elvita CMI4259S Kasutusjuhend

Quick start guide
Microwave oven
Thank you
for your trust and the purchase of our product. This quick start quide is supplied to help you get started
using this product.
Make sure you have received an undamaged product. If you do find transport damage, please contact
the seller from which you purchased the product, or the regional warehouse from which it was supplied.
för ditt förtroende och för köpet av vår produkt. Denna snabbstartsguide medföljer för att hjälpa dig att
börja använda produkten.
Kontrollera att produkten du har tagit emot är oskadad. Om du upptäcker en transportskada, var vänlig
kontakta återförsäljaren som du köpte produkten av, eller den lokala butiken som levererade den.
for at du valgte ett av våre produkter. Formålet med denne brukerveiledningen er å hjelpe deg å komme i
gang med produktet.
Forsikre deg om at produktet du har mottatt, er uskadet. Hvis du oppdager en transportskade, kontakter
du selgeren du kjøpte produktet av eller lageret som produktet ble levert fra.
fordi du har valgt at købe denne maskine. Formålet med denne hurtigvejledning er at hjælpe dig i gang
med at bruge maskinen.
Kontrollér, at maskinen ikke er beskadiget ved modtagelsen. Hvis du opdager en transportskade, skal du
kontakte salgsstedet eller det lager, som maskinen er afsendt fra.
luottamuksestasi ja tuotteemme ostamisesta. Tämä pikaopas on tarkoitettu auttamaan laitteen käytössä
alkuun pääsemisessä.
Tarkista, ettei tuotteessa ole vaurioita. Jos havaitset kuljetusvaurioita, ota yhteyttä tuotteen myyjään tai
paikalliseen myymälään, josta se toimitettiin.
Þakka þér fyrir
fyrir traust þitt og kaup á vöru okkar. Þessar flýtileiðbeiningar eru útvegaðar til að hjálpa þér að byrja að
nota tækið.
Gakktu úr skugga um að þú hafir fengið óskemmda vöru. Ef skemmdir vegna flutninga finnast skaltu
hafa samband við söluaðilann sem þú keyptir vöruna af, eða vöruhúsið á svæðinu þaðan sem því var
Language: en-GB, sv-SE, nb-NO, da-DK, fi-FI, is-IS
Publication date: 2021-09-14
This document and its content, including written material and images, are the property of Elon Group AB.
You may not copy, reproduce, modify, republish or distribute this document or any of its content without
express written permission from Elon Group AB. © 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
© 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
This is a quick start guide. For your convenience you can find the user manual online, with full information about
installation, usage, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Please go to elvita.se and use the search function and the
product's model code to find the manual. To find the model code, see the instructions in section "Find the model code",
page 5.
Detta är en snabbstartsguide. Du hittar användarhandboken på webben, med full information om installation,
användning, underhåll och felsökning. Gå till elvita.se och använd sökfunktionen och produktens modellkod för att hitta
handboken. Hur du hittar modellkoden beskrivs i avsnitt "Hitta modellkoden", sida 18.
Dette er en hurtigveiledning. Brukerhåndboken er tilgjengelig i nettversjon, med all informasjon om installasjon, bruk,
vedlikehold og feilsøking. Gå til elvita.se, og bruk søkefunksjonen og produktets modellkode for å finne håndboken. Du
finner modellkoden ved å følge anvisningene i del "Finne modellkoden", side 30.
Dette er en hurtig startvejledning. For nemheds skyld kan du finde brugsanvisningen online med fuldstændige
oplysninger om installation, brug, vedligeholdelse og fejlfinding. Gå til elvita.se, og brug søgefunktionen og produktets
modelkode til at finde brugsanvisningen. Find modelkoden ved at se vejledningen i afsnit "Find modelkoden", side 42.
Tämä on pikaopas. Verkossa on kätevästi saatavilla käyttöohje, joka sisältää kattavat tiedot asentamisesta, käytöstä,
huollosta ja vianmäärityksestä. Löydät käyttöohjeen menemällä osoitteeseen elvita.se ja etsimällä tuotteen mallikoodilla
hakutoiminnosta. Löydät mallikoodin noudattamalla ohjeita kappale "Etsi mallikoodi", sivu 54.
Þetta eru flýtileiðbeiningar. Þér til hægðarauka getur þú fundir notendahandbókina á netinu, með öllum upplýsingum
um uppsetningu, notkun, viðhald og bilanagreiningu. Farðu á elvita.se og notaðu leitaraðgerðina og gerðarkóða vörunnar
til að finna handbókina. Til að finna gerðarkóðann skal sjá leiðbeiningarnar í hluti "Finndu gerðarkóðann", síðu 66.
