Volvo 2021, 2021 Late Volvo On Call

  • Tere! Olen tehisintellekti chatbot, kes on koolitatud aitama teid Volvo 2021 Volvo On Call küsimustega. Olen dokumendi läbi vaadanud ja valmis andma lihtsaid ja arusaadavaid vastuseid.
This document describes the functionality of the Volvo On Call sys-
Development work is constantly in progress to improve our product.
Modifications may mean that information, descriptions and illustra-
tions in this supplement differ from the equipment in the car. We
reserve the right to make modifications without prior notice.
Volvo On Call*
Getting started with Volvo On Call*
Help with Volvo On Call*
Automatic collision alarm with
Volvo On Call*
Emergency assistance with Volvo
On Call*
Help during a trip with Volvo On Call*
Remote unlocking and remote
locking with Volvo On Call*
Theft Notification with Volvo On Call*
Stolen Vehicle Tracking with
Volvo On Call*
Remote vehicle immobiliser with
Volvo On Call*
Customer service via Volvo On Call*
Send destinations to the car's
navigation system via a Volvo On
Call* service centre
Volvo On Call* markets
Volvo On Call* services per market
Volvo On Call* availability
Volvo On Call* abroad
Phone number for the Volvo On
Call* service centre
Prioritising between Volvo On
Call* service centre and emer-
gency call centre
PIN code for Volvo On Call*
Buying or selling a car with Volvo
On Call*
Standby battery for Volvo On Call*
Personal information and Volvo
On Call*
* Option/accessory.
Volvo On Call*
Volvo On Call
provides direct contact to the
car as well as extra comfort and assistance
24 hours a day.
The functions are available via the Volvo On
Call app
as well as the ON CALL button and
the SOS button in the roof of the car:
For example, you can lock and unlock the car
or check the fuel level directly on a phone via
the Volvo On Call app. If an accident occurs,
emergency assistance can be sent to the car
in the form of e.g. ambulance and police.
Roadside assistance can be called for less
urgent problems, such as a puncture.
The SOS button must only be used in the
event of accident, illness or an external
threat against the car and its passengers.
The SOS function is only intended for
emergency situations. Abuse may lead to
supplementary charges.
The Volvo On Call app and ON CALL but-
ton can be used for all other services
including roadside assistance.
Volvo On Call system
Volvo On Call is linked to the car's safety and
alarm systems as well as other systems in the
car, such as locking and climate control. The
car has a built-in modem for communication
with a Volvo On Call service centre and the
Volvo On Call app. GNSS (Global Navigation
Satellite System) is used to locate the car.
Contact service centre
To contact a Volvo On Call service centre, use
the car's ON CALL button or the Volvo On Call
app. You can also call a Volvo On Call service
All calls with the Volvo On Call service cen-
tre may be recorded.
Related information
Getting started with Volvo On Call*
(p. 5)
Help with Volvo On Call* (p. 6)
Personal information and Volvo On Call*
(p. 22)
Volvo On Call* availability (p. 16)
Phone number for the Volvo On Call* serv-
ice centre (p. 17)
Volvo On Call* markets (p. 14)
Availability depends on market.
App functions vary between markets.
The services vary between markets.
* Option/accessory.
Getting started with Volvo On Call*
This article describes what you need to get
started with Volvo On Call.
Before collecting the car from the dealer, the
owner should have downloaded the free Volvo
On Call app and tested it in demo mode. This
makes it possible to explore the majority of
functions and provides information on how the
app is used.
Activation of Volvo On Call
When the car is collected, the retailer acti-
vates the Volvo On Call system and the owner
receives an automatically generated PIN code
for Volvo On Call. This PIN code is used for
security reasons to identify the owner (or
another approved person such as a family
member) and works like a car key.
Volvo On Call subscription
For the functions to work, the car must have
an active Volvo On Call subscription.
The subscription is initiated in connection with
the purchase of the car when the system is
activated. The subscription has a time limit but
can be extended, and validity is market
dependent. Contact a Volvo dealer for assis-
Automatic Crash Notification, the SOS
button and roadside assistance via the ON
CALL button also work without a subscrip-
Volvo ID and linking the Volvo On Call
app to the car
In order to use Volvo On Call you need a Volvo
ID. After you have created a Volvo ID, the
Volvo On Call app needs to be linked to the
To be able to use the Volvo On Call App
services, the car is required to have a valid
Volvo On Call Subscription and the app
needs to be connected to the car.
