Scheppach DS920 Kasutusjuhend

  • Tere! Olen tehisintellekti chatbot, kes on koolitatud aitama teid Scheppach DS920 Kasutusjuhend küsimustega. Olen dokumendi läbi vaadanud ja valmis andma lihtsaid ja arusaadavaid vastuseid.
Drywall Sander
Translation of Original Operating Manual
Ponceuse de plafond
Traduction de la notice originale
Vertaling van originele gebruiksaanwijzing
01/06/2015 +(49)-08223-4002-99 +(49)-08223-4002-58
Nachdrucke, auch auszugsweise, bedürfen der Genehmigung. Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Abbildungen beispielhaft! +(49)-08223-4002-99 +(49)-08223-4002-58
Nur für EU-Länder.
Werfen Sie Elektrowerkzeuge nicht in den Hausmüll!
Gemäß europäischer Richtlinie 2012/19/EU über Elektro- und Elektronik-
Altgeräte und Umsetzung in nationales Recht müssen verbrauchte Elektro-
werkzeuge getrennt gesammelt und einer umweltgerechten Wiederverwer-
tung zugeführt werden.
Only for EU countries.
Do not dispose of electric tools together with household waste material!
In observance of European directive 2012/19/EU on wasted electrical and
electronic equipment and its implementation in accordance with national
law, electric tools that have reached the end of their life must be collected
separately and returned to an environmentally compatible recycling facility.
Pour les pays européens uniquement
Ne pas jeter les appareils électriques dans les ordures ménagères!
Conformément à la directive européenne 2012/19/EU relative aux déchets
d’équipements électriques ou électroniques (DEEE), et à sa transposition
dans la législation nationale, les appareils électriques doivent être collec-
tés à part et être soumis à un recyclage respectueux de l’environnement.
Solo per Paesi EU.
Non gettare le apparecchiature elettriche tra i riuti domestici!
Secondo la Direttiva Europea 2012/19/EU sui riuti di apparrecchiature
elettriche ed elettroniche e la sua attuazione in conformità alle norme
nazionali, le apparecchiature elettriche esauste devono essere raccolte
separatamente, al ne di essere reimpiegate in modo eco-compatibile.
Allen voor EU-landen.
Geef elektrisch gereedschap niet met het huisvuil mee!
Volgens de europese richtlijn 2012/19/EU inzake oude elektrische en
elektronische apparaten en de toepassing daarvan binnen de nationale
wetgeving, dient gebruikt elektrisch gereedschap gescheiden te worden
ingezameld en te worden afgevoerd naar en recycle bedrijf dat voldoet aan
de geldende milieu-eisen.
Sólo para países de la EU
¡No deseche los aparatos eléctricos junto con los residuos domésticos!
De conformidad con la Directiva Europea 2012/19/EU sobre residuos
de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos y su aplicación de acuerdo con la
legislación nacional, las herramientas electricas cuya vida útil haya llegado
a su n se deberán recoger por separado y trasladar a una planta de
reciclaje que cumpla con las exigencias ecológicas.
Apenas para países da UE.
Não deite ferramentas eléctricas no lixo doméstico!
De acordo cum a directiva europeia 2012/19/EU sobre ferramentas
eléctricas e electrónicas usadas e a transposição para as leis nacionais,
as ferramentas eléctricas usadas devem ser recolhidas em separado e
encaminhadas a uma instalação de reciclagem dos materiais ecológica.
Gåller endast EU-länder.
Elektriska verktyg får inte kastas i hushållssoporna!
Enligt direktivet 2012/19/EU som avser äldre elektrisk och elektronisk
utrustning och dess tillämpning enligt nationell lagstiftning ska uttjänta
eletriska verktyg sorteras separat och lämnas till miljövänlig återvinning.
Koskee vain EU-maita.
Älä hävitä sähkötyökalua tavallisen kotitalousjätteen mukana!
Vanhoja sähkö- ja elektroniikkalaitteita koskevan EU-direktiivin 2012/19/
EU ja sen maakohtaisten sovellusten mukaisesti käytetyt sähkötyökalut on
toimitettava ongelmajätteen keräyspisteeseen ja ohjattava ympäristöystä-
välliseen kierrätykseen.
Kun for EU-land.
Kast aldri elektroverktøy i husholdningsavfallet!
I henhold til EU-direktiv 2012/19/EU om kasserte elektriske og elektroniske
produkter og direktivets iverksettning i nasjonal rett, må elektroverktøy som
ikke lenger skal brukes, samles separat og returneres til et miljøvennlig
Kun for EU-lande.
Elværktøj må ikke bortskaffes som allmindeligt affald!
I henhold til det europæiske direktiv 2012/19/EU em bortskaffelse af
elektriske og elektroniske produkter og gældende national lovgivning skal
brugt elværktoj indsamles separat og bortskaffes på en måde, der skåner
miljøet mest muligt.
Kun for EU-lande.
Elværktøj må ikke bortskaffes som allmindeligt affald!
I henhold til det europæiske direktiv 2012/19/EU em bortskaffelse af
elektriske og elektroniske produkter og gældende national lovgivning skal
brugt elværktoj indsamles separat og bortskaffes på en måde, der skåner
miljøet mest muligt.
Samo za drzave EU.
Elektricnega orodja ne odstranjujte s hisnimi odpadki!
V skladu z Evropsko direktivo 2012/19/EU o odpani elektricni in elektronski
opremi in z njenim izvajanjem v nacionalni zakonodaji je treba elektricna
orodja ob koncu nijihove zivljenjske dobe loceno zbirati in jih predati v
postopek okulju prijaznega recikliranja.
Csak EU-országok számára.
Az elektromos kéziszerszámokat ne dobja a háztartási szemétbe!
A használt villamos és elektronikai készülékekról szóló 2012/19/EU
irányelv és annak a nemzeti jogba való átültetése szerint az elhasznált
elektromos kéziszerszámokat külön kell gyüjteni, és környezetbarát módon
újra kell hasznositani.
Samo za EU-države.
Električne alate ne odlažite u kućne otpatke!
Prema Europskoj direktivi 2012/19/EU o starim električnim i elektroničkim
strojevima i usklađivanju s hrvatskim pravom istrošeni električni alati
moraju se sakupljati odvojeno i odvesti u pogon za reciklažu.
Jen pro státy EU.
Elektrické náradi nevyhazujte do komunálniho odpadu!
Podle evropské smêrnice 2012/19/EU o nakládání s použitými elecktrický-
mi a elektronickými zarizeními a odpovídajícich ustanoveni právnich pred-
pisú jednotlivých zemí se použitá elektrická náradí musí sbírat oddêlenê
od ostatniho odpadu a podrobit ekologicky šetrnému
Tylko dla państw UE.
Proszę nie wyrzucać elektronarzędzi wraz z odpadami domowymi!
Zgodnie z europejską Dyrektywą 2012/19/EU dot. zużytego sprzętu elek-
trycznego i elektronicznego oraz odpowiednikiem w prawie narodowym
zużyte elektronarzędzia muszą być oddzielnie zbierane i wprowadzane do
ponownego użytku w sposób nieszkodliwy dla środowiska.
Numai pentru ţările din UE.