ENGLISH ........................................................................................................................................... 4
SVENSKA .........................................................................................................................................17
NORSK............................................................................................................................................ 29
SUOMI ............................................................................................................................................ 53
ÍSLENSKA ........................................................................................................................................ 65
4 Contents - ENGLISH
© 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
Admonitions .............................................................................................................................. 6
Intended use ............................................................................................................................. 6
Safety for children and people with disabilities........................................................................ 6
General safety........................................................................................................................... 7
Safety during installation .......................................................................................................... 7
Safety during operation ............................................................................................................ 7
Safety during maintenance ...................................................................................................... 8
Safety labels.............................................................................................................................. 8
Disposal..................................................................................................................................... 9
Getting to know your oven ....................................................................................................... 11
Controls................................................................................................................................................ 11
Accessories.......................................................................................................................................... 11
Open the oven door ............................................................................................................................ 12
Open the oven door manually............................................................................................................ 12
Start cooking........................................................................................................................................ 12
Use the child lock ................................................................................................................................ 12
Before first use .......................................................................................................................... 12
Set the time.......................................................................................................................................... 12
Microwave materials........................................................................................................................... 12
Materials you can use in microwave ovens....................................................................................... 13
Materials you cannot use in microwave ovens ................................................................................. 13
Cooking ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Microwave effects ............................................................................................................................... 14
Combination cooking programmes................................................................................................... 14
Auto cooking programmes................................................................................................................. 14
Read this! - ENGLISH 5
© 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
Read the safety information and the full instructions before installing or using this product.
Find the full instructions
You will find the full and most recent user information for your product model on the web page www.elvita.se. This
includes details about installation, usage, maintenance, and troubleshooting. You will need the model code to search for
the information.
Find the model code
The model code is printed on a label on the product.
This product and label text are examples. Your
product and text may have a different look
and content.
6 Safety - ENGLISH
© 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
Carefully read the instructions before you install and use the product. Save the instructions and keep them near the
product for future reference. All kinds of warranties shall be invalid if these instructions are not followed.
Used when there is a risk for personal injury.
Used when there is a risk for damage to the product.
General information that you should be aware of.
Helpful tips that you may find useful.
Intended use
This product is intended
to be used in a household setting,
to be installed as a built-in unit and
for heating and cooking various foodstuff.
This product is not intended
to be used in locations where special conditions prevail, such as the presence of a corrosive or explosive atmosphere
(dust, vapour or gas) or
for outdoor use.
Safety for children and people with disabilities
Only let the following groups use the product if they are supervised or if instructions are provided to them
about how to use the product in a safe way. They must understand the hazards involved.
Children. (Children younger than 8 years old must be continuously supervised.)
People with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities.
People with lack of experience and knowledge.
Do not let children play with the product.
Do not let children clean the product without supervision.
Keep the product and its power cord out of reach of children aged 8 and below.
Safety - ENGLISH 7
© 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
General safety
This product is intended to be used in households and settings such as staff kitchen areas (for example in
shops and offices), by clients in hotels and motels, and in other types of residential environments (for
example farmhouses and bed and breakfast establishments).
The microwave oven is intended to be used built-in.
The product becomes hot during use. Care should be taken to avoid touching heating elements inside the
Surfaces of storage drawers can get hot.
If smoke is emitted, switch off or unplug the product and keep the door closed in order to stifle any flames.
Do not place any objects between the oven’s front face and the door or allow soil or cleaner residue to
accumulate on sealing surfaces.
If the door or door seals are damaged, the oven must not be used until it has been repaired by a qualified
Care should be taken not to displace the turntable when removing containers from the product.
Safety during installation
Local laws and regulations for electrical installations must be followed.
The product must be installed and put into use by an authorised technician and according to local laws
and regulations. The manufacturer and the retailer are not responsible for any damage that might be
caused by defective positioning and installation by unauthorised personnel.
Only an authorised electrician may install the socket or replace the power cable.
The oven must only be connected to a correctly installed earthed socket.
Do not kink the power cable.
The installation cabinet must not have a back panel behind the oven.
Ventilation slots and intakes must not be covered.
Minimum installation height: 850 mm.
Safety during operation
Metallic containers for food and beverages are not permitted during microwave cooking.
Only use utensils that are suitable for use in microwave ovens. See section "Materials you can use in
microwave ovens", page 13.
