FLEXCO Alligator Belt Skiver/Cutter Kasutusjuhend

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©2008 Flexible Steel Lacing Company. 12-13. For Reorder: X0324
1. Determine squared line using centerline method. 2. Lay a clear, (free of knots or nails) straight
wooden plank, minimum 2” x 8”, on a rm surface
crosswise under the belt and under squared line.
Nail winch on one end. Be sure winch handle
operates freely. Nail track along squared line or
square edge of belt (use every hole on both sides
of track over belt) with opening for skiver head at
opposite end from winch. Use No. 16D coated nails
provided. Reset all nails.
3. Warning: Skiver and cutter blades are
unguarded and extremely sharp. On a woven belt,
calculations for belt thickness should be made in
center of belt. Set skiver blade by loosening bolts
on either side of skiver head and aligning T-lug on
1/16” marks (these marks are approximate and may
vary slightly due to belt cover hardness) for depth
of cut. Retighten bolts and put skiving head on
opening in track with skiver blade toward belt edge.
4. Hook winch cable on ½” bolt on top of skiver
and crank winch to draw skiver across the belt.
Spray Flexco® silicone lubricant on track and belt.
Aer skiver cuts about six inches, stop and nail the
skived ap back in place to keep ap from jamming
in skiver. Complete the skive. Adjust skiver blade
back up into skiver head and return skiver head to
start position.
5. Set belt cutter (cut o) blade by loosening the
two bolts on the belt cutter housing. Starting from
the centermost position, move the housing toward
the belt end until top alignment mark lines up with
fastener number to be installed. Retighten bolts.
6. Loosen blade-depth and lower blade until it
contacts wood base. Connect winch cable to skiver
head and crank it across. Silicone spray on belt will
help. Retract blade and remove skiver head and
track from belt. Repeat operation on opposite end
of belt.
Alligator® Belt Skiver/Cutter
Instructions for Installation