Nu aruncaţi echipamentele electrice la fel ca reziduurile menajere!
Conform Directivei Europene 2012/19/EU privitoare la echipamente
electrice şi electronice scoase din uz şi în conformitate cu legile naţionale,
echipamentele electrice care au ajuns la nalul duratei de viaţă trebuie să
e colectate separat şi trebuie să e predate unei unităţi de reciclare.
Kehtib vaid EL maade suhtes.
Ärge kasutage elektritööriistu koos majapidamisjäätmetega!
Vastavalt EÜ direktiivile 2012/19/EU elektri- ja elektroonikaseadmete jäät-
mete osas ja kooskõlas igas riigis kehtivate seadustega, kehtib kohustus
koguda kasutatud elektritööriistad eraldi kokku ja suunata need keskkon-
nasõbralikku taasringlusesse.
Tikai attiecībā uz ES valstīm.
Neutilizējiet elektriskas ierīces kopā ar sadzīves atkritumiem!
Ievērojot Eiropas Direktīvu 2012/19/EU par elektrisko un elektronisko
iekārtu atkritumiem un tās ieviešanu saskaņā ar nacionālo likumdošanu,
elektriskas ierīces, kas nokalpojušas savu mūžu, ir jāsavāc dalīti un
jāatgriež videi draudzīgās pārstrādes vietās.
Tik ES šalims.
Nemesti elektros prietaisų kartu su kitomis namų ūkio atliekomis!
Pagal Europos Sąjungos direktyvą 2012/19/EU dėl elektros ir elektroninės
įrangos atliekų ir jos vykdymo pagal nacionalinius įstatymus elektros
įrankius, kurių tinkamumo naudoti laikas pasibaigė, reikia surinkti atskirai ir
perduoti aplinkai nekenksmingo pakartotinio perdirbimo įmonei.
Aðeins fyrir lönd ESB:
Ekki henda rafmagnstækjum með heimilisúrgangi!
Í fylgni við evrópsku tilskipunina 2012/19/EU um fargaðan rafbúnað og
rafrænan búnað og framkvæmd þess í samræmi við innlend lög, verða
rafmagnstæki sem úr sér gengin.
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Caution - Read the operating instructions to reduce the risk of inquiry
Wear safety goggles!
Wear ear-muffs!
Wear a breathing mask!
Explanation of symbols used on the device
Warning! Failure to comply with possible danger to life, risk of injury or damage to the tool!
Protection class II
14 І 40 +(49)-08223-4002-99 +(49)-08223-4002-58
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lntended use
The intended use of this power tool is the sanding of
large areas of drywalls as a preparation before pain-
ting or wallpapering using suitable abrasive sheets.
This power tool is neither suited for the preparation of
small areas, corners and edges, nor for the removal
of wallpaper and the grinding of ceilings and wet grin-
Do not use the power tool for cutting or roughing or
polishing. Do not use it together with wire brushes. Do
not treat asbestos containing materials with this power
This power tool is solely intended for private use. Da
not use the power tool for any other purpose than for
the intended one. Any other use beyond the intended
use is im proper.
For any resulting darnage or injury, the user/Operator
is held liable, not the manufacturer.
Technical Data
Nominal voltage: 230 V
Nominal frequency: 50 Hz
Power consumption: 710 W
Nominalspeed (oscillation ra-
te) n:
700 - 1700 1/min
Spindie size: M14
Grinding disc diameter: 210 mm
Abrasive paper diameter: 214 mm
Protection class: II
Weight.: approx 4.5 kg
Sound level
Sound pressure Ievel L
.: 78 dB(A)
Sound power Ievei L
.: 89 dB(A)
Uncertainty K 3 dB(A)
Hand-arm vibration
When grinding with abrasive
sheets a
2.28 m/s
Uncertainty K: 1.5 m/s
The specied hand-arm vibration value is based on
grinding with an abrasive sheet. Different applications
may result in different values.
The noise and vibration values were determined ac-
cording to EN 60745-1 and EN 60745-2-3.
The specied vibration value was measured an the
basis of a standard test method and can be used to
compare any kind of power tools.
The specied vibration value can also be used for the
initial evaluation of exposure.
Warning! Depending on how you use the power
tool, the actual vibration values may deviate from
the specied values!
Take measures to protect yourself against vibra-
Make sure to take into account the entire work pro-
cess, i.e. also times when the power tool is opera-
ted without Ioad or switched off! Appropriate mea-
sures include the regular maintenance and care of
the power tool and its attachments, keeping your
hands warm, regular breaksandweil planned work
Fabrikation von Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH
Günzburger Straße 69
D-89335 Ichenhausen
We wish you much joy and success in working with your
new device.
According to the applicable product liability laws, the
manufacturer of the device does not assume liability
for damages to the product or damages caused by the
product that occurs due to:
Improper handling,
Non-compliance of the operating instructions,
Repairs by third parties, not by authorized service
Installation and replacement of non-original spare
Application other than specied,
A breakdown of the electrical system that occurs
due to the non-compliance of the electric regulations
and VDE regulations 0100, DIN 57113 / VDE0113.
We recommend:
Read through the complete text in the operating
instructions before installing and commissioning the
device. The operating instructions are intended to help
the user to become familiar with the machine and take
advantage of its application possibilities in accordance
with the recommendations. The operating instructions
contain important information on how to operate the
machine safely, professionally and economically, how
to avoid danger, costly repairs, reduce downtimes
and how to increase reliability and service life of the
In addition to the safety regulations in the operating
instructions, you have to meet the applicable regulati-
ons that apply for the operation of the machine in your
country. Keep the operating instructions package with
the machine at all times and store it in a plastic cover
to protect it from dirt and moisture. Read the instruc-
tion manual each time before operating the machine
and carefully follow its information. The machine can
only be operated by persons who were instructed
concerning the operation of the machine and who are
informed about the associated dangers. The minimum
age requirement must be complied with. +(49)-08223-4002-99 +(49)-08223-4002-58
16 І 40
switching on the power tool. Tools or wrenches in
rotating machine parts may cause injury.
e) Avoid abnormal body positions. Stand securely
and keep your balance at all times. By doing so, you
can control the power tool more easily in unexpec-
ted Situations.
f) Wear suitable clothing. Do not wear loose
clothing or jewellery. Keep your hair, clothing and
gloves away from moving parts. Loose clothing, je-
wellery or long hair may be trapped in moving parts.
g) lf dust extraction tools or collection bins can
optionally be attached, you must make sure that
they are connected and correctly used. Using
dust extraction tools may reduce risks caused by
Use and treatment of the power tool
a)Do not overload the tool. Use the appropriate
power tool for your type of work. With appropria-
te power tools, you can work better and more safely
within the given power range.
b) Do not use power tools with defective switches.
Power tools which cannot be switched on or off are
dangerous and must be repaired.
c) PuII out the plug from the socket and/or remove
the battery before you make settings to the tool,
replace accessory parts or put aside the power
tool. These precautionary measures will prevent the
power tool from starting unintentionally.
d) Keep power tools which are not in use away
from children. Only persons who are famili-
ar with the power tool and who have read the
operating instructions may use the power tool.