Buying a used car with Volvo On Call
When buying a used car with Volvo On Call, it
is important to delete data from the previous
owner and add your own details to make the
service work. Visit a Volvo dealer for assis-
Related information
PIN code for Volvo On Call* (p. 20)
Buying or selling a car with Volvo On Call*
(p. 21)
Phone number for the Volvo On Call* serv-
ice centre (p. 17)
* Option/accessory.
Help with Volvo On Call*
Volvo On Call can provide extra security and
assistance if you have a puncture, your
engine breaks down or you have an accident.
Volvo On Call not only offers additional com-
fort and control via the app, but also a range of
auxiliary services via the SOS and ON CALL
buttons on the roof, such as emergency assis-
tance in the event of an accident, theft warn-
ing, roadside assistance and remote unlock-
Related information
Automatic collision alarm with Volvo On
Call* (p. 6)
Emergency assistance with Volvo On Call*
(p. 7)
Help during a trip with Volvo On Call*
(p. 9)
Remote unlocking and remote locking
with Volvo On Call* (p. 9)
Theft Notification with Volvo On Call*
(p. 10)
Stolen Vehicle Tracking with Volvo On
Call* (p. 11)
Remote vehicle immobiliser with Volvo On
Call* (p. 12)
Phone number for the Volvo On Call* serv-
ice centre (p. 17)
Volvo On Call* markets (p. 14)
Volvo On Call* services per market
(p. 15)
Automatic collision alarm with
Volvo On Call*
If a collision occurs, the car reports this auto-
matically to a Volvo On Call service centre, or
an emergency call centre, which can send out
emergency assistance.
Volvo On Call Service Centre
When the car's safety system is triggered, e.g.
in an accident in which the activation level is
reached for seatbelt tensioners or airbags, the
car automatically calls a Volvo On Call service
centre and a message is sent containing the
position of the car, among other things.
1. The Volvo On Call service centre estab-
lishes verbal contact with the car's driver
and tries to find out the extent of the colli-
sion and the need for help.
2. The Volvo On Call Service Centre then
contacts the necessary assistance (police,
ambulance, towing, etc.).
If verbal contact cannot be established, the
Volvo On Call Service Centre contacts the rel-
evant authorities that assist with appropriate
Prioritise public emergency number
It is possible to set up the system so that the
car phones a public emergency call centre
instead of a Volvo On Call service centre. See
the separate instructions.
* Option/accessory.
Emergency call centre
When the car's safety system is triggered, e.g.
in an accident in which the activation level is
reached for seatbelt tensioners or airbags, a
signal will be automatically sent directly to an
emergency call centre.
1. The emergency call centre establishes ver-
bal contact with the car's driver and tries
to find out the extent of the collision and
the need for help.
2. The emergency call centre sends the nec-
essary assistance (police, ambulance,
towing, etc.).
Emergency number
When the collision alarm is activated the sys-
tem attempts to establish contact with the
country's Volvo On Call service centre. If this
is not possible, then the call is routed to the
designated emergency number for the area
where the car is located.
Related information
Volvo On Call* (p. 4)
Prioritising between Volvo On Call* service
centre and emergency call centre (p. 20)
Volvo On Call* markets (p. 14)
Volvo On Call* services per market
(p. 15)
Emergency assistance with Volvo On Call*
(p. 7)
Help during a trip with Volvo On Call*
(p. 9)
Remote unlocking and remote locking
with Volvo On Call* (p. 9)
Theft Notification with Volvo On Call*
(p. 10)
Stolen Vehicle Tracking with Volvo On
Call* (p. 11)
Remote vehicle immobiliser with Volvo On
Call* (p. 12)
Volvo On Call* abroad (p. 16)
Emergency assistance with Volvo
On Call*
Press the SOS button to contact a Volvo On
Call service centre, or an emergency call cen-
tre, in an emergency situation.
Volvo On Call Service Centre
To summon help in case of illness, external
threats to the car or passengers, a Volvo On
Call service centre can be alerted manually by
depressing the SOS button for at least
2 seconds. A Volvo On Call service centre is
notified, advised of the car's position and
attempts to establish verbal contact with the
driver to agree on the type of assistance
If verbal contact cannot be established, the
Volvo On Call Service Centre contacts the
necessary assistance (police, ambulance,
recovery, etc.) to help with the appropriate
Prioritise public emergency number
It is possible to set up the system so that the
car phones a public emergency call centre
instead of a Volvo On Call service centre. See
the separate instructions.
