water to drain outside_
Low outside or frost build-up
Unit air filter is dirty.
Unit must be installed: on an angte for proper
condensation run-off Check the unit and
make adjustments.
When outdoor temperature is approximately
65T or below, frost may form when unit is in
cooling mode. Switch unit to FAN (only)
operation until frost melts,
Remove and clean fitter_
ff circuit breaker is tripped repeatedly, or fuse is blown more than once, contact a licensed technician,
For one year f_m the date of purchase by the orig inal owner, ar_ part which
fails in materials or workmanship under normal use, the part will be replaced.
During this period, all parts and service will be provided free of charge, so
long as the air conditioner has been installed and operated in accordance with
the written instructions in this manualoThis warranty includes in home service,
For the second through the third ,/ear from date of original purchas_ this
warranty will provide a replacement compressor free of charge due to
product failure, The customer will be responsible for the labor charges related
to replacing the compressor in years two through three _The consumer is
responsible for the service labor and possible freight charges for shipping
the unit. Cost _ move the air conditioner to the servicers' shop and back to
the user's home may be required and are the user's responsibility.
® This warranty does not apply if damage occurs because of accident,
improper handling or operation, shipping damage, abuse, misuse,
unauthorized repairs made or attempted, c:omme_ial use of the product
or am/other use for which it was not intended.
This warrant,i does not apply to damage to t_he product caused by accident,.
fire, floods, acts of 'war, terrorism, or acts of God.
o This warranty does not cover service trips 'to your home to educate you on
the use of the product, or toss of food and drink due to spoi_age.
o This warranty does not apply outside the continental United States_
o This warranty is to the original @_ner for products purchased for home use
within the USA. Some. state do not aiiow the exclusive or _imitation of
incidental damages. This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may
also have other rights which may vary from state to state° To know what
your legal rights are, consult your total or state consumers affairs office
or your state's Attorney General.