Power tools are dangerous if used by inexperienced
e) Maintain power tools with care. Check moving
parts for proper function and smooth running,
and check whether there are parts which are bro-
ken or damaged to the extent that the functiona-
lity of the power tool is impaired. Have damaged
parts repaired before using the power tool. Many
accidents are caused by poorly-maintained power
f) Keep cutting tools sharp and clean. Carefully
maintained cutting tools with sharp edges are less
likely to jam and can be guided more easily.
g) Use power tools, accessory parts, insertion
tools, etc. in compliance with these instruc-
tions. Take into account the working conditions and
the activity which is to be carried out. Using power
tools for applications other than those intended may
cause dangerous Situations.
a) Have your power tool repaired by qualied spe-
cialists only, and always use original spare parts
for repair. This is to maintain the safety of the pow-
er tool.
Safety notes for all applications- General safety
notes for grinding, sanding, working with wire bru-
shes, polishing and cutting by grinding
a) This power tool must be used as a sandpaper
grinder. Observe all safety notes, instructions, illus-
trations and data which are provided together with
the tool. Nonobservance oft he following instructions
may result in electric shock, re and/or severe injury.
b) This power tool is not suited for grinding, Opera-
tions with wire brushes, polishing and cutting by
grinding. Using the power tool for applications other
than the intended ones may result in risks and injury.
c) Only use accessory parts especially provided for
this tool and recommended by the manufacturer.
General safety notes for power tools
Warning! Read all safety notes and instructions! Non-
compliance with safety notes and instructions may re-
sult in electric shock, re and/or severe injury!
Store all safety notes and instructions for the fu-
The term „power tool“ used in the safety notes refers
to power tools connected to the mains (with a pow-
er cable) or operated with a battery (without a power
Workplace safety
a) Keep your workplace clean and wellilluminated.
Disorderliness and poorlyilluminated workplaces
may Iead to accidents.
b) Do not operate the power tool in explosive at-
mospheres with inammable liquids, gases or
dust. Power tools generate sparks which may ignite
dust or vapours.
c) Keep children and other persons away from the
power tool during operation. You may lose control
of the tool if you are distracted.
Electric safety
a) The plug of the power tool must t into the so-
cket. Do not modify the plug in any way. Do not use
adapter plugs tagether with grounded power tools.
Unmodied plugs and matehing sockets reduce the
risk of electric shock.
b) Avoid body contact with grounded surfaces such
as pipes, radiators, ovens and refrigerators. The-
re is an increased risk of electric shock if your body
is grounded.
c) Keep power tools away from rain or humidity.
Water permeation into the power tool will increase
the risk of electric shock.
d) Use the cable solely for its intended purpose.
Do not use the cable to carry or hang up the po-
wer tool or to pull out the plug from the socket.
Keep the cable away from heat, oil, sharp edges or
moving machine parts. Damaged or twisted cables
increase the risk of electric shock.
e) When working outdoors with power tools, only
use extension cords which are suited for out-
door areas. Using extension cords suited for out-
door applications reduces the risk of electric shock.
f) lf the operation of power tools in a humid envi-
ronment cannot be avoided, you must use a resi-
dual current circuit breaker. The use of a residual
current circuit breaker will reduce the risk of electric
Personal safety
a) Pay attention to what you are doing and use po-
wer tools sensibly. Do not use power tools when
you are tired or under the inuence of drugs,
alcohol or medication. A single moment of inat-
tention while using power tools may cause severe
b) Wear personal protective equipment and safety
goggles. Wearing personal protective equipment
such as a dust mask, non-skid safety boots, a pro-
tective helmet or hearing protection according to the
type and application of the power tool reduces the
risk of injury.
c) Avoid starting the power tool unintentionally.
Make sure that the power tool is switched off
before you connect it to themains and/or insert a
battery, pick it up or carry it. lf you have your n-
ger on the switch when you carry the power tool, or
if the machine is switched on when you connect it to
the mains, this may result in accidents.
d) Remove adjustment tools or wrenches before +(49)-08223-4002-99 +(49)-08223-4002-58
17 І 40
p) Do not use insertion tools which require liquid
coolants. Using water or other liquid coolants may
cause electric shock.
Further safety notes for all applications - kickback
and corresponding safety notes
A kickback is the sudden reaction caused by rotating
insertion tools such as a grinding disk, grinding plate,
wire brush, etc. which has got caught or which blocks.
Getting caught or blocking results in the immedia-
testop of the rotating insertion tool. This accelerates
the uncontrolled power tool against the rotary direction
of the insertion tool.
lf for example a grinding disk gets caught or blocks
in the work piece, the edge of the grinding disk which
penetrates the work piece may get caught, the grin-
ding disk will make a sudden movement or cause a
kickback. As a result, the grinding disk moves towards
the operator or away from the operator, depending on
the rotary direction ofthe disk when it blocks. This may
also cause the fracture of grinding disks.
Kickbacks are the result of the improper or incorrect
use of power tools. Kickbacks can be avoided when
observing the following precautionary measures.
a) Hold the power tool rmly in your hands and
bring your body and arms in a position which al-
lows you to adequately react to kickback forces.
Always use the additional handle, if available.
This ensures you the utmost control of kickback
forces or reaction torques when starting your power
tool. When taking appropriate precautions, the ope-
rator is in the position to control kickback and reac-
tion forces.
b) Keep your hands away from rotating insertion
tools. The insertion tool may move over your hand
in the event of a kickback.
c) Keep your body away from the area where the
power tool may move in the event of a kickback.
Kickbacks always move the power tool in opposite
direction to the movement of the grinding disk at the
spot where it blocks.
d) Corners, sharp edges, etc. must be processed
with special care. Make sure that the insertion tool
does not bounce back from or get trapped on the
work piece. The rotating insertion tool tends to jam
in corners, at sharp edges or when it bounces back.
This may cause the loss of control or a kickback.
e) Do not use chain rings or toothed saw blades.
These insertion tools frequently cause kickbacks or
the loss of control of your power tool.
Additional safety notes regarding grinding with
sandpaper- Special safety notes regarding grin-
ding with sandpaper
a) Do not use oversized abrasive sheets; always
observe the manufacturer‘s specications for
abrasive sheet dimensions. Abrasive sheets pro-
truding the grinding plate may cause injury or result
in the blocking or tearing apart of the abrasive sheet
or in kickbacks.