Applies to Volvo On Call markets of type A.
Applies to Volvo On Call markets of type B.
* Option/accessory.
Emergency call centre
To summon help in case of illness, external
threats to the car or passengers, an emer-
gency call centre can be alerted manually by
depressing the SOS button for at least
2 seconds. The necessary assistance (police,
ambulance, towing, etc.) can be determined
via verbal contact.
The SOS button must only be used in the
event of accident, illness or an external
threat against the car and its passengers.
The SOS function is only intended for
emergency situations. Abuse may lead to
supplementary charges.
The Volvo On Call app and ON CALL but-
ton can be used for all other services
including roadside assistance.
Emergency number
When the collision alarm is activated the sys-
tem attempts to establish contact with the
country's Volvo On Call service centre. If this
is not possible, then the call is routed to the
designated emergency number for the area
where the car is located.
The ON CALL - and SOS buttons can be
deactivated when the car's electrical system is
in ignition position I, II or if the engine is run-
2. Press Communication Volvo On Call.
SOS/On Call button lock to deac-
Related information
Volvo On Call* (p. 4)
Prioritising between Volvo On Call* service
centre and emergency call centre (p. 20)
Volvo On Call* markets (p. 14)
Volvo On Call* services per market
(p. 15)
Automatic collision alarm with Volvo On
Call* (p. 6)
Help during a trip with Volvo On Call*
(p. 9)
Remote unlocking and remote locking
with Volvo On Call* (p. 9)
Theft Notification with Volvo On Call*
(p. 10)
Stolen Vehicle Tracking with Volvo On
Call* (p. 11)
Remote vehicle immobiliser with Volvo On
Call* (p. 12)
Volvo On Call* abroad (p. 16)
Applies to Volvo On Call markets of type A.
Applies to Volvo On Call markets of type B.
The services vary between markets.
* Option/accessory.
Help during a trip with Volvo On
If you have a puncture, run out of fuel or your
battery is discharged, for example, you can
summon assistance with the ON CALL but-
ton or the Volvo On Call app.
If you hold down the ON CALL button in the
roof for at least 2 seconds, verbal contact will
be established between the Volvo On Call
service centre and the driver. The aim of this is
to agree on what assistance is required.
You can also phone the Volvo On Call service
centre, but the car has to be online for the
operator to be able to view the car's status
and position.
The SOS button must only be used in the
event of accident, illness or an external
threat against the car and its passengers.
The SOS function is only intended for
emergency situations. Abuse may lead to
supplementary charges.
The Volvo On Call app and ON CALL but-
ton can be used for all other services
including roadside assistance.
The ON CALL - and SOS buttons can be
deactivated when the car's electrical system is
in ignition position I, II or if the engine is run-
2. Press Communication Volvo On Call.
SOS/On Call button lock to deac-
A separate subscription may need to be taken
out for the roadside assistance service.
Related information
Volvo On Call* (p. 4)
Automatic collision alarm with Volvo On
Call* (p. 6)
Emergency assistance with Volvo On Call*
(p. 7)
Remote unlocking and remote locking
with Volvo On Call* (p. 9)
Theft Notification with Volvo On Call*
(p. 10)
Stolen Vehicle Tracking with Volvo On
Call* (p. 11)
Remote vehicle immobiliser with Volvo On
Call* (p. 12)
Volvo On Call* abroad (p. 16)
Phone number for the Volvo On Call* serv-
ice centre (p. 17)
Remote unlocking and remote
locking with Volvo On Call*
The car can be unlocked remotely via the
Volvo On Call service centre. It can also be
locked and unlocked using the Volvo On Call
Remote Door Unlock via a Volvo On
Call service centre
If the car's remote control key has been lost or
locked in the car, it is possible to remotely
unlock the car within the next 5 days assisted
by the Volvo On Call service centre.
1. Contact a Volvo On Call service centre (via
the Volvo On Call app or phone).
2. When the Volvo On Call service centre has
verified the car's owner or other author-
ised individual using the PIN code, an
unlocking signal is sent to the car accord-
ing to agreement.
The services vary between markets.
* Option/accessory.