If you cook a utensil at maximum power to test whether the utensil is safe to use in a microwave oven, do
not cook for longer than 1 minute.
Do not attempt to operate this oven with the door open as this can result in harmful exposure to
microwave energy. It is important not to break or tamper with the safety interlocks.
8 Safety - ENGLISH
© 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
The oven must not be started empty of food.
Liquids and other foods must not be heated in sealed containers as they are liable to explode.
When heating food in plastic or paper containers, regularly check the oven as there is a possibility of
Microwave heating of beverages can result in delayed eruptive boiling, care must therefore be taken
when handling the container.
The contents of feeding bottles and baby food jars shall be stirred or shaken and the temperature checked
before consumption, in order to avoid burns.
Eggs in their shells and whole hard-boiled eggs should not be heated in microwave ovens as they may
explode, even after microwave heating has ended.
The microwave oven is intended for heating food and beverages.
Drying of food or clothing and heating of warming pads, slippers, sponges, damp cloths and similar may
lead to risk of injury, ignition or fire.
Safety during maintenance
Electric Shock Hazard. Touching some of the internal components can cause serious personal injury or
death. Do not dismantle this product.
It is hazardous for anyone other than a qualified person to carry out any service or repair operation that
involves the removal of a cover which provides protection against exposure to microwave energy.
Unplug the oven from the power supply before cleaning.
Do not use harsh abrasive cleaners or sharp metal scrapers to clean the oven door glass as they can
scratch the surface, which may result in shattering of the glass.
Failure to maintain the oven in a clean condition may lead to deterioration of the surface that could
adversely affect the life of the oven and possibly result in a hazardous situation.
The oven must not be cleaned with a steam cleaner.
Safety labels
This safety label can be found on the product.
Warning - microwave energy do not remove this cover.
Caution: hot surface.
Safety - ENGLISH 9
© 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
Dispose of packaging in an environmentally-friendly manner. Recycling packaging, while observing national
and local regulations, can reduce the consumption of raw materials and the amount of waste in landfill
This product is marked in compliance with European Directive 2012/19/EU, Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE). The symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product should not be
treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collection point for the
recycling of electrical and electronic equipment.
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will help prevent potential negative consequences for
the environment and human health, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of
this product. For more detailed information about recycling of this product, please contact the relevant
municipal body in charge of waste management, your household waste disposal service or the store where
you purchased the product.
10 Quick start - ENGLISH
© 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
Before using the microwave oven
Using the microwave oven
After using the microwave oven
Getting started - ENGLISH 11
© 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
Getting to know your oven
A. Display
B. Touch buttons
C. Knob
D. Open the oven door
Microwave Microwave function or check the current power level during cooking.
Grill / Combi. Grill/combination cooking or check the current power level during cooking.
Weight Defrost Defrost by weight.
Time Defrost Defrost by time.
Kitchen Timer Clock Set the timer or check the current time during cooking.
STOP / Clear Stop cooking or enable/disable the child lock.
START / +30Sec. / Confirm Start cooking, add 30 seconds or confirm the current selection.
Glass tray For placing food on directly or as a surface for the grill rack.
Grill rack For grilling food.
Suction tool For manually opening the door during a power outage.
12 Getting started - ENGLISH
© 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
Open the oven door
1. Touch to open the oven door.
The oven door can also be opened manually. See section "Open the oven door manually", page 12.
Open the oven door manually
The oven door can be opened during a power outage with the included suction tool.
1. Attach the suction tool to the oven door.
2. Pull the oven door out.
Start cooking
1. Touch START / +30Sec. / Confirm.
The oven will cook for 30 seconds at 100% power.
You can touch the same button during cooking to add an additional 30 seconds to the cooking time.
The oven will not start if the door is open. If you open the door during cooking, cooking is paused. Close the
door and touch START / +30Sec. / Confirm to continue the cooking
Use the child lock
Activate the child lock to prevent accidental operation of the oven.
1. Touch and hold STOP / Clear for 3 seconds to activate the child lock.
The current time and is displayed.
2. Touch and hold STOP / Clear for 3 seconds to deactivate the child lock.
Before first use
Set the time
When you first connect the oven to a power source, you will be prompted to set the time.
1. Touch Kitchen Timer Clock twice.
The hour digits start to flash.
2. Turn the knob to the current hour.
3. Press Kitchen Timer Clock to confirm.
The minute digits start to flash.
4. Turn the knob to the current minute.
5. Press Kitchen Timer Clock to confirm.
The current time will be displayed.
