Adobe Present Central Pro 5.7, 1U, DVD, ENG Kasutusjuhend

Central Pro
Output Server
Transforming business information into effective documents
Today’s enterprises are discovering that documents can do much more than just communicate
and inform. Compelling, high-quality documents—from printed 1-page invoices to Web-
delivered 100-page user manuals—can actually drive business and generate revenue. Targeted
marketing programs rely on brochures and other documentation created for highly specic audi-
ences, and other customized documents can help build customer satisfaction and loyalty. e
key to producing documents that drive business is a document-generation solution that takes
content from multiple sources, dynamically generates documents, and then delivers documents
over any device.
Leveraging the strengths of eXtensible Markup Language (XML), Adobe document-generation
solutions work together with core enterprise applications to create eective documents that can
be delivered in several formats, including Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), print, fax,
e-mail, and the Web. Enterprises that choose Adobe solutions for document generation can get
materials to market faster because they do not have to print and physically deliver them, thereby
lowering their costs and improving their competitive advantage.
Adobe Central Pro Output Server
Adobe Central Pro Output Server soware oers document-generation capabilities that can
enable organizations to produce high-quality documents from core business systems. Central
Pro Output Server processes XML data streams to create Intelligent Documents quickly and
easily, regardless of the application soware producing the data. With Central Pro Output Server,
organizations can generate documents that maintain their professional image and better
communicate with customers, partners, and suppliers.
In many cases, invoices, purchase orders, contracts, and shipping documents are an organiza-
tions only touch point with customers, business partners, and other key audiences. Central Pro
Output Server helps ensure that business documents clearly convey valuable information and
reinforce an organization’s image.
Dynamic, Personalized Document Generation
Central Pro Output Server helps improve service and increase customer retention by giving
customers easy-to-understand, professional documents in their preferred format. e dynamic
document feature in Central Pro Output Server allows application data to control the look-and-
feel of each document. Central Pro Output Server can include personalized messages in
documents, promoting successful upselling and cross-selling.
1 Adobe Central Pro Output Server
2 How Central Pro Output Server
4 The Components of Central Pro
Output Server
6 Languages Supported
7 Key Features and Benefits
Efficient Document Output and Archiving
Central Pro Output Server and Adobe Output Manager work together to manage document
generation and the printing process, saving organizations time and money. Output Manager
allows organizations to maximize their use of printing resources. It guarantees that documents
are printed and provides tools to address print errors through job management and reprint
How Central Pro Output Server Works
Adobe Central Pro Output Server is a server-based core processing engine for dynamically
generating Intelligent Documents. It merges data—including XML—from legacy, enterprise
resource planning (ERP), and other core business applications with an electronic document
template created using Adobe Output Designer.
Central Pro Output Server accepts input from dierent sources and produces output in a variety
of formats, as shown in the gure above. Documents can be dynamically generated to an Adobe
PDF document or sent to print, fax, e-mail, or the Web. Additionally, each page of a multipart
document can be generated in a dierent format. If needed, multiple documents can be pro-
duced from one data stream for dierent devices. For example, both shipping documents and
labels can be printed in one transaction.
Central Pro Output Server enables organizations to remotely generate documents at dierent
subsidiaries, from a single data stream, and each with a dierent look-and-feel. is allows a
Central Pro Output Server line-of-business application to process data for multiple business
units, yet still deliver customer-focused documents locally. A single document can have
hundreds of compliance and legal requirements, depending on where it is distributed. With
Central Pro Output Server, local formatting and regulatory requirements can be easily met
without the need to modify your organizations business application.
Easy Document Design
e template design tool in Adobe Output Designer is an easy-to-use graphical user interface
(GUI) that is used to format document templates for Central Pro Output Server. Document
objects and attributes are easily moved, changed, added, or deleted with the click of a mouse—no
programming skills are required. Page sizes, font types, line spacing, justication, shading, logos,
Data from core
enterprise systems
Output Designer
Adobe Central Pro
Output Server
Central Pro Output Server
Central Pro Output Server is the ideal solution for leveraging the data in your existing business applications to produce
high-quality document output in a variety of formats.
bar codes, and sizing are all specied graphically within the template itself—document format-
ting is independent of the data-merging process. Output Designer provides a test-generation
feature to help ensure that the data is properly positioned within the template.