3. Press gently once on the rubberised pres-
sure plate underneath the boot lid/tailgate
handle to unlock the car.
> Now all doors can be opened as nor-
If the rubberised pressure plate on the boot
lid/tailgate is not depressed within a cer-
tain time, predetermined by a Volvo On
Call service centre, the car will be locked
If, for example, the car is parked in a park-
ing garage, the remote unlocking function
may possibly be limited due to poor recep-
Locking and unlocking using the Volvo
On Call app
Status for all doors and windows is shown.
The driver can lock and unlock the car
remotely for up to five days after the car has
been locked. For security reasons, a password
is required for your Volvo ID when the car is
unlocked via the Volvo On Call app.
Related information
Phone number for the Volvo On Call* serv-
ice centre (p. 17)
Automatic collision alarm with Volvo On
Call* (p. 6)
Emergency assistance with Volvo On Call*
(p. 7)
Help during a trip with Volvo On Call*
(p. 9)
Theft Notification with Volvo On Call*
(p. 10)
Stolen Vehicle Tracking with Volvo On
Call* (p. 11)
Remote vehicle immobiliser with Volvo On
Call* (p. 12)
Volvo On Call* markets (p. 14)
Volvo On Call* services per market
(p. 15)
Theft Notification with Volvo On
When the car's alarm is activated, the car
owner receives a message to the phone num-
ber registered with the dealer and then a
notification in the Volvo On Call app.
If the alarm is not switched off within a short
period, an operator at a Volvo On Call service
centre is automatically alerted
. The operator
attempts to contact the car owner by phone. If
it turns out that the car is being used by an
unauthorised person, tracking can be started.
The police are then linked in.
If the alarm is switched off using the remote
control key, the service is cancelled.
Related information
Phone number for the Volvo On Call* serv-
ice centre (p. 17)
Automatic collision alarm with Volvo On
Call* (p. 6)
Emergency assistance with Volvo On Call*
(p. 7)
Help during a trip with Volvo On Call*
(p. 9)
Remote unlocking and remote locking
with Volvo On Call* (p. 9)
Applies to Volvo On Call markets of type A.
Applies to Volvo On Call markets of type A.
* Option/accessory.
Stolen Vehicle Tracking with Volvo On
Call* (p. 11)
Remote vehicle immobiliser with Volvo On
Call* (p. 12)
Volvo On Call* markets (p. 14)
Volvo On Call* services per market
(p. 15)
Stolen Vehicle Tracking with Volvo
On Call*
If car theft is suspected, contact a Volvo On
Call service centre via the Volvo On Call app
or a phone call to attempt to locate the car.
If theft or other unauthorised use of the car
has been discovered, then the car's owner
along with the police and the Volvo On Call
service centre agree that the car should be
traced. The Volvo On Call service centre sends
a message to the car to determine the car's
position. Following which, the police or other
authority are contacted.
This also applies if the car was opened and
stolen with the associated key.
A condition for the car to be tracked is that
the matter is reported to the police. Volvo
On Call will only give information to the
Related information
Phone number for the Volvo On Call* serv-
ice centre (p. 17)
Automatic collision alarm with Volvo On
Call* (p. 6)
Emergency assistance with Volvo On Call*
(p. 7)
Help during a trip with Volvo On Call*
(p. 9)
Remote unlocking and remote locking
with Volvo On Call* (p. 9)
Theft Notification with Volvo On Call*
(p. 10)
Remote vehicle immobiliser with Volvo On
Call* (p. 12)
Volvo On Call* markets (p. 14)
Volvo On Call* services per market
(p. 15)
Volvo On Call* abroad (p. 16)
Applies to Volvo On Call markets of type A.
* Option/accessory.
Remote vehicle immobiliser
Volvo On Call*
In the event of car theft an immobiliser can
be activated remotely.
If the car has been stolen then the owner can
contact a Volvo On Call service centre (via
phone or the Volvo On Call app) or the authori-
This also applies if the car was opened and
stolen with the associated key.
After having been in contact with the authori-
ties, the Volvo On Call service centre deacti-
vates the remote control keys in order to pre-
vent the car from being started. A deactivated
car can only be restarted by contacting the
Volvo On Call Service Centre and when the
required verification with PIN code has been
approved. Following which, the Volvo On Call
service centre performs activation of the car.