Microwave materials
Familiarize yourself with which materials that are safe and not safe to use with microwaves. See section "Materials you
can use in microwave ovens", page 13
Getting started - ENGLISH 13
© 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
Materials you can use in microwave ovens
Browning dish Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. The bottom of the
browning dish must be at least 3/16 inch (5mm) above the
turntable. Incorrect usage may cause the turntable to
Dinnerware Microwave-safe only. Follow the manufacturer’s
instructions. Do not use cracked or chipped dishes.
Glass jars Always remove lid. Only use to heat food until just warm.
Most glass jars are not heat resistant and may break.
Glassware Heat-resistant oven glassware only. Make sure there is no
metallic trim. Do not use cracked or chipped dishes.
Oven cooking bags Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Do not close with
metal tie. Make slits to allow steam to escape.
Paper plates and cups Use for short–term cooking/warming only. Do not leave
oven unattended while cooking.
Paper towels Use to cover food for reheating and to absorb fat. Use with
supervision for short-term cooking only.
Parchment paper Use as a cover to prevent splattering or a wrap for
Plastic Microwave-safe only. Follow the manufacturer’s
instructions. Should be labelled ”Microwave Safe”. Some
plastic containers soften, as the food inside gets hot.
”Boiling bags” and tightly closed plastic bags should be slit,
pierced or vented as directed on the packaging.
Plastic wrap Microwave-safe only. Use to cover food during cooking to
retain moisture. Do not allow plastic wrap to touch food.
Thermometers Microwave-safe only (meat and sugar thermometers).
Wax paper Use as a cover to prevent splattering and retain moisture.
Materials you cannot use in microwave ovens
Aluminium tray May cause arcing. Transfer food into microwave-safe dish.
Food carton with metal handle May cause arcing. Transfer food into microwave-safe dish.
Metal or metal trimmed utensils Metal shields the food from microwave energy. Metal trim
may cause arcing.
Metal twist ties May cause arcing and could cause a fire in the oven.
Paper bags May cause a fire in the oven.
Plastic foam Plastic foam may melt or contaminate the liquid inside
when exposed to high temperature.
Wood Wood will dry out when used in the microwave oven and
may split or crack.
14 Getting started - ENGLISH
© 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
Microwave effects
P100 High
P80 Medium high
P50 Medium
P30 Medium low
P10 Low
Combination cooking programmes
Programme Microwave power Grill power
G0% 100%
C-1 55% 45%
C-2 36% 64%
Auto cooking programmes
Programme Menu Weight Power
A1 Pizza 200 g 100%
400 g
A2 Meat 250 g 100%
350 g
450 g
A3 Vegetables 200 g 100%
300 g
400 g
A4 Pasta 50g (with 450g cold water) 80%
100g (with 800g cold water)
A5 Potato 200g 100%
A6 Fish 250 g 80%
350 g
450 g
A7 Beverage 1 cup (about 120ml) 100%
2 cups (about 240ml)
3 cups (about 360ml)
Getting started - ENGLISH 15
© 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
Programme Menu Weight Power
A8 Popcorn 50 g 100%
100 g
16 Getting started - ENGLISH
© 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
Innehåll - SVENSKA 17
© 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
Varningar................................................................................................................................... 19
Avsedd användning .................................................................................................................. 19
Säkerhet för barn och personer med funktionsnedsättningar................................................. 19
Allmän säkerhet ........................................................................................................................ 20
Säkerhet under installation....................................................................................................... 20
Säkerhet under användning ..................................................................................................... 20
Säkerhet under underhåll ......................................................................................................... 21
Säkerhetsetiketter ..................................................................................................................... 21
Avfallshantering ........................................................................................................................ 22
Lär känna ugnen....................................................................................................................... 24
Reglage................................................................................................................................................ 24
Tillbehör................................................................................................................................................ 24
Öppna ugnsluckan.............................................................................................................................. 25
Öppna ugnsluckan manuellt.............................................................................................................. 25
Starta tillagning.................................................................................................................................... 25
Använd barnlåset................................................................................................................................ 25
Innan första användning........................................................................................................... 25
Ställ in tiden ......................................................................................................................................... 25
Mikrovågsmaterial .............................................................................................................................. 25
Material som kan användas i mikrovågsugn.................................................................................... 26
Material som inte kan användas i mikrovågsugn............................................................................. 26
Tillagning................................................................................................................................... 27
Mikrovågseffekter................................................................................................................................ 27
Kombitillagningsprogram................................................................................................................... 27
Automatiska tillagningsprogram........................................................................................................ 27
18 Läs det här! - SVENSKA
© 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
Läs säkerhetsinformationen och alla instruktioner innan du installerar eller använder denna produkt.