As shown in the gure above, eld objects are moved by selecting and dragging them to their
new location. is feature enables you to place elds anywhere on the page—even multiple
times—with only one occurrence of the data appearing in the data stream. For example,
Amount Due” can appear at the top of a page, with a “Pay is Amount” message at the bottom
as a column total. Data from any eld also can be represented as a bar code and printed on any
laser printer, allowing documents with paper-handling marks, postal bar codes, or shipping data
to be generated easily.
Output Designer
Output Designer is an easy-to-use WYSIWYG electronic template-creation tool. It is used to format document templates
for Central Pro Output Server.
Simply drag and drop field objects
onto the electronic template.
Change field attributes
with the click of a mouse.
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Easily incorporate complex
document design elements
such as bar codes.
Display the number of
pages to let custom-
ers know they have not
missed anything.
Print data anywhere on the
page. For example, put
Amount Due” at the top.
Use different logos
and colors for
output generated
for subsidiaries and
foreign offices.
Create personalized
documents for
each customer.
Create dynamic
growing or shrinking
to accommodate
the data.
Create professional-looking documents without complex programming.
Dynamic Document Generation
e powerful subform capabilities of Central Pro Output Server enable the data to intelligently
control the look-and-feel of each document. With dynamic subforms, market-focused business
documents can be personalized to satisfy specic customer preferences and your upsell strate-
gies. For example, you can add a tailored message based on customer information. Dynamic
subforms can also be used to allocate the exact amount of space required in a document to
accommodate repeating information. e document grows to accommodate the exact number of
line items, using the minimum number of pages required while maintaining a quality presenta-
tion. For instance, you can use the same invoice template to print an invoice with 3 or 153 line
items—a vast improvement over the cumbersome and wasteful one-size-ts-all presentation
provided by inexible preprinted form stock. Dynamic subforms also allow free text areas on
documents, such as invoices, sales orders, and purchase orders, to grow and shrink as required
by the amount of text in the data.
The Components of Central Pro Output Server
Central Pro Output Server automates document output processes by executing several agents
that perform individual tasks, as shown below.
Transformation Agent
Central Pro Output Server includes a Transformation Agent, a powerful data-transformation
utility that analyzes incoming data streams from any application, extracts the relevant informa-
tion, and converts the data—at production speed—into a highly-ecient, eld-nominated format
or XML format. It can accept data in a variety of formats: xed record, overlay, and character
delimited. e Transformation Agent can also perform other actions on an application’s data
Calculations including +, - , *, /, **, log, ln, abs, exp, oor, frac, int, round, sqrt, and trunc.
Reading data from an external le and using that information in calculations or other
Currency conversion for documents with dual currencies to meet the EMU Euro requirements.
Adobe Central Pro Output Server agents work together to create a robust output solution.
Visual Transformation Editor
Central Pro Output Server includes a Visual Transformation Editor, which allows the applica-
tion developer to display a sample data le in a GUI and visually dene where and how the
Transformation Agent will locate the information that will be extracted.
You can also use the Visual Transformation Editor to map the extracted data into elds dened
on a template. e Visual Transformation Editor can read the eld names of any template
created in Output Designer. It also supports dynamic and multipage templates.
Print Agent
e Print Agent is the core component of Central Pro Output Server. It performs the process of
merging a template created using Output Designer with data from a core business application,
and rendering the document in the format required for the destination output. With Print Agent,
you can create a document that can be printed, faxed, or rendered as an Adobe PDF le for print
preview, e-mailing, or archiving.
Central Pro Output Server supports a wide variety of output devices, allowing you to leverage
your existing hardware. Almost any PostScript or PCL laser printer is supported, including:
Central Pro Output Server also supports thermal transfer printers from the following vendors:
In addition, Central Pro Output Server supports printer features such as duplexing, tray
selection, page orientation, and size. Laser printers do not require additional hardware to print
bar codes.