Related information
Phone number for the Volvo On Call* serv-
ice centre (p. 17)
Automatic collision alarm with Volvo On
Call* (p. 6)
Emergency assistance with Volvo On Call*
(p. 7)
Help during a trip with Volvo On Call*
(p. 9)
Remote unlocking and remote locking
with Volvo On Call* (p. 9)
Theft Notification with Volvo On Call*
(p. 10)
Stolen Vehicle Tracking with Volvo On
Call* (p. 11)
Volvo On Call* markets (p. 14)
Volvo On Call* services per market
(p. 15)
Customer service via Volvo On
Press the ON CALL button for answers to
general customer questions.
For questions on using the car, the ON CALL
button can be used to make contact with a
Volvo On Call service centre. An operator is
available to answer 24 hours a day.
Other ways of contacting the Volvo On Call
service centre are to use the Volvo On Call app
or phoning.
Related information
Automatic collision alarm with Volvo On
Call* (p. 6)
Emergency assistance with Volvo On Call*
(p. 7)
Help during a trip with Volvo On Call*
(p. 9)
Remote unlocking and remote locking
with Volvo On Call* (p. 9)
Theft Notification with Volvo On Call*
(p. 10)
Stolen Vehicle Tracking with Volvo On
Call* (p. 11)
Remote vehicle immobiliser with Volvo On
Call* (p. 12)
Applies to certain Volvo On Call markets of type A.
Only where legislation permits and in cooperation with the proper authorities.
Does not apply to certain Volvo On Call markets of type B.
* Option/accessory.
Volvo On Call* markets (p. 14)
Volvo On Call* services per market
(p. 15)
Phone number for the Volvo On Call* serv-
ice centre (p. 17)
Send destinations to the car's
navigation system via a Volvo On
Call* service centre
Contact a Volvo On Call service centre to
have destinations sent directly to the car's
navigation system
Press the ON CALL button in the car's roof for
help with finding e.g. a restaurant, a hotel, a
workshop, a tourist attraction or another desti-
nation. An operator sends the destination to
the car, and the destination can be added as
an intermediate destination or destination in
the centre display.
It is possible to ask the operator at the Volvo
On Call service centre for several destinations
during the same call. However, they will be
sent to the car one at a time.
Related information
Automatic collision alarm with Volvo On
Call* (p. 6)
Emergency assistance with Volvo On Call*
(p. 7)
Help during a trip with Volvo On Call*
(p. 9)
Remote unlocking and remote locking
with Volvo On Call* (p. 9)
Theft Notification with Volvo On Call*
(p. 10)
Stolen Vehicle Tracking with Volvo On
Call* (p. 11)
Remote vehicle immobiliser with Volvo On
Call* (p. 12)
Customer service via Volvo On Call* (p. 12)
Volvo On Call* markets (p. 14)
Volvo On Call* services per market
(p. 15)
Phone number for the Volvo On Call* serv-
ice centre (p. 17)
Applies to certain markets and cars with Sensus Navigation*.
* Option/accessory.
Volvo On Call* markets
The market types which have Volvo On Call
are listed below. Not all services are available
due to market type. The services that are
available per market are described separately
and are shown in the description of each
Market Market
type A
type B
Albania X
Austria X
Belarus X
Belgium X
Bosnia-Herzegovina X
Brazil X
Bulgaria X
Canada X
China X
Croatia X
Cyprus X
Czech Republic X
Denmark X
Estonia X
Market Market
type A
type B
Finland X
France X
Germany X
Greece X
Hungary X
Iceland X
Ireland X
Italy X
Kazakhstan X
Latvia X
Lithuania X
Luxembourg X
Malta X
Moldova X
Montenegro X
Netherlands X
North Macedonia X
Norway X
Market Market
type A
type B
Poland X
Portugal X
Puerto Rico X
Romania X
Serbia X
Slovakia X
Slovenia X
South Africa X
Spain X
Sweden X
Switzerland X
Turkey X
Volvo On Call is not available in the Crimea.
* Option/accessory.
Latest information
Volvo On Call is becoming available in an
increasing number of locations. See
volvocars.com/support or contact a Volvo
dealer for the latest information about where
Volvo On Call is available.
Related information
Volvo On Call* (p. 4)
Volvo On Call* services per market
(p. 15)
Volvo On Call* services per market
The market types in which Volvo On Call ser-
vices are available are presented below.