Hitta de fullständiga instruktionerna
Du hittar den fullständiga och senaste användarinformationen för din produktmodell på webbplatsen www.elvita.se.
Detta inkluderar information om installation, användning, underhåll och felsökning. Du behöver modellkoden för att söka
efter informationen.
Hitta modellkoden
Modellkoden är tryckt på en etikett på produkten.
Denna produkt och etikettexten är exempel.
Din produkt och text kan ha ett annat
utseende och innehåll.
Säkerhet - SVENSKA 19
© 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
Läs instruktionerna noga innan du installerar och använder produkten. Spara instruktionerna och förvara dem nära
produkten för framtida bruk. Alla garantier förlorar sin giltighet om dessa instruktioner inte efterlevs.
Används när det finns risk för personskada.
Används när det finns risk för skada på produkten.
Allmän information som du bör känna till.
Hjälpsamma tips som du kan ha nytta av.
Avsedd användning
Denna produkt är avsedd
att användas i hushållsmiljö,
att installeras som en inbyggnadsenhet och
för att värma och tillaga olika livsmedel.
Denna produkt är inte avsedd
att användas på platser med särskilda villkor som frätande eller explosiva atmosfärer (damm, ånga eller gas) eller
för användning utomhus.
Säkerhet för barn och personer med funktionsnedsättningar
Låt endast följande grupper använda produkten om de övervakas eller har instruerats om hur man använder
maskinen på ett säkert sätt. De måste ha förstått de faror som är förknippade därmed.
Barn. (Barn under 8 års ålder måste ständigt övervakas.)
Personer med nedsatt fysisk, sensorisk eller mental förmåga.
Personer som saknar erfarenhet eller kunskap.
Barn får inte leka med maskinen.
Barn får inte rengöra maskinen utan tillsyn.
Låt inte barn under 8 år komma nära produkten eller strömsladden.
20 Säkerhet - SVENSKA
© 2021, Elon Group AB. All rights reserved.
Allmän säkerhet
Produkten är avsedd att användas i hushåll och miljöer som personalkök (till exempel i butiker och kontor),
av kunder på hotell och motell samt i andra typer av bostadsmiljöer (till exempel bondgårdar och bed and
Mikrovågsugnen är endast avsedd för inbyggd installation.
Produkten blir varm under användning. Var försiktig så att du inte kommer i kontakt med värmeelementen
inuti ugnen.
Förvaringslådornas ytor kan bli varma.
Stäng av eller koppla bort produkten från nätspänningen omedelbart om rök uppstår (öppna inte luckan –
det kan leda till att lågor flammar upp).
Placera inga föremål mellan ugnens frontyta och luckan (försäkra dig också om att tätningsytorna är fria
från smuts och rester av rengöringsmedel).
Använd inte ugnen om luckan eller dess tätningar är skadade (försäkra dig om att ugnen repareras av
behörig tekniker innan du använder den igen).
Var försiktig så att du inte flyttar den roterande tallriken när du tar ut behållare ur produkten.
Säkerhet under installation
Följ alltid lokala lagar och föreskrifter som avser elektriska installationer.
Produkten måste installeras och driftsättas av en behörig tekniker och i enlighet med lokala lagar och
bestämmelser. Tillverkaren och återförsäljaren ansvarar inte för eventuella skador som kan orsakas av
felaktig placering och installation av obehörig personal.
Endast behörig elektriker får installera uttaget eller byte nätsladden.
Ugnen får endast anslutas till ett korrekt installerat jordat uttag.
Böj inte nätsladden.
Skåpet där ugnen installeras får inte ha en bakre panel.
Ventilationsspringor och insug får inte vara täckta.
Min. installationshöjd: 850 mm.
Säkerhet under användning
Metallbehållare får inte placeras i mikrovågsugnen.
Använd endast redskap som är avsedda för mikrovågsugn. Se avsnitt "Material som kan användas i
mikrovågsugn", sida 26.
Om du värmer upp ett redskap på maximal effekt för att testa om det är säkert att använda i
mikrovågsugn ska du inte köra längre än 1 minut.
Försök inte använda ugnen när luckan är öppen (det finns risk för exponering för skadliga mikrovågor).
Gör inga ingrepp på säkerhetsförreglingar.
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elvita CMI4259S Kasutusjuhend