The mere fact that you can mount accessory parts
to your power tool does not ensure safe use.
d) The permissible speed of the insertion tool must
be at least as high as the maximum speed speci-
ed on the power tool. Accessories with a higher
speed may break and y off.
e) The outer diameter and the thickness of the in-
sertion tool must comply with the dimensions
specied on your power tool. lt is not possible to
shield or control insertion tools with different dimen-
f) Grinding disks, anges, grinding plates or other
accessory parts must exactly mate the grinding
spindie of your power tool. Insertion tools which
do not exactly mate the grinding spindle of your po-
wertool will perform irregular rotations, cause high
vibrations and thus the loss of control.
g) Do not use damaged insertion tools. Prior to
each application, you must check insertion tools
such as grinding disks for chippings and cracks,
grinding plates for cracks, wear or major abra-
sion, wire brushes for loose or broken wires. lf
the power tool or insertion tool falls down, you
must check it for damages, or use an undama-
ged insertion tool. After you have checked and
inserted the insertion tool, both you and persans
in the vicinity must stay out of the Ievel of the
rotating insertion tool, and the tool must be ope-
rated at maximum speed for one minute. Most
of the damaged insertion tools will break within this
test period.
h) Wear personal protective equipment. Depending
on the application of the power tool, you must
wear a full face shield, eye protection or gogg-
les.lf appropriate, you must wear a dust mask,
hearing protection, protective gloves or a special
apron which protects you against small grinding
chips and material particles. Protect your eyes
against foreign objects which y off du ring different
operations. The purpose of dust masks and brea-
thing equipment is to lter the dust generated during
the operation. Long-term exposure to high noise pol-
lution may cause hearing loss.
i) Make sure that other persons stay a safe dis-
tance away from your working area. Persons
accessing your working area must wear personal
protective equipment. Fragments of the work piece
or broken insertion tools may y off and cause injury
even outside the direct working area.
j) Always hold the tool by its insulated handles
when the insertion tool may come into contact
with hidden power lines or with the power cord
of the power tool. Contact with live lines may ener-
gise metaI tool parts and cause electric shock.
k) Keep the power cord away from rotating inser-
tion tools. lf you lose control of the power tool, the
power cord may be cut or trapped, and your hand
or arm may get into the path of the rotating insertion
l) Never put aside the power tool before the com-
plete halt ofthe insertion tool. Rotating insertion
tools may get in contact with the place of deposit
thus causing the loss of control of the tool.
m)Switch oft the power tool while you carry it
around. Your clothes may be trapped when uninten-
tionally getting in contact with the rotating insertion
tool and the insertion tool may penetrate your body.
n) The ventilationslots of your power tool must be
cleaned on a regular basis. The motor fan sucks in
dust, and the accumulation of metaI dust may cause
electrical risks.
o) Do not use the power tool in the vicinity of in-
ammable materials. Sparks may ignite these ma- +(49)-08223-4002-99 +(49)-08223-4002-58
18 І 40
Before start-up
1. Open the packaging and carefully takeout the power
2. Remave the packaging material as weil as the pa-
ckaging I transport Iacks (if any).
3. Check the scope of delivery for completeness and
check the power tool and the accessory parts for
transport damage.
Note: Do not start the power tool if you notice that
parts are missing or damaged. Contact the retailer
where you purchased this power tool.
4. Store the packaging until the end of the warranty pe-
riod, if possible. Piease dispose ofthe packaging in
accordance with environmental regulations and take
it to a recycling depot.
Neither power tools nor packaging materials are
toys! Children must not play with plastic bags,
foils and small parts! Danger of swallowing and
- Fold the front and back parttagether (Fig.2). And
then tighten the screw nut. (Fig.3).
- The Iongest length installation Insert the additional
handle to the end of the machine. And then turn the
screw nut on the end ofthe machine for tightening.
1. The grain size of the sandpaper is specied on its
rear side. The smaller the specied number, the
coarser the graining.
2. Use sandpaper with coarse grain for rough grinding,
and sandpaper with ne grain for nishing. We re-
cornrnend sandpapers with aluminium oxide, silicon
carbide or other synthetic abrasives.
3. lf you can chose between sandpapers with different
graining, you should start with coarsegraining sand-
paper and complete the grinding process with the
nest possible graining. Thus you will get good and
smooth grinding results.
How to apply and replace sandpaper
Apply the sandpaper (13) to the grinding plate (9)
using the Velcro strip mechanism.
1. Align the sandpaper (13) with the grinding plate (9)
and press it on evenly.
2. PuII the sandpaper (13) off the grinding plate (9) and
replace it with a new one I another one (Fig.5).
Dust extraction
WARNING! Harmfull noxious gases may be generated
when e.g. lead-containing paint is processed. These
gases entail a risk for the operator and the persons in
the vicinity!
Therefore only use the power tool in combination with
a dust extraction unit, and protect yourself and other
persons in the working area with additional suitable
personal protective equipment!
When working with this power tool, a Iot of dust is ge-
nerated. The dust extraction unit is very useful if you
want to keep your workplace clean. lt is possible to
combine the extraction system or a vacuum cleaner
with the extraction hose (11) which is connected to the
adapter for dust extraction.
1. Align the nose at the hoseend with the extraction ho-
se adapter (12) (Fig.3), insert the end and secure it
Additional safety notes
a) Connect a vacuum cleaner to the supplied adapter
before starting your operations.
b) Attention! Keep away grinding dust from open Iire.
Dust may be explosive.
c) Always wear goggles and a dust mask when grin-
ding, in particular du ring overhead work and when
processing critical materials! When grinding certain
materials (e .g.lead paint, certain types of wood and
metaI) harmful or noxious dust may be generated.
Touching or breathing in such dust may imply risks
for the operator or people in the vicinity.
Notes regarding vibration and noise emissions
Reduce noise emissions and vibrations to a minimum!
1. Only use power tools which are free of defects.
2. Maintain and clean the power tool on a regular ba-
3. Adjust your way of working to the power tool.
4. Do not overload your power tool.
5.Have your power tool inspected, if necessary.
6. Switch off the power tool when it is not in use.
Remaining risks
Even if you use this power tool in compliance with
the regulations, there arestill remaining risks. The fol-
lowing risks may occur due to the type and design of
the power tool:
a) Damage caused to your health resulting from hand/
arm vibrations if the power tool is used over a Ionger
period of time or if it is not properly used and main-
b) lnjury and damage to property caused by ying off
insertion tools which are unexpectedly expelled from
the power tool due to sudden damage, wear or in-
correct insertion.
c) Burns and cuts if the insertion tools are touched di-
rectly after use and/or with your bare hands.
Warning! This electric tool generates an electromag-
netic eld du ring operation which may impair active or
passive medical implants under certain circumstances.
ln order to reduce the risk of severe or Iethal injury, we
recommend that persons with medical implants consult
their doctor and the manufacturer of the medical im-
plant before using the power tool.
Tool description and scope of delivery
Tool description (Fig.1)
The tool description refers to the illustration at the be-
ginning of this instruction manual.
1. Handle surface
2. Main handle
3. On/off switch
4. Adapter with connecting nut
5 Powercord
6. Adjustment wheel for speed pre-selection
7. Ventilation opening
8. Flexible grinding head
9. Grinding plate
10. Brush edge
11. Extraction hose
12. Hoseadapter
13. Abrasive sheet
14. LED-Light
Scope of delivery (Fig.1)
1 drywall sander
1 extraction hose (1 1)
2 hose adaptor (1 2)
6 abrasive sheets (1 3) (different grain sizes) +(49)-08223-4002-99 +(49)-08223-4002-58
19 І 40
6. Constantly move the power tool over the surface.
Note: lf you want to avoid irregular grinding results, do
not keep the power tool at one spot for too long.
7. Lift the grinding plate (9) from the surface to be pro-
cessed before switching off the power tool.
8. Do not put aside the power tool until the insertion
tool has come to a complete halt.
After use
1. Switch off the power tool as described, disconnect it
from the power supply and Iet it cool down.
2. Clean and maintain the power tool as described
below, and store it carefully.
Cleaning, maintenance and repair
WARNING! Unplug the power tool before starting
to work on it (e.g. transport, installation, retrot-
ting, cleaning and maintenance)!
a) Keep protective devices, ventilation openings and
motor housings free from dust and dirt as far as pos-
b) Wipe the power tool with a clean cloth or remove
dust and dirt with compressed air at low pressure
(max. 3 bar).
c) Clean the power tool immediately after each use.
d) Do not use any detergents or solvents as they may
affect the plastic parts of the power tool. Make sure
to avoid any water ingress into the tool.
Replacing the power supply line
lf the power supply line of this power tool is damaged,
it must be replaced by the manufacturer or the custo-
mer service or any equally qualied person in order to
avoid risks.
Check the power tool and accessory parts (e.g. inser-
tion tools) for wear and darnage before and after each
operation. lf necessary, replace worn out or damaged
parts with new parts and make sure to comply with the
operating instructions. Observe any technical require-
Grinding plate, brush edge
Have a qualied specialist replace damaged or worn
out grinding plates (9) and brush edges (10) with new
ones of the same type.
Replacing the power supply line
lf the power supply line ofthispower tool is damaged, it
must be replaced by the manufacturer or the customer
service or an equally qualied person in order to avoid
WARNING! There are no parts inside the power
tool which can be serviced by the operator! Never
open the power tool! Take it to a qualied specia-
list for further maintenance!
by turning in a clockwise rotation (Fig.7).
2. Connect the dust extraction adapter with a suita-
ble dust extraction unit such as a vacuum cleaner
Note: Make sure that the vacuum cleaner is suitable
for being used tagether with a power tool.
Brush edge
The grinding head of this power tool is enclosed by a
brush edge (1 0) which offers the following two advan-
a) The brush edge (1 0) protrudes beyond the grinding
plate (9) and touches the surface to be processed
rst. Thus, the grinding plate is positioned in parallel
to the working area before the insertion tool comes
in contact with the surface which is to be processed.
This is to prevent the formation of sickle-shaped re-
cesses caused by the grinding disk edge.
b) Furthermore, the brush edge (10) prevents the ge-
neration of excessive dust. Dust generated du ring
the grinding process is not transported towards the
outside but is removed by the extraction system.
Make sure before each operation with this power
tool that the brush edge (10) is not damaged. Have
it replaced if there is damage or wear.
Connection to the power supply
1. Make sure that the power tool is switched off. Al-
ways switch the on/off switch (3) to off position befo-
re connecting the power tool to the power supply.
2. Plug the power plug into a correctly installed socket
which camplies with the requirements specied in
the technical data.
3. Your power tool is now ready for operation.
Oscillation rate
Before you start working with the swing speed to
match the appliance. Use a low swing speed for coar-
se grinding, increase the oscillation rate for ne work.
1. Rotate the adjustment wheel (6) to adjust the oscil-
lation rate. Turn the wheel clockwise to reduce the
oscillation rate (Fig.9).
2. Turn the wheel counter-clockwise to increase the os-
cillation rate (Fig. 10).
Switching on/off
To switch on:
Push the on/ off switch (3)
Continuous operation: (Fig.11)
Secure the on/off switch (3) with the Ieeking button (a)
To switch off:
Press the on/off switch (3) briey.
Note: The insertion tool moves for a short while after
having it switched off. Do not put aside the power tool
until the insertion tool has come to a complete halt.
1. Attach an appropriate abrasive sheet (13) and select
the corresponding speed.
2. Hold the power tool securely at the handle surfaces
(1, 2) and switch it on as described.
3. Wait until the insertion tool has reached its full ope-
rating speed.
4. Hold the grinding plate (9) as parallelas possible to
the wall, and touch the surface tobe processed with
the brush edge (10) rst.
5. Apply some pressure to the grinding head (8) such
that the insertion tool touches the surface to be pro- +(49)-08223-4002-99 +(49)-08223-4002-58
20 І 40
Supposed malfunctions, errors or damages are often caused by events which can be remedied by the operator. Therefore
check the power tool on the basis of the following table before you contact a specialist. Many malfunctions may thus be re-
Problem Possible cause Approach
1. Power tool does not
Power supply interrupted Check power supply by connecting another power tool
Power cord or plug defective Have an electrician check the tool
Other electrical defect of the power tool Have an electrician check the tool
2. Power tool does
not operate with full
Extension cord too long and/or cross-
section too small
Use extension cord with permissible length and/or
adequate cross-section
Power supply (e.g. generator) voltage
too low
Connect power tool to an appropriate power supply
3. Poor operation
Power tool worn out Replace insertion tool
Grinding plate worn out Have grinding plate replaced
4. Considerable dust
Brush edge worn out Have brush edge replaced
Dust extraction not connectred /
switched on
Connect / switch dust extraction
Storage and transport
1. Whenever you do not use the power tool, you must
keep it in a dry and weil ventilated place out of the
reach of children, e.g. on a high cabinet or in a
closed place.
2. Keep power tool, instruction manual and accesso-
ry parts, if any, together in the original packaging,
if possible. Thus you have all information and parts
available at any time.
3. Always hold the power tool by its handle.
4. To avoid transport damages, you must pack the po-
wer tool or use the original packaging.
5. Protect the power tool against vibrations and shock,
especially during transport in vehicles. +(49)-08223-4002-99 +(49)-08223-4002-58
36 І 40 +(49)-08223-4002-99 +(49)-08223-4002-58
erklärt folgende Konformität gemäß
EU-Richtlinie und Normen für den Artikel
hereby declares the following conformity under the
EU Directive and standards for the following article
déclare la conformité suivante selon la directive UE
et les normes pour l’article
dichiara la seguente conformità secondo le diret-
tive e le normative UE per l‘articolo
prohlašuje následující shodu podle smernice EU a
norem pro výrobek
az EU-irányelv és a vonatkozó szabványok szerinti
következo megfeleloségi nyilatkozatot teszi a
ovime izjavljuje da postoji sukladnost prema EU-
smjernica i normama za sljedece artikle
declară următoarea conformitate corespunzător
directivelor şi normelor UE pentru articolul
Normları geregince asagıdaki uygunluk açıkla
masını sunar.