Field names are
automatically extracted
from the document
template to ease the
data-mapping process.
Precision tools enable
easy data mapping of
floating or repeating
overlay data.
Visual Transformation Editor
Visual Transformation Editor maps the extracted data into fields defined on a template.
e Print Agent can transmit output to several fax servers including:
AIFP HostFax Server
Fenestrae Faxination
Omtool Fax Sr.
Teubner Faxgate
VSI-Fax GoldSeries
Messaging Agent and Mail Reader
e Messaging Agent is a Central Pro Output Server component that enables document delivery
and customer notication via e-mail. Print-ready documents are easily distributed by e-mail
from Central Pro Output Server to a customer’s mailbox. For example, instead of printing
monthly account statements for mail delivery, an investment dealer can e-mail them to a client
or send a message to a pager or cell phone to notify a customer that the statement is ready—
saving paper and time.
e Mail Reader provides the ability to read incoming messages and provide data to Central Pro
Output Server for further processing. It also can receive data from dierent sources, such as a cli-
ent application or an Adobe data capture solution.
e Messaging Agent and Mail Reader both support Microso® Exchange, Lotus® Notes® and
most SMTP/POP3-enabled mail systems.
Custom Agents
Central Pro Output Server also enables you to create and launch your own agent. Custom agents
can be written to perform any task, such as data conversion, communication with external
applications, or data transfer.
Languages Supported
In a global, competitive business environment, documents must be created and delivered
worldwide. A document must meet the legal requirements for the location in which it is
distributed. A global corporation managing multiple businesses and operating in multiple
languages can have hundreds of requirements for a single document such as an invoice. ese
documents must be designed to meet customer requirements as well as the business needs of the
organization. For eective communication, documents should be tailored to the recipients and
presented to them in their native languages.
Central Pro Output Server supports the needs of organizations around the globe and can
generate documents in English, French, German, Swedish, Spanish, Italian, Finnish, Norwegian,
Danish, Portuguese, Czech, Polish, Hungarian, Russian, Simplied Chinese, Traditional Chinese,
Korean, and Japanese.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
345 Park Avenue
San Jose, CA 95110-2704
Adobe, and the Adobe logo, are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other
countries. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and Windows Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the
United States and/or other countries. IBM, AIX, Lotus, Notes, and OS/400 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of International Business
Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. HP-UX is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company in the United States
and/or other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and/or other countries. Red Hat is a registered trademark
of Red Hat, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries. Sun and Solaris are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.,
in the United States and/or other countries. VSI-Fax is a registered trademark of V-Systems, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries. All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
© 2007 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
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System Requirements
Adobe Central Pro Output Server is
available for the following platforms:
Microsoft Windows NT®, Windows® 2000
Server, Windows Server™ 2003
Sun® Solaris™
Red Hat® Linux®
(Intel®-based systems)
IBM OS/400® Portable Application Solutions
Environment (PASE)
Key Features and Benefits
Central Pro Output Server provides powerful capabilities for generating customer-focused
documents from ERP, customer relationship management (CRM), nancial, manufacturing,
healthcare, and other core business applications. e features and benets of Central Pro Output
Server are summarized below.
Feature Benefit
Accepts a variety of input formats, including XML, legacy, line-
of-business, and ASCII data streams
Integrates quickly with most applications without the need
to modify or reprogram systems
Produces high-fidelity output in multiple formats to multiple
output devices: PDF, HTML, print, fax, or e-mail
Accommodates output requirements of paper/Web environments,
leveraging multiple output channels to communicate with
Stores templates and logos on the server; transmits only the
data stream across the network
Greatly reduces network traffic (because the ASCII data
stream is as small as one-tenth of the typical document size)
Works seamlessly with an easy-to-use, feature-rich WYSIWIYG
template design tool
Makes template changes quick, easy, and inexpensive
Provides extensive document-processing capabilities
(graphics, boxes, logos, watermarks, flexible field placement,
font control, bar codes, rotated text, and calculated fields)
Generates high-quality documents while eliminating the
need for preprinted forms; replicates complex regulatory-
compliant documents