Services Market
Volvo On Call app X X
Automatic Crash Notifica-
SOS Emergency Service X X
Roadside Assistance X X
Remote Door Unlock via a
service centre
Theft notification via service
Stolen Vehicle Tracking X
Remote Vehicle Immobilisa-
Customer service X
Send destinations to the
navigation system via a serv-
ice centre
Only certain Volvo On Call markets of type A.
Only certain Volvo On Call markets of type B.
More information on the Volvo Cars
support page
Visit volvocars.com/support for more informa-
tion on Volvo On Call services and app func-
Related information
Volvo On Call* (p. 4)
Volvo On Call* markets (p. 14)
* Option/accessory.
Volvo On Call* availability
To save the battery, the Volvo On Call system
is programmed to shut down when the car is
not used for long periods.
Volvo On Call is fully available for 5 full days.
For days 621, services such as, for example,
remote control immobiliser and stolen vehicle
tracking are initiated via a Volvo On Call serv-
ice centre. After 22 full days, the system is
disconnected to save the battery and is fully
available again as soon as the car is started
The system's services only work in areas
where Volvo On Call partners have mobile
coverage and on markets where Volvo On
Call is available.
Just as with mobile phones, atmospheric
disturbances or sparse transmitter cover-
age may lead to connection being impossi-
ble, e.g. in sparsely populated areas.
Related information
Volvo On Call* (p. 4)
Standby battery for Volvo On Call*
(p. 22)
Volvo On Call* markets (p. 14)
Volvo On Call* services per market (p. 15)
Volvo On Call* abroad (p. 16)
Volvo On Call* abroad
Volvo On Call services may vary when driving
between countries.
When you press the SOS button you are
always connected to a Volvo On Call service
centre in the market where the car is located.
If there is no Volvo On Call service centre, an
emergency call centre is contacted.
When you press the ON CALL button you are
always connected to your home country's
Volvo On Call service centre.
However, in countries without roaming agree-
ment, there are no Volvo On Call services
For more information, contact a Volvo dealer.
Related information
Volvo On Call* (p. 4)
Volvo On Call* markets (p. 14)
Availability of the functions may vary.
* Option/accessory.
Phone number for the Volvo On
Call* service centre
Country Dialling in home country Dialling abroad
Albania +385 162 698 40 +385 162 698 40
Austria +43 1 525 03 6244 +43 1 525 03 6244
Belarus +7 495 212 24 68 +7 495 212 24 68
Belgium 02 773 62 22 +32 2 773 62 22
Bosnia-Herzegovina +385 162 698 40 +385 162 698 40
Brazil 0800 70 775 90 Not applicable
Bulgaria +359 291 146 +359 291 146
Canada 855 399 4691 +1 855 399 4691
400 606 1635
+86 40 606 1635
Croatia +385 162 698 40 +385 162 698 40
Cyprus +357 777 724 33 +357 777 724 33
Czech Republic +420 800 050 296 +420 296 787 297
Denmark 070 21 50 53 +45 702 150 53
Estonia 80 07 777 +372 602 23 65
Finland 09 374 77 310 +358 9 374 77 310
France 0810 800 454 +33 1 49 93 72 79
Germany 089 208 018 747 +49 89 208 018 747
Country Dialling in home country Dialling abroad
Greece +30 210 9988 199 +30 210 9988 199
Hungary 06 80 200 269 +36 1 345 17 75
Iceland +354 515 70 00 +354 515 70 00
Ireland 01 637 36 50 +353 1 637 36 50
Italy 02 266 29 271 +39 02 266 29 271
Kazakhstan +7 495 212 24 68 +7 495 212 24 68
Kosovo +385 162 698 40 +385 162 698 40
Latvia 800 070 77 +371 661 008 21
Lithuania 8 800 100 18 +370 521 650 10
Luxembourg (customer centre in Belgium) +32 2 773 62 22 +32 2 773 62 22
Malta +356 255 925 64 +356 255 925 64
Moldova +373 225 789 13 +373 225 789 13
Montenegro +385 162 698 40 +385 162 698 40
Netherlands 020 851 22 78 +31 20 851 22 78
North Macedonia +385 162 698 40 +385 162 698 40
Norway 800 30 060 +47 22 32 39 50
Poland +48 22 537 43 43 +48 22 537 43 43
Portugal 800 206 670 +351 219 429 107
Puerto Rico 855 399 4691 +1 855 399 4691