vakuuttaa täten, että seuraava tuote täyttää ala
esitetyt EU-direktiivit ja standardit
deklaruje, ze produkt jest zgodny z nastepujacymi
dyrektywami UE i normami
izjavlja sledeco skladnost z EU-direktivo in nor-
mami za artikel
prehlasuje nasledujúcu zhodu podla smernice EU a
noriem pre výrobok
kinnitab järgmist vastavus vastavalt ELi direktiivi ja
standardite järgmist artiklinumbrit
pareiškia, taip atitiktis pagal ES direktyvos ir
standartai šį straipsnį
apliecina šādu saskaņā ar ES direkvu atbilstības
un standarti šādu rakstu
verklaart hierbij dat het volgende artikel voldoet
aan de daarop betrekking hebbende EG-richtlijnen
en normen
заявляет о соответствии товара следующим
директивам и нормам ЕС
declara o seguinte conformidade com a Directiva
da UE e as normas para o seguinte artigo
declara la conformidad siguiente según la directiva
la UE y las normas para el artículo
erklærer hermed, at følgende produkt er ioverens-
stemmelse med nedenstående EUdirektiver og
försäkrar härmed följande överensstämmelse en-
ligt EU-direktiv och standarder för följande artikeln
erklærer herved følgende samsvar under EU-
direktiv og standarder for følgende artikkel
декларира съответното съответствие
съгласно Дирек-тива на ЕС и норми за артикул
Drywall Sander - DS920
Standard references: EN 60745-1; EN 60745-2-3; EN 55014-1; EN 55014-2; EN 61000-3-2; EN 61000-3-3
scheppach Fabrikation von Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH Günzburger Str. 69 • D-89335 Ichenhausen
Ichenhausen, den 02.06.2015 _____________________
Unterschrift / Markus Bindhammer / Technical Director
Art.-No. 5903804901
Subject to change without notice
Documents registar: Georg Kohler
Günzburger Str. 69, D-89335 Ichenhausen
X 2004/108/EC
X 2011/65/EU
X 2006/42/EC
Annex IV
Notied Body:xxx
Notied Body No.: xxx
Reg. No.: xxx
Annex V
Annex VI
Noise: measured L
= xx dB(A); guaranteed L
= xx dB(A)
Notied Body:
Notied Body No.:
Emission. No: +(49)-08223-4002-99 +(49)-08223-4002-58
38 І 40 +(49)-08223-4002-99 +(49)-08223-4002-58
Garantie DE
Offensichtliche Mängel sind innerhalb von 8 Tagen nach Erhalt der Ware anzuzeigen, andern-
falls verliert der Käufer sämtliche Ansprüche wegen solcher Mängel. Wir leisten Garantie für
unsere Maschinen bei richtiger Behandlung auf die Dauer der gesetzlichen Gewährleistungsfrist
ab Übergabe in der Weise, dass wir jedes Maschinenteil, dass innerhalb dieser Zeit nachweisbar
in Folge Material- oder Fertigungsfehler unbrauchbar werden sollte, kostenlos ersetzen. Für
Teile, die wir nicht selbst herstellen, leisten wir nur insoweit Gewähr, als uns Gewährleistungsan-
sprüche gegen die Vorlieferanten zustehen. Die Kosten für das Einsetzen der neuen Teile trägt
der Käufer. Wandlungs- und Minderungsansprüche und sonstige Schadensersatzansprüche
sind ausgeschlossen.
Warranty GB
Apparent defects must be notied within 8 days from the receipt of the goods. Otherwise, the
buyerís rights of claim due to such defects are invalidated. We guarantee for our machines in
case of proper treatment for the time of the statutory warranty period from delivery in such a
way that we replace any machine part free of charge which provably becomes unusable due
to faulty material or defects of fabrication within such period of time. With respect to parts not
manufactured by us we only warrant insofar as we are entitled to warranty claims against the
upstream suppliers. The costs for the installation of the new parts shall be borne by the buyer.
The cancellation of sale or the reduction of purchase price as well as any other claims for dam
ages shall be excluded.
Garantie FR
Les défauts visibles doivent être signalés au plus tard 8 jours aps la réception de la marchan
dise, sans quoi l’acheteur perd tout droit au dédommagement.
Nous garantissons nos machines, dans la mesure où elles sont utilisées de façon conforme,
pendant la due légale de garantie à compter de la réception, sachant que nous remplaçons
gratuitement toute pièce de la machine devenue inutilisable du fait d’un défaut de matre ou
d’usinage durant cette période. Toutes les pièces que nous ne fabriquons pas nous-mêmes ne
sont garanties que si nous avons la possibilité d’un recours en garantie auprès des fournisseurs
respectifs. Les frais de main d’œuvre occasions par le remplacement des pièces sont à la
charge de l’acquéreur. Tous droits à rédhibition et toutes prétentions à une remise ainsi que tous
autres droits à dommages et intérêts sont exclus
Garanzia IT
Vizi evidenti vanno segnalati entro 8 giorni dalla ricezione della merce, altrimenti decadono tutti
i diritti dellíacquirente inerenti a vizi del genere. Appurato un impiego corretto da parte dellíacq
uirente, garantiamo per le nostre macchine per tutto il periodo legale di garanzia a decorrere
dalla consegna in maniera tale che sostituiamo gratuitamente qualsiasi componente che entro
tale periodo presenti dei vizi di materiale o di fabbricazione tali da renderlo inutilizzabile. Per
componenti non fabbricati da noi garantiamo solo nella misura nella quale noi stessi possiamo
rivendicare diritti a garanzia nei confronti dei nostri fornitori. Le spese per il montaggio dei
componenti nuovi sono a carico dellíacquirente. Sono escluse pretese di risoluzione per vizi, di
riduzione o ulteriori pretese di risarcimento danni.
Garantie NL
Zichtbare gebreken moeten binnen de 8 dagen na ontvangst van de goederen worden gemeld,
zo niet verliest de verkoper elke aanspraak op grond van deze gebreken. Onze machines
worden geleverd met een garantie voor de duur van de wettelijke garantietermijn. Deze termijn
gaat in vanaf het moment dat de koper de machine ontvangt. De garantie houdt in dat wij elk
onderdeel van de machine dat binnen de garantietermijn aantoonbaar onbruikbaar wordt als
gevolg van materiaal- of productiefouten, kosteloos vervangen. De garantie vervalt echter bij
verkeerd gebruik of verkeerde behandeling van de machine. Voor onderdelen die wij niet zelf
produceren, geven wij enkel de garantie die wij zelf krijgen van de oorspronkelijke leverancier.
De kosten voor de montage van nieuwe onderdelen vallen ten laste van de koper. Eisen tot het
aanbrengen van veranderingen of het toestaan van een korting en overige schadeloosstellings
claims zijn uitgesloten.
Garantía ES
Los defectos evidentes deberán ser noticados dentro de 8 días desps de haber recibido la
mercancía, de lo contrario el comprador pierde todos los derechos sobre tales defectos. Ga
rantizamos nuestras máquinas en caso de manipulación correcta durante el plazo de garantía
legal a partir de la entrega. Sustituiremos gratuitamente toda pieza de la máquina que dentro
de este plazo se torne inútil a causa de fallas de material o de fabricacn. Las piezas que no
son fabricadas por nosotros mismos serán garantizadas hasta el punto que nos corresponda
garantía del suministrador anterior. Los costes por la colocación de piezas nuevas recaen sobre
el comprador. Están excluidos derechos por modicaciones, aminoraciones y otros derechos de
indemnizacn por daños y perjuicios.
Garantia PT
Para este aparelho concedemos garantia de 24 meses. A garantia cobre exclusivamente
defeitos de matérial ou de fabricão. Peças avariadas são substituidas gratuitamente. cabe ao
cliente efetuar a substituição. Assumimos a garantia unicamente de pas genuinas.
Não há direito à garantia no caso de: peças de desgaste, danos de transporte, danos causados
pelo manejo indevido ou pela desatenção as instrões de servo, falhas da instalação elétrica
por inobservaia das normas relativas á electricidade. Am disso, a garantia só poderá ser
reinvidicada para aparelhos que não tenham sido consertados por lerceiros. O cartão de garan
tia só vale em conexão com a fatura.
Garanti NO
Åpenbare mangler skal meldes innen 8 dager etter at varen er mottatt, ellers taper kunden
samtlige krav pga slik mangel. Vi gir garanti for at våre maskiner ved riktig behandling under
den rettslige garantitidens varighet, fra overlevering, på den måten at vi erstatter kostnads
fritt hver maskindel, som innen denne tiden påviselig er ubrukbar som følge av material- eller
produksjonsfeil. For deler som vi ikke produserer selv, yter vi garanti kun i den utstrekning som
garantikrav mot underleverandør tilkommer oss. Kjøperen bærer kostnadene ved montering av
nye deler. Endrings- og verditapskrav og øvrige skadeerstatningskrav er utelukkede.
Takuu FI
Ilmeisistä puutteista tulee ilmoittaa kahdeksan päivän kuluessa tavaran vastaanottamisesta.
Muutoin ostaja ei voi vaatia korvausta ko. puutteista. Annamme takuun oikein käsitellyille
koneillemme lakisääteiseksi takuuajaksi tavaran luovutuksesta alkaen siten, että vaihdamme
korvauksetta minkä tahansa koneenosan, joka osoittautuu tämän ajan kuluessa käyttökelvot
tomaksi raaka-aine- tai valmistusvirheestä johtuen. Osille, joita emme valmista itse, annamme
takuun vain mikäli osien toimittaja on antanut niistä takuun meille. Uusien osien asennuskus-
tannukset maksaa ostaja. Purku- ja vähennysvaatimukset ja muut vahingonkorvausvaatimukset
eivät tule kysymykseen.
Med denna maskin följer en 24 månaders garanti. Garantin täcker endast material- och kon-
struktionsfel. Defekta delar ertts utan omkostningar, men kunden står för installationen. Vår
garanti täcker endast orginal-delar. Anspråk på garanti öreligger inte för: garantin täcker ej,
transportskador, skador orsakade av felaktig behandling och då skötselföreskrifter inte beaktats.
Vidare kan garantikrav endast ställas för maskiner som inte har reparerats av tredje part.
ruka SK
Zrejmé vady musia byť predstavené v priebehu 8 dni po obdržaní tovaru, ináč zákazník stratí
etky nároky týkajúce sa takejto vady. Ponúkame záruku na ne aparáty, ktoré sú správne
používané pas zákonného termínu záruky tak, že bezplatne vymeníme každú časť aparátu,
ktorá sa v priebehu tohto času môže stať dozatne nefunnou dôsledkom materiálnej či
výrobnej vady. Na časti ktoré sami nevybame, poskytujeme záruku iba v rozsahu, v ktorom
nám prísluší nárok na záručné plnie k subdodávateľovi. Za trovy týkajúce sa inštalácie novej
súčiastky je zodpovedný zákazník. Nárok na výmenu tovara, na zľavu a iné nároky na nahrade-
nie škody sú vylúčené.
Garancija SI
itne pomanjkljivosti je potrebno naznaniti 8 dni po prejemu blaga, v nasprotnem primeru
izgubi kupec vse pravice do garancije zaradi takšnih pomanjkljivosti. Za naše naprave dajemo
garancijo ob pravilni uporabi za čas zakonsko dolenega roka garancije od predaje in sicer
na takšen nin, da vsak del naprave brezplno nadomestimo, za katerega bi se v tem roku
izkazalo, da je zaradi slabega materiala ali slabe izdelave neuporaben. Za dele, ki jih sami ne
izdelujemo, jaimo samo toliko, kolikor zahteva garancija drugih podjetij. Strki za vstavljanje
novih delov nosi kupec. Zahteve za spreminjanje in zmananje ter ostale zahteve za nadomesti-
lo škode so izkljene.
Szavatosg HU
A nyilvánvaló hibákat ki kell jelenteni számított 8 napon belül az áruk, különben a vevő elveszti
minden igényt az ilyen hibák. Kínálunk garanciát a gépeinket a megfelelő kezelés időtartamának
hallgatólagos garancia a szállítás időpontját oly módon, hogy cserélje ki minden egyes része ezen
idő alatt észlelhető a sorban anyag-vagy gyártási legyen hiábavaló, ingyen. Az alkatrészeket, hogy
nem termel magunkat, hogy csak olyan garanciát, hiszen jogosultak jótállási igények beszállítókkal
szemben. A költségek beillesztése az új részek a vevőnek. Átalakítása és csökkentése
követelések és egyéb kártérítési igények ki vannak zárva. +(49)-08223-4002-99 +(49)-08223-4002-58
Garancija HR
Vidljive štete se moraju prijaviti u roku od 8 dana od primitka robe U suprotnom slučaju kupac
gubi pravo na reklamaciju. Mi jamčimo za naše strojeve u slučaju ispravnog postupanja tijekom
perioda zakonskog jamstva tako što zamijenjujemo besplatno bilo koji dio stroja koji dokazano
postane neupotrebljiv uslijed neispravnog materijala ili grešaka u proizvodnji u tom vremenskom
periodu Za dijelove koje mi nismo proizveli jamčimo samo ukoliko imamo pravo na reklamaciju
prema dobavljačima Troškove za ugradnju novih dijelova snosi kupac Molbe za smanjenjem
cijene kao i sve druge reklamacije zbog šteta su isključene.
ruka CZ
Viditelné vady jsou poukazatelné během 8 dní od obdržení zboží, jinak ztrácí zákazník všechny
nároky týkající se takovýchto vad. Poskytujeme záruku na naše stroje, s kterými je správně
zacházeno, na dobu zákonnné záruční lhůty začínající od doručení tak, že bezplatně vyměníme
každou část stroje, která se během této doby může stát prokazatelně nepoužitelnou následkem
materiálové či výrobní vady. Na díly, které sami neopravujeme, poskytujeme záruku pouze v
rozsahu , v němž nám přísluší nárok na záruční plnění vůči subdodavateli . Náklady na instalaci
nového dílu nese zákazník. Nárok na výměnu zboží, na slevu a jiné nároky na odškodnění jsou
Gwarancja PL
Wszelkie uszkodzenia muszą być zgłaszane w przeciągu 8 dni od daty otrzymania towaru, w
przeciwnym wypadku, prawo do reklamacji wygasa. Gwarantujemy, że w czasie trwania gwarancji
wymienimy wszelkie części maszyny, które okażą się niesprawne na skutek wad materiału z jakie-
go zostały wykonane lub błędów w produkcji bez dodatkowych opłat pod warunkiem, że maszyna
będzie obsługiwana zgodnie z zaleceniami. W odniesieniu do części nie produkowanych przez
nas, gwarancja obowiązuje tylko w przypadku naszych dostawców. Koszty instalacji nowych części
są ponoszone przez klienta. Odszkodowania wynikłe z uszkodzeń maszyny oraz redukcje ceny
zakupu maszyny w ramach reklamacji nie będą rozpatrywane.
Garanție RO
Defecte evidente trebuie să e raportate în termen de 8 zile de la primirea de bunuri, alel cumpărătorul
pierde toate cererile pentru asel de defecte. Oferim o garanție de pe mașinile noastre cu un tratament
adecvat pe durata unei garanții implicite de la data de livrare în așa fel încât vom înlocui ecare parte în acel
moment detectabil într-un rând în material sau manoperă ar  inul, gratuit. Pentru părțile care nu ne pro
duc, vom face doar o asel de garanție, așa cum avem dreptul la pretenții de garanție împotriva furnizorilor.
Costurile pentru introducerea de piese noi la cumpărător. Conversie și reducerea creanțe și alte cererile de
despăgubire sunt excluse.
Garantii EE
Ilmselgetest vigadest tuleb teatada 8 päeva jooksul pärast kauba kättesaamist, vastasel juhul
kaotab ostja kõik õigused garantiile nimetatud vigade tõttu. Õige käsitsemise korral anname oma
masinatele garantii seadusega ettenähtud ajaks alates kauba üleandmisest nii, et vahetame
tasuta välja kõik masina osad, mis nimetatud aja jooksul peaks muutuma kasutuskõlbmatuks
materjali- või tootmisvea tõttu. Osade eest, mida me ise ei tooda, anname garantii vaid selles osas,
mis tarnija on meile garanteerinud. Uute osade paigaldamise kulud kannab ostja. Muutmis- ja
amortisatsiooninõuded ning muud kahjutasunõuded välistatakse.
Garantija LV
Acīmredzami defekti ir jāpaziņo 8 dienu laikā no preces saņemšanas. Pretējā gadījumā pircēja
tiesības pieprasīt atlīdzību par šādiem defektiem ir spēkā neesošas. Mēs dodam garantiju savām
iekārtām, ja pircējs pret tām atbilstoši izturas garantijas laikā. Mēs apņemamies bez maksas piegā
dāt jebkuru rezerves daļu, kas iespējams kļuvusi nelietojama bojātu materiālu vai ražošanas defek-
tu dēļ šajā laika periodā. Attiecībā uz rezerves daļām, kuras nav mūsu ražotas, mēs garantējam
tikai gadījumā, ja mums ir garantija no saviem piegādātājiem. Jauno detaļu uzstādīšanas izmaksas
ir jāuzņemas pircējam. Pirkuma atcelšana vai pirkuma cenas samazināšana, kā arī jebkuras citas
prasības par bojājumu atlīdzināšanu netiek izskatītas.
Garantija LT
Dėl akivaizdžiai matomų defektų turi būti informuota per 8 dienas nuo įrenginio gavimo momento.
Kitu atveju pirkėjo teisė reikšti pretenziją dėl šių defektų yra negaliojanti. Savo įrenginiams mes
garantuojame įstatymo nustatytą pilną aptarnavimą garantinio laikotarpio metu, jei yra laikomasi
gamintojo-vartotojo susitarimo ir mes pažadame nemokamai pakeisti bet kurias mašinos dalis,
sugedusias dėl blogos medžiagos ar gamyklinio broko. Mes neatsakome už dalis, pagamintas ne
mūsų ir jūsų gautas iš kito tiekėjo. Naujų dalių montavimo kaštai yra pirkėjo atsakomybė. Pirkimo
nutraukimas ar pirkimo kainos sumažinimas, kaip ir bet kurios kitos pretenzijos dėl nuostolių nebus
Ábyrgð IS
Augljósar skemmdir verður að tilkynna innan 8 daga frá viðtöku vörunnar. Annars er réttur kau-
panda um bætur vegna slíka skemmda ógildur. Við ábyrgjumst, í tilfelli réttrar meðhöndlunar yr
lögbundið ábyrgðartímabil frá afhendingu, að við skiptum um hvern vélarhlut án kostnaðar sem
ónothæfur er vegna gallaðs efnis eða skemmda í framleiðslu innan ákveðins tímabils. Af því er
tekur til hluti sem ekki eru framleiddir af
okkur, ábyrgjumst við af því leiti aðeins að við eigum rétt á ábyrgðarkröfum gagnvart birgðasölum.
Kostnaður vegna uppsetningar á nýjum hlutum skal falla í skaut kaupanda. Ógilding sölu eða
afsláttur á kaupverði sem og aðrar kröfur vegna skemmda eru undanskildar.
Garanti TR
Apaçık kusurları malların alınmasından 8 gün içinde bildirilmesi gerekir, aksi takdirde alıcı bu
kusurları için tüm talepler kaybeder. Biz ücretsiz, yararsız olmalıdır malzeme veya işçilik üst üste
saptanabilir bu süre içinde her bir parça takmadan böyle bir şekilde teslim tarihinden itibaren zımni
garanti süresine uygun tedavi ile makinelerde bir garanti veriyoruz. Biz tedarikçiler karşı garanti
talepleri hakkı olarak kendimizi üretmek değil bu parça için, biz, sadece teminat olun. Alıcıya yeni
parçaların yerleştirilmesi için maliyetleri. Dönüşüm ve azaltma iddiaları ve diğer tazminat talepleri
dahil değildir.
гаранция BG
Очевидни недостатъци трябва да бъдат докладвани в рамките на 8 дни от получаването на
стоки, в противен случай купувачът губи всякакви претенции за такива дефекти. Предлагаме
гаранция на нашите машини с правилното лечение на срока на действие на косвена
гаранция от датата на доставка по такъв начин, че ние замени всяка част в рамките на
това време открива в един ред в материала или изработката трябва да бъде безполезно,
безплатно. За части, които ние не се произвеждат, ние правим само като гаранция, като
имаме право на гаранционни искове срещу доставчици. Разходите за вмъкване на нови
части на купувача. Преобразуване и намаляване вземания и други исковете за обезщетения,
са изключени.
Гарантия RU
Об очевидных дефектах необходимо уведомить в течение 8 дней после получения товара. В
ином случае все претензии покупателя по таким дефектам не принимаются. Мы предостав-
ляем гарантию на наши машины при условии правильного обращения с ними. Гарантия дей-
ствует с момента передачи машины в течение установленного законом гарантийного срока.
В течение этого времени мы гарантируем бесплатную замену любой части машины, если
они стали непригодны к использованию в результате доказуемых ошибок в применяемых
материалах или при изготовлении. На части машины, которые мы не изготавливаем сами,
мы предоставляем гарантии в той мере, насколько нас касаются рекламационные претензии
к изготовителям. Расходы по замене деталей несет покупатель. Претензии на расторжение
договора купли-продажи, штрафы и прочие требования о возмещении ущерба исключаются.
Garantie BE-VLG
Zichtbare gebreken moeten binnen 8 dagen na ontvangst van de goederen worden gemeld,
anders verliest de koper elk recht op aanspraak voor dergelijke gebreken. Bij een juiste
behandeling van onze machines en gedurende de wettelijke garantietermijn vanaf de aevering
bieden wij garantie door elk machineonderdeel, dat tijdens deze periode door materiaal- of
productiefouten onbruikbaar zou worden, gratis te vervangen. Voor onderdelen die wij niet zelf
produceren, bieden wij enkel garantie in de mate die de toeleveranciers ons bieden. De kosten
voor de plaatsing van de nieuwe onderdelen draagt de koper. Aanspraken voor wijzigingen,
waardevermindering en overige schadeloosstelling zijn uitgesloten.
scheppach Fabrikation von Holzbearbeitungsmaschinen GmbH | Günzburger Str. 69 |
D-89335 Ichenhausen |