DROP Electric Sauna Heater

HUUM DROP Electric Sauna Heater Kasutusjuhend

#huumsauna www.huum.eu
Connect woodenarches to the support 1 with four screws
4x13 mm) to form a complete railing.
Place the railing on the Drop heater grates, in the third gap
from the top (between 3rd and 4th wire rod), so that the
frontal vertical rod is tightly between the support 1. Fasten
the support 1 around the wire with a bolt and a nut.
Place the innerplates of the supports 2 onto the wooden
railing. Insert nuts to fix the inner plates 2 and keep the
railing in place (apply extra force if needed to push the nut
inside). PS! Do not aach the outer plates of the supports
Fix the supports' inner plates 2 to the wall with four screws.
We recommend using screws with a diameter of 4 mm,
choosing the length, and the typeof screw according to the
material of your wall material. The wooden arch should
remain parallel to the top rod of the heater.
Fix the tenons of the supports' outer plates 3 in the slots of
the supports' inner plates 2. Place the railing between the
support’s plates so all the holes are aligned.Fix supports to
the railing with bolts and nuts. Well done!
PS! The included long screws are for the wooden wall.
Consult with a specialist to find out which screws are
suitable for your wall.
x 4
x 4
x 4
x 1
Kinnita kaared kronsteini 1 külge nelja kruviga 4x13 mm),
et moodustada poolkaartest terviklik puitpiire.
Aseta puitpiire Drop kerise võrele paigutades kronstein
ülevalt kolmandasse vahesse 3. ja 4. traadi vahele) nii, et
eesmine vertikaalne traat oleks tihedalt kronsteini 1
vahes. Kinnita kronstein 1 poldi ja mutriga ümber traadi.
Aseta Seina kronsteinide sisemised plaadid 2 vineerist
kaitsepiirdele. Sisesta muer fikseerimaks piirde asend
(vajadusel suru tugevalt, et mutri krae oleks tihedalt
kronsteini vastas). PS! Ära fikseeri välimisi plaate 3
Kontrolli, et seina kronsteini plaadid 2 on korrektses
asendis ja kinnita need seina nelja kruviga (Kruvi soovituslik
diameeter 4 mm, pikkus ja tüüp vastavalt sinu seina
materjalile). PS! Jälgi, et Puitkaar jääks paralleelne kerise
ülemise traadiga.
Tapista seina kronsteini välimised plaadid 3 sisemise
plaadi 2 avadesse ja aseta puitkaared kronsteini vahele
nii, et kõik puuritud avad jäävad kohakuti. Kinnita kronstein
poldi ja mutriga. Piire ongi valmis!
PS! Kaasasolevad pikemad seinakruvid on kinnitamiseks
puitlaudisele. Pea spetsialistiga nõu, kas need sobivad
sinu seinale kinnitamiseks.
(kontrollida seina materjali/
according to the